A. :英语句子我喜欢吃橙子
I like eat orange.
B. 我非常喜欢水果,我喜欢橙子,苹果,香蕉,橘子,草莓,桃子等等他们都很好吃,我非常喜欢吃 它翻译成英语
I like fruit, I like orange, apple, banana, orange, strawberry, peach, etc. They are all very good, I like it very much to eat
C. 英语翻译,我喜欢吃苹果和橙子,喜欢黄色,我的爱好是画画和跑步,我希望我以后能成为一个画家,谢谢
I like to eat apples and oranges. The color I like is yellow. My hobby is painting and running. I hope to become an artist later.
D. 我喜欢吃橙子因为他很甜用英语怎么写
您好,I like oranges,because they are pretty sweet.
E. 用英语写自己喜欢的水果橙子的作文
我仔细地端详着它,那果皮的颜色似阳光,如彩虹,给生活平添了几分美感。轻轻地揭开皮,就可以看见橙色的果肉,白色的籽儿,就像玉盘里放着洁白无暇的钻石, 我闻了又闻,那香味扑来,忍不住狠狠地咬了一口,这味道,真的会让人陶醉。我不由自主地大喊了一声:“太好吃了!”
I most like to eat oranges, today my mother bought me an orange,
I looked at it, the skin color like the sun, such as the rainbow, to add to thebeauty of life. Gently opened the skin, you can see the orange flesh, whiteseeds, like a jade plate placed in the pure white diamond, I smell another smell, that smell is coming, can not help a nasty bite, the taste, really make people intoxicated. I can't help to shout: "delicious!"
I can't forget such a good orange
F. 我喜欢吃苹果,因为苹果很美味,很健康.我也喜欢吃橙子,橙子也很美味用英语怎么说.
I like eating apples and oranges, just because they are very delicious.
G. 用英语介绍一下自己喜欢的水果,附加中文(7句以下,英语单词要七年级以内的
I like apples,bananas,pears and orange.I like apples very much.我喜欢苹果,香蕉,梨子和橘子。我最喜欢吃苹果。 够了吗?不够再说。