⑴ 我最不喜欢的食物是菠萝。用英语怎么说
The food that I dislike is pineapples.
= The food that I don't like is pineapples
= I like pineapples worst.
⑵ 不喜欢用英语怎么说
不喜欢用英语可以表达为:“I don't like it”或者“I dislike it”。
在英语中,表达不喜欢某个事物或活动的常用方式是使用“don't like”或“dislike”这两个短语。这两个短语在大多数情况下可以互换使用,但“dislike”可能带有更强烈的负面情感色彩。当你想表示对某件事物的不喜欢时,只需在主语后面加上这两个短语之一,再加上宾语,就可以清晰地传达出你的意思。
举个例子,如果你不喜欢吃苹果,你可以说:“I don't like apples”或者“I dislike apples”。这样的表达方式简洁明了,别人一听就能明白你的意思。同样地,如果你不喜欢做运动,你可以说:“I don't like doing sports”或者“I dislike sports”。
除了直接表达不喜欢之外,英语中还有一些其他的表达方式可以传达类似的意思。例如,你可以使用“I'm not fond of”这个短语来表示你对某件事物或活动没有太大的兴趣或热情。这个短语比“don't like”或“dislike”更为委婉,适合在需要顾及他人感受的场合使用。
⑶ 我最不喜欢的食物是菠萝.用英语怎么说
译文:My least favorite food is pineapple
the most annoying(annoying的最高级)
the most hated(hated的最高级)
pineapple food is my most hated food
⑷ 我最不喜欢的动物英语作文
Dislike snakes, there is a snake, everywhere, always when you just feel safe, reminder still in danger. And when you're in fear, it is carefree and leave. Ice-cold body, only have so hot touch skin, like a red-hot iron, every contact, can let you has to meet stinging pain. Cold eyes, only have weak timid eyes of compassion. Every time, like the daylights out of me. I fear lest it fangs, as my throat can be cut off, the more afraid of its venom can change one person half. Sometimes gentle like water, acted upon. From time to time is catching up, into the yellow dragon. Always surprise, always quick like lightning. So I dislike snakes讨厌蛇,有一种蛇,无处不在,总是在你略微感到安全时,提醒着危险还在。而当你沉浸在恐惧中,它又悠然离开。冰冷的身体,只有触碰到肌肤时才有那么火热,像是烧红的烙铁,每次接触,都能让你痛彻心扉。冷酷的眼神,只有胆怯的对视时才有微弱的怜悯。每次相望,都像把我魂飞魄散。我怕它的毒牙,好像能将我的喉咙掐断,更怕它的毒液,能将一个人半生改变。时而温柔如水,任人摆布。时而奋起直追,直捣黄龙。总是出其不意,总是快如闪电。所以我讨厌蛇
⑸ 英语作文,我最不喜欢的动物,80个单词。
The animal I hate
Many kinds of animal are human's friends ,but some ones are not.I hate mice very much.
The mice are small animals which usually seek for food ring the night. They always steel rice in the farmer’s storage .Some of them even eat the dinner of people ,which may transmit diseases.When a mouse is nearby, it makes terrible sounds .What's more ,the ugly animal once broke my favourite pants with its sharp teeth.I would like to be a friend of cats and keep all the rice away.
⑹ 喜欢和不喜欢的事物用英语怎么说(3个词)
be fond of 喜欢 不喜欢的话 前面加 not