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发布时间: 2023-07-20 02:12:50

❶ 上了高中用英语怎么说


❷ 求“自从上高中以后,我和同学们一直相处得很好”的英文

翻译为:I have been getting along very well with my classmates since I entered senior high school.


❸ 英语中“初中”、“高中”的说法

英语表达初中:junior high school、junior middle school;表达高中:senior high school、senior middle school,你记住了吗?





❹ 用英语翻译“进入高中后,我们学的更多了,换句话说,现在学习更�

After entering high school, we learn more, in other words, now learning is more

❺ 你升如高中以后不太适应,如何交新朋友 英语翻译

Hi Marry,
It is glad to hear from you again.Now I am doing very well.Thanks for your care.
In your last mail,you mentioned that you haven't get used to your high school life yet.And you don't know how to make some new friends.Here is my solutions,hope it helps.
1) Be friendly to everyone aroud you.Keep smile on your face,smile is the best way to make a friend.if you do so,people will be love to make friend with you.
2) Be ready to help others,when someone in trouble,if you can help.Then you have a new friend.
3) Don't be shy to talk with others.That means you have to active to make a new friend.
In your next mail.I hope to hear something about you new friend.And I belive that you will
make it.Any other problem,pls let me konw,I will try my best to help you,my friend.
Best Regards,
仅供参考 不好的地方 还请楼主自己去修改下喽 自己去发挥下啊 照抄不好哇 楼主 被老师发现了有问题 不要来怪我就行了 哈哈 给分

❻ 自从我进入高中后,我的生活发生了很大的改变的英文

  • Ever since I entered senior high school and changed my life

  • 自从我进入高中后,我的生活发生了很大的改变

❼ “自从进入高中以来”用英语咋翻译

翻译为:Since (I 或 we)entered into senior high school


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