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发布时间: 2020-12-27 05:09:20

① 我姐姐是一所大学的老师. 翻译成英文

My sister is a teacher in a university.

② 我的第一个大学老师用英语怎么说

The first teacher of my college life。里面用The 表示唯一的,特定的那一个。

③ 大学里的“讲师”应该怎样翻译成英语



英 [ˈlektʃərə(r)] 美 [ˈlɛktʃəɚ]



1、Senior Lecturer高级讲师 ; 资深讲师 ; 初级讲师 ; 高讲师

2、lecturer synopsis讲师资历 ; 讲师简介 ; 讲师资力量历

3、University Lecturer大学讲师 ; 讲师 ; 正在翻译

4、Principal Lecturer首席讲师

5、professional lecturer讲座教授













④ 怎么用英语介绍一下大学老师啊


Manchester University, founded back in 1851 and granted its royal charter in 1903, is a giant of the north in a great student city. Living and studying here may change your life. There are more than 15,000 undergraates and it attracts more applicants than any other university.

Perhaps this is because of the good mix of arts and sciences that the university provides, as well as access to outstanding facilities, such as the third largest university library in the UK, the Jodrell Bank Science Centre with its radio telescope and 6,000 PCs clustered across the campus. Rutherford split the atom here and, on a pragmatic note, first years are guaranteed university accommodation. The students' union has four bars and two venues for live music, and there are over 100 student societies. All this goes some way to explaining Manchester's popularity.

But one of the university's other assets is the city itself and all that goes on there. Sophisticated but homely, cosmopolitan but northern, you cannot deny Manchester's buzz or its unparalleled music and club scene.

The university feeds off this, counting such glamorous cats as the Chemical Brothers, Sleeper's Louise Wener and MP Nick Brown among its alumni. The last was a stalwart of the Northern Soul scene, always ready with his talcum powder to demonstrate some trouser-splitting new move to awed onlookers.

The final piece of the jigsaw in explaining rainy Manchester's charms are not the figures on burglary or car crime in student areas, but the surveys published yearly announcing that students there have more sex and take more drugs than the rest of the student population of Britain.



⑤ 大学以前的老师 用英语怎么说


⑥ 我父亲是北京一所大学的老师用英语怎么说


My father is a teacher at a university in Beijing

⑦ 大学老师,用英文怎么说

University Teacher

⑧ “大学老师”的英文怎么说不是teacher

lecturer 讲师,或者professor 教授

⑨ 大学里的讲师用英语怎么说

讲师 lecturer


教授 professor
副教授 associate professor
讲师 lecturer
助教 teaching assistant
高级讲师 senior lecturer
助理讲师 assistant lecturer
教员 teacher
研究员 professor
副研究员 associate professor
助理研究员 assistant professor
研究实习员 assistant engineer
高级实验师 senior engineer
实验师 engineer
助理实验师 assistant engineer
实验员 technician
高级工程师 senior engineer
工程师 engineer
助理工程师 assistant engineer
技术员 technician
高级农艺师 senior agronomist
农艺师 agronomist
助理农艺师 assistant agronomist
农业技术员 agrotechnician
高级兽医师 senior veterinarian
兽医师 veterinarian
助理兽医师 assistant veterinarian
兽医技术员 technician
高级畜牧师 senior engineer
畜牧师 engineer
助理畜牧师 assistant engineer
畜牧技术员 technician
高级经济师 senior economist
经济师 economist
助理经济师 assistant economist
经济员 technician
高级会计师 senior certified public accountant
会计师 certified public accountant
助理会计师 assistant certified public accountant
会计员 accountant
高级统计师 senior statistician
统计师 statistician
助理统计师 assistant statistician
统计员 statistical worker
编审 professor
副编审 associate professor
编辑 editor
助理编辑 assistant editor
技术编辑 technical editor
助理技术编辑 assistant technical editor
技术设计员 technician
研究馆员 professor
副研究馆员 associate professor
馆员 librarian
助理馆员 assistant librarian
管理员 library staff
主任医师 professor
副主任医师 associate professor
主治医师 attending doctor
医师 doctor
医士 medical assistant
主任药师 chief pharmacist
副主任药师 associate chief pharmacist
主管药师 pharmacist
药师 pharmacist
药士 assistant pharmacist
主任护师 chief nurse
副主任护师 associate chief nurse
主管护师 nurse
护师 nurse
护士 nurse
主任技师 chief technician
副主任技师 associate chief technician
主管技师 technician
技师 technician
技士 assistant technician
博士后 post doctor
博士生 doctor student
硕士生 master student

⑩ 她是一名大学老师吗英语翻译

Does she teach in an university?
Does she work as an university teacher?

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