Even if you graated from the university ,you also need to continue learning.
⑵ 因为那时候我已经大学毕业用英语怎么说
because in that time I've graated from colledge
⑶ 他毕业于北京大学英语专业 用英语怎么说
He graated from Peking Unversity majored in English.
⑷ 大学毕业用英语怎么说
大学毕业-graate at university.
大学-college university
⑸ 自从大学毕业以后,他一直在那儿工作 翻译成英文要用graation
He has been working there since his graation from college.
⑹ 当他大学毕业时他已经发表了10篇论文用英语怎么说
he had published 10 papers before he graated from the university
⑺ 大学毕业用英语怎么说
1、graate from the university 【ɡradʒʊeɪt frɒm ðəjuːnɪ'vɜːsɪtɪ】: 从大学毕业
2、graate school【ɡradʒʊeɪt skuːl】:从学校毕业
⑻ 大学尚未毕业他就创办了自己的公司用英语怎么说
He started his own company before graated from the University
⑼ 毕业用英语怎么说
毕业 :
1. to graate
2. graation
3. to finish school
4. graate
5. leave
1. 他1989年毕业于牛津大学。
He graated from Oxford in 1989.
2. 我大学毕业已数十年了。
Several decades have elapsed since I graated from the college.
3. 他毕业于爱丁堡大学,获得医学博士学位。
He graated as an M.D. at Edinburgh.
4. 他将要在五月份毕业。
He will graate from the school in May.
5. 我是一个文科毕业生。
I am an arts graate.
6. 他毕业于历史系。
He graated from History Department.
7. 他是医科毕业生。
He is a graate in medicine.
8. 他毕业于一所工艺美术学校。
He graated from a school of crafts and arts.
⑽ (自从1998年大学毕业后他一直教英语,他的课深受学生们的欢迎)用英语怎么说
He has been teaching English ever since his graation from university in 1998, and his classes are very popular with his students,