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发布时间: 2023-04-17 21:41:29

『壹』 大学毕业用英语怎么说

1、graate from the university 【ɡradʒʊeɪt frɒm ðəjuːnɪ'vɜːsɪtɪ】: 从大学毕业

2、graate school【ɡradʒʊeɪt skuːl】:从学校毕业


『贰』 我已经毕业一年了 用英语怎么说

It has been a year since I graated.
I graated a year ago.
I graated last year.

有FOR d的都不对, 毕业是个内瞬间状态容。不是个持续状态

『叁』 英文翻译,我已大学毕业两年并且工作了一段时间

I'大漏ve already graated from university for 2 years, and I have been worked in company for a period.


『肆』 英语翻译 我已经从大学毕业

I have graated from a university, and my undergraate major is b.

『伍』 “我毕业于…”用英语 I (was) graated from…

我毕业于...可以直接说:I graated from ....
graate 可以直接是动词,因此在其之前不用加be动词,也不用其被动形式内。
比如说,我毕容业于云南大学,可以直接说:I graated from Yunnan University.

『陆』 请按下面文字翻译成英语;"我已经大学毕业了.目前正在英国留学 "当我看到你们的招聘广告,我感到我有

I have already graated from college and currently studying abroad in England. When I saw your hiring ad, I felt like I finally have the chance to show my ability. I am very confident to apply to this job. I have the background required, I am specialized in English, besides that, I also have talent in playing basketball, baseball, and soccer, in fact, I was the basketball coach back in college. I am very enthusiastic about this kind of carrer and wants to devote my life to it. I was also once an English tutor, I believe I have the responsibility to contribute to this job, I believe I capable of withstanding it. I hope you can give me a chance to try out this job, I will give my best to do the most I can.

『柒』 大学毕业用英语怎么说

大学毕业-graate at university.
大学-college university

『捌』 毕业了英语怎么说

问题一:毕业的英文怎么说 graate 英[?r?djui阀]美[?r?d?u?et]

问题二:大学毕业用英语怎么说? 大学毕业-graate at university.
大学-college university

问题三:毕业英语怎么说 毕业

v. graate, finish
school, leave school 在我国大学毕业生就业不成问题。Getting a job is no problem for college graates in our country.毕业答辩会graation oral examination在毕业生中她是顶呱呱的一个。She is second to none among all the graates.毕业分配job assignment on graation一毕业她就被分配任学校的会计。Upon graation she was assigned to the position of treasurer of the school.毕业鉴定graation appraisal毕业教育graating ecation88届毕业生graates of 1988上届毕业生last year’s graates他一毕业就结婚尺燃了。He got married as soon as he graated.历届毕业生graates of all previous years从入学到毕业from entrance to graation作为对大学毕业生分配制度的改革,双向选择制度意味着,毕业生可以选择用人单位, 用人单位也可以选择毕业生, 双方均出于自愿。 The two-way choice system as a reform of the present job assignment system for college graates means that graates could choose employers and employers could choose graates, both of their own free will.我们是同期毕业的。We are graates of the same year.如果我的女儿能大学毕业,我就心满意足了。If my daughter finishes the university, I’ll call that well and good.他需要再修3个学分才能毕业。He needs three more credits to graate.应届毕业生graating students or pupils; this year’s graates约翰从学校毕业时,决定陵旁虚永远不再和学习打交道了。When John graated from school, he decided that he was done with study for good and all.毕业在即will graate soon她毕业之后after her graation同期毕业graate in the same year毕业手续都办好了吗?
Have you pleted all the graation proceres?
高中快毕业了他才收心读书。He didn’t concentrate on studying until high school graation was drawing near.学生毕业后要实习一年。Graates need one year of practical training....>>

问题四:毕业用英语怎么说 graate

问题五:“本科毕业生启昌”英文怎么说? undergraate是 在读本科生
graate是 本科毕业生=bachelor
postgraate 研究生
而大专生 是 academic students

问题六:应届毕业生用英语怎么说? fresh graate(s)

问题七:我已经毕业一年了 用英语怎么说 It has been a year since I graated.
I graated a功year ago.
I graated last year.
有FOR d的都不对, 毕业是个瞬间状态。不是个持续状态

问题八:“大学毕业生”用英语怎么说 “大学毕业生”
university gr伐ate

college graate

问题九:应届毕业生 英语怎么说 应届毕业生:
1. this year's graates
2. graating student or pupil
3. this year's graate
The graate seniors always pull a lot of stunt at school.
recent college graates who go into banking.
Recent college graates who go into banking.
only a *** all moiety of the graates
graated summa cum laude; a summa cum laude graate.
graated magna cum laude; 25 magna cum laude graates.
graated cum laude; 25 cum laude graates.
fellowships securable by promising co饥lege graates
毕业生 ***
convocation of graates

问题十:用英语怎么说 我们一年后就要毕业了 We are going to/will graate in a year/a year later.或者 We are going to graate the next year.
二者略有区别a year later 强调的是一年以后,the next year 是明年。

『玖』 “我们毕业了!”的英语怎么说

“我们毕业了!”的英语:We graated.

graate 读法 英[ˈɡradʒʊeɪt]美[ˈɡrædʒuˌet]

1、n. (尤指完成学士学位课程的)大学毕业生;毕业生

2、v. (尤指学士)获得学位,大学毕业;中学毕业;授予(某人)学位;逐渐发展,升级,升迁;按序列或规模安排,分等级;(在仪器或容器上)刻度,做标记;(颜色或色调)逐渐改变

3、adj. (攻读)研究生的;毕业的


1、college graate大学毕业生;大专以上学历

2、graate in毕业于...学科

3、graate from college大学毕业

4、graate study研究生学习

5、graate program研究所课程






1、This ruler is graated in centimeters.


2、The salary scale is graated so that you get more money each year.


『拾』 大学毕业英语怎么说

问题一:大学毕业用英语怎么说? 大学毕业-graate at university.
大学-college university

问题二:“大学毕业生”用英语怎么说 “大学毕业生”
university gr伐ate

college graate

问题三:“大学本科毕业”用英语怎么说? graated from university.

问题四:毕业于哪所大学用英语怎么说 What university did you graate from?
毕业于 graate from ...university
I gra唬uated from North Western Polytechnical University

问题五:大学本科毕业用英文怎么说 an undergra弗te 大学本科毕业生
an academic student 大学专科毕业生

问题六:“从大学刚毕业的年轻人”用英语怎么说? Those young who have just graated from university/college.

问题七:我毕业于XX大学………… 用英文怎么说(高分) I was graated from...,the 供niversity not only equipped me with specialized skill,but also improved my all-round abilities.

问题八:大学毕业照英语怎么说 the photos of graation of university

问题九:你是那个大学毕业的怎么说英文 Which university do you graate from?

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