㈠ 规则用英语怎么说
问题一:规则一用英语怎么说 rule 1规则一 不要带书包Don't bring your bag
问题二:违反规则用英语怎么说 break/violate the rule(s)
breach of regulation/rule(s)
departure from rule(s)
问题三:这是我的全部规则用英语怎么说 英文原文:
These are my total rules
[ei?z] [?] [maɪ] [?t??t(?)l] [ru?lz]
[eiz] [r] [ma?] [?totl] [rulz]
问题四:也有一些规则英语怎么说也用什么意思 也有一些规则There are some rules
There are some rules
There are some rules
问题五:我们应该遵守规则用英语怎么说 We should obey the rules
问题六:遵守规则 英语怎么说 to follow the rules
to obey the rules
to ply with the rules
to abide by the rules
问题七:最好遵守规则用英语怎么说 It's best to obey the rules.
㈡ 写一篇英语作文,解释你不赞同家里的哪些规则,你认为应该怎样改变这些规则。
My Family Rules
My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.
For example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It's strict, but i think it's necessary.
And i must finish my homework in time. I can't play computer games. I have to wash clothes by myself.
I have to get up at six o'clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o'clock.
Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep! I want to have more time of myself.
And i think play some computer games is not badly. That help me to be relax,so t hey can limit the time of the time. So i think the family rules can make some change.
㈢ 学校的规则英语作文
It's not allowed to throw litter anywhere in the public places.Everyone should obey the rules.
Speaking loudly in the reading room is seemed to be very rude.Remember not to do anything that might make other people uncomfortable.We should stand in line when we are waiting for the bus.Try hard to give up the bad habits and develop good ones.We should respect the senior people and talk to them politely.Especially,we should give our seat to old people or women with babies on the bus.I think helping others can not only make us happy but also help us get more experience in life.Please cherish the public property.
Are you allowed to get the ears pierced at your school?Are you allowed to bring mobile phones to school?
There are many strict rules in my school.For example,we are not allowed to run in the hallway.And we are not allowed to come late to school.We are allowed to get the ears pierced and bring mobile phones to school,too.
But we can play basketball and bring drinks to school.We can be allowed to run and do other exercises at school.And we can be allowed to bring dictionaries to school,too.
Though my school rules are strict,we must obey the school rules all the time!
Our school have a new School Lawteacher said that everyone in our school must fallow it or we'll be ecat!
The Law is:1.student can't say anyhing ring the classexpect the teacher askyou some question!
2.student can't eat anything in the classroomin order to keep the classroom clean!
3.we can't run and fight witheach other in the teaching bulding!
4.we can't speak to lould in the reading room!
In my opinioni think school should do thisif we don't do like thisit's bad for school and usand if we do like thismay be our school will better and better!So i agree itathough someone think that it's so seorious!
㈣ 我不喜欢英文怎么说
1. 不喜欢英文可以说为:“I don't like English”或者更礼貌的表达方式“I'm not interested in English”。
2. 英文作为全球通用语言,其重要性不言而喻。然而,对于一些人来说,学习英文可能并不是一件容易的事情。
3. 或许他们觉得英文单词复杂难记,语法规则繁琐,或者是发音困难等等。这些困难可能会让他们感到沮丧和挫败,从而不喜欢学习英文。
4. 另外,有些人可能对英语文化或者英语国家的人没有好感,这也可能导致他们不喜欢学习英文。
5. 语言和文化是紧密相连的,如果一个人对某种文化持有负面看法,那么他们可能会对这种文化的语言也产生抵触情绪。
6. 当然,不喜欢英文并不代表不能学好它。学习任何一门语言都需要付出努力和时间,而且每个人的学习方式和进度都不同。
7. 如果你不喜欢英文,可以尝试找到适合自己的学习方法,比如通过看英文电影、听英文歌曲、阅读英文原著等方式来培养兴趣。
8. 同时,也可以寻求专业的帮助和指导,比如请一位英文老师或者加入英文学习社群等。
9. 总之,不喜欢英文并不是一件可怕的事情,重要的是如何面对和解决这个问题。
10. 通过积极尝试和探索适合自己的学习方式,相信每个人都能够克服学习英文的困难,掌握这门重要的语言技能。
㈤ 我不喜欢这个,用英语怎么讲
不喜欢用英语说是:“ I don’t like……”,除此之外,还有这些英语表达可以用来表示“我不喜欢”:
1 、I'm sick of ……
I am sick and tired of hearing all these people moaning.
2 、I can't stand/bear……
I can't stand her voice.
I can't bear being bored.
3、 I don't appreciate……
比如:I don't appreciate your attitude.
4、 I'm not fond of……
be fond of sb/sth表示喜爱…;喜欢做…。
单词 like
作介词时翻译为“ 像,如同;符合……的方式;有……的特点;(用于询问)……怎么样;例如,好比”,作形容词时翻译为“类似的,相似的;(图像)逼真的”,作副词时翻译为“(非正式)可能;好像在说;和……一样”。
㈥ 用英语写一篇我真的不赞成的家规(包括翻译)