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发布时间: 2023-07-10 04:13:23

A. 以下翻译成英文:在进去大学之前,我是充满期待的.因为这是个艺术学子都想进入的学校,而我格外幸运的进

In college, I was filled with anticipation. This is because the art students want to enter the school, and I was lucky to enter the University. The first day came to this school, my first impression is, for me, this is not a good thing, because I can't ride a bicycle so now I have to sit in another bike. This is quite awkward. Second the feeling is busy. Thought entered the university will be a lot easier, in fact the opposite. The busy academic lectures, interesting, rich sports life, Free University and I ever imagined. Finally it is art atmosphere, this university is different from other schools, he is a unique professional. Above is my initial impression of the University

B. "上大学之前,我脑海中的大学是那么美好,然而,却不是那样"用英语翻译

Before I was in college, I was so beautiful, but not so "

C. 在我上大学的时候英语怎么说

When I was at the university

When I studied at the university

这两个都是过去时 我想你大概也需要过去时吧

D. 在他上大学之前的英文

He has learned two foreign languages by himself before he entered university/started his college life.
If it doesn't rain tomorrow,I will go there.

E. 在上大学之前我认为大学很自由,想上课就上,用英语怎么翻译

Before going to University,I was thinking that University is really free,I could have class if I want.
这样比较好哦~版 楼下的是错误哒权 freedom是名词的自由 不是形容词呢~不懂再问我^^

F. 我2008年上大学之前我已经学会3500个单词了英语

It's my third time to read this book
We haven't seen each other for many years
Until now,I have learned about 3500 words

G. 在还没有读大学之前我很期待自己进入大学活用英语怎么翻译

I was extremely expecting the college life before entering the college .

H. 我从来都没有接触过电脑在我上大学之前用英语

I've never been in touch with a computer before I was in college.

I. 翻译: 在我上大学以前一直都住在那里 用英语怎么说

I had been living there before I entered the college.

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