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发布时间: 2025-02-22 12:27:52

『壹』 “滚”的英文单词是什么


英 [rəʊl] 美 [roʊl]

n. 卷;滚动;名单;压路机;颤音;圆形物,面包卷

v. 摇摆;滚;绕;转动;展开

Love comes quick and passes away quick too. Only the pork roll will go on.




英培者 [riːl] 美 [riːl]

v. 卷;绕

v. 眩局手晕;旋转;蹒跚

n. 卷筒;线轴

I put a new reel of film in my camera.


『贰』 英语单词翻译(中文意思和音标)

复制到“excel工作表”然后设置音标,可以到新月空中英语下载字体,并复制到c:windowsfonts目录。另外这是什么啊“notrs”,下次注意啊~~~~ 看这里

『叁』 债券相关的英语词汇,关于股票的英语单词有哪些

bond, debenture, 债券
negotiable share可流通股份
convertible bond可转换债券
treasury/government bond国库券/政府债券
corporate bond企业债券
closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金
open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金
fund manager基金经理/管理公司
fund custodian bank 基金托管银行
market capitalization 市值
p/e ratio 市盈率(price/earning)
payment versus delivery 银券交付
clearing and settlement 清算/结算
commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品
put / call option 看跌/看涨期权
margins, collateral 保证金
rights issue/offering 配股
bonus share 红股
ADR美国存托凭证/存股证(American Depository Receipt)
GDR全球存托凭证/存股证(Global Depository Receipt)
retail/private investor 个人投资者/散户
institutional investor机构投资者
broker/dealer 券商
proprietary trading 自营
insider trading/dealing 内幕交易
market manipulation 市场操纵
IPO 新股/初始公开发行(Initial Public Offering)
merger and acquisition收购兼并
All Ordinaries Index (澳大利亚)股市指数
Amex(American Stock Exchange) 美国股票交易所
amortize 摊提,分期偿还债务
annuity 年金享受权
asking price 卖主的开叫价
assess 对(财产等)进行估价,确定(款项)的金额
back 拖欠的
bad loan 呆账,坏账
lout 帮助……摆脱困境
balloon (分期付款中)最后数目特大的一笔
barometer 晴雨表,[喻]标记,指标
basis point 基点(一个百分点的百分之一)
bear markets 熊市
blue-chip (股票等)热门的,(在同行中)最赚钱的
forex foreign exchange
bond 债券,公债
bourse 交易所,证券交易所
bull markets 牛市
bullish 牛市的
bunji-change 快速的大幅度变化
CAC-40 Index (法国)股市指数
CD(certificate-of-deposit) 大额存款单
Chicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商业交易所
Consumer Price Index 消费者价格指数
contagion 蔓延
correction 调整
coupon rate 券根利率
CTA(Commodities Trading Advisor) 农矿产品交易顾问
Currency board 货币委员会
DAX index (法兰克福)德国股市指数
dead loan 死帐
delist 从上市证券表中除名
derivatives 衍生金融商品(由利率或债券、外汇或汇率以及股票或股价指数等现货市场衍生出来,主要有期货futures、期权option trading与掉期swap三种类型,品种多达100余种,股票与证券行业英语词汇。)
discount 贴现
discount rate 贴现率
DJIA Dow-Jones Instrial Average 道•琼斯公用事业股价平均数,英语词汇《股票与证券行业英语词汇》(http://m.unjs.com)。通常简称Dow(道),是30个主要工业公司股票价格的组合。
Dow-Jones Composite Average of 65 representative stocks 65种有代表性的股票的道•琼斯公用事业股价平均数
Dow-Jones Transpositions Average 道•琼斯运输业股价平均数
Dow-Jones Utilities Average 道•琼斯公用事业股价平均数
down 付现款
equity (押款金额以外的)财产价值,证券,股票
escrow 由第三者保存、等条件完成后即交受让人的契据(或证书等)
face value 面值
Federal Agency Issues 联邦机构债券
fluctuation 起伏
fluctuate 起伏
fraud 欺骗,欺诈
fraulence 欺骗(欺诈)行为
fraulent 欺诈的
FTSI Financial Times 100 Share Index (英国)金融时报100种股票指数
good 有效的
Hang Seng Index (香港)恒生指数
holdings 占有的财产,股票
Ibbotson Small Company Index Ibbotson Company Index中包括近2700家公司:即在纽约股市上交易的最后的20%股票
imburse 赔偿
initial share 原始股
IRA Indivial Retirement Account 个人退休账号
junk bond 假债券
junk bonds 垃圾债券
lien 扣押权,留置权
liquidate 清算,破产
list (交易所)上市证券;把(证券)列人上市证券表
long position 多头
margin 差额,保险金
mutual fund 公共基金
NASD=National Association of Securities Dealers 全美证券交易者协会
NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) 纳斯达克(全美证券交易者协会自动化摘要)
NAV (Net Asset Value) 净资产值
new issue ( IPOInitial Public Offering)新上市股票
Nikkei Stock Aver age 日经股票平均指数
nosedive (价格等)暴跌
NYSE’Volume 纽约股票交易量
NYSE’s composite index 纽约股票交易综合指数
NYSE(New York Stock Exchange) 纽约股票交易所(也称或Big Board)
obligation 契约,债券
outstanding 拖欠的
par value 票面价值
plummet 骤然跌落
policy 保险单
pool 集合基金
portfolio 有价证券
preferred stock 优先股票
premium 奖金,佣金,担保费
premium 溢价
proceeds 收入,收益
rally (股票价格等)止跌,上扬
rebound 反弹
recoup 偿还,补偿
recovery 恢复
red-chip share 红筹股
refund 偿还
rescue package 一揽子救援计划
resilience 回弹,复原力
resilient 有回弹力的,恢复活力的
risk 保险项目
run 挤提存款,挤兑,争购
Russell 2000 Russell 2000种小资本股票
S&P 500(Standard & Poor’s 500 Composite Stock Price Index) 标准普尔股价指数
SEC(Federal Securities and Exchange Commission) 联邦证券与交易委员会
securities 证券,债券
shares (英)股票=(美)stock
shore up 支撑
slash (大幅度)削减(工资等)
slump 暴跌,不景气
SMI index (苏黎士市)瑞士股票指数
solvent 有偿还能力的
speculate 投机
speculation 投机
speculator 投机者
T-Bill (Treasury Bill) 美国短期国债(每星期发行一次)
T-bond (Treasury Bond) 美国长期国债(期限为20年或30年)
T-note (Treasury Note) 美国中期国债(期限为2年到10年)
Technology-heavy Nasdaq 以技术为主的Nasdaq
Technology-laden Nasdaq 以技术为主的Nasdaq
term 年限
tech-heavy NASDAQ 以技术股票为主的NASDAQ
technology-rich stocks 技术股票
technology-weighted index (NASDAQ) 反映技术股票的指数(NASDAQ)

『肆』 鑻辫鍗曡瘝甯﹁婚煶瑙嗛戣嫳璇鍗曡瘝甯﹁婚煶闆嗛敠



銆銆anyone ['eniwn] pron 浠讳綍浜

銆銆anywhere ['eniwe锛坮锛塢 adv 浠讳綍鍦版柟 n 浠讳綍锛堜竴涓锛夊湴鏂

銆銆wonderful ['wndfl] adj 绮惧僵鐨勶紱鏋佸ソ鐨

銆銆few [fju] adj 寰堝皯鐨勶紱n 灏戦噺

銆銆most [mst] adj 鏈澶氱殑锛涘ぇ澶氭暟鐨勶紱

銆銆something ['sm胃] pron 鏌愪簨鐗╋紱

銆銆nothing锛=not鈥anything锛 ['n胃] pron 娌℃湁浠涔坣 娌℃湁

銆銆myself [ma'self] pron 鎴戣嚜宸

銆銆everyone ['evriwn] pron 姣忎汉锛涗汉浜

銆銆yourself [j'self] pron 浣犺嚜宸憋紱浣犱翰鑷

銆銆hen [hen] n 姣嶉浮锛涢泴绂

銆銆bored [bd] adj 鏃犺亰鐨勶紱鍘岀儲鐨勶紱閮侀椃鐨

銆銆pig n 鐚

銆銆diary ['dari] n 鏃ヨ帮紱鏃ヨ扮翱锛坘eep a diary锛

銆銆seem [sim] vi 浼间箮锛涘ソ鍍

銆銆someone ['smwn] pron 鏌愪汉锛涙湁浜

銆銆quite a few鐩稿綋澶氾紱涓嶅皯锛堝悗鎺ュ彲鏁板悕璇嶏級

銆銆of course [vks] 褰撶劧

銆銆activity [k'tvti] n 娲诲姩锛涙椿璺

銆銆decide [d'sad] v 鍐冲畾锛涢夊畾锛坉ecide to do sth 锛

銆銆try [tra] v 灏濊瘯锛涜炬硶锛涘姫鍔 锛坱ry to do sth /try doing sth 锛

銆銆bird [bd] n 楦燂紱绂

銆銆paragliding ['pr伞lad] n 绌轰腑婊戠繑璺充紴

銆銆bicycle ['baskl] n 鑷琛岃溅

銆銆building ['bld] n 寤虹瓚鐗

銆銆trader ['tred锛坮锛塢 n 鍟嗕汉锛涘晢鑸

銆銆wonder ['wnd锛坮锛塢 v 鎯婂囷紱鎯崇煡閬擄紱鎬鐤

銆銆difference ['dfrns] n 宸寮傦紱涓嶅悓

銆銆top [tp] n 椤堕儴锛涢《

銆銆wait [wet] v 绛夛紱绛夊緟锛坵ait for锛

銆銆umbrella [m'brel] n 浼烇紱闆ㄤ紴

銆銆wet [wet] adj 婀跨殑锛涢洦澶╃殑

銆銆below [b'l] prep 浣庝簬锛涘湪 涓嬮潰adv 鍦ㄤ笅闈

銆銆as [z] conj 濡傚悓锛涘儚 涓鏍

銆銆enough ['nf] adj 瓒冲熺殑adv 瓒冲熷湴锛涘厖鍒嗗湴

銆銆ck [dk] n 楦鑲夛紱楦

銆銆hungry锛堝弽full锛 ['h伞ri] adj 楗ラタ鐨勶紱娓存湜鐨

銆銆feel like锛坉oing sth 锛夋兂瑕

銆銆dislike [ds'lak] v 涓嶅枩娆锛涘帉鎭 n 涓嶅枩鐖憋紱鍘屾伓锛涘弽鎰

銆銆because of鍥犱负锛涚敱浜

銆銆have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun锛坉oing sth 锛夌帺寰楃棝蹇


銆銆fabric [fbrik] n 缁囩墿锛 甯冿紱鏋勯狅紝 缁勭粐

銆銆fabulous [fbjuls] a 瀵撹█鑸鐨勶紝 闅句互缃淇$殑锛涙瀬涓虹編濂界殑

銆銆facile [fsail] a 瀹规槗杈惧埌鐨勶紱渚垮埄

銆銆facsimile [fksimili] n 锛堟枃瀛椼佸浘鐢荤瓑鐨勶級鍓鏈锛涗紶鐪燂紱

銆銆fair [f]a 鍏骞崇殑 ad 鍏姝e湴 n 娓镐箰鍦猴紝闆嗗競锛涘崥瑙堜細

銆銆faith [fei胃] n 淇′换锛屼俊璧栵紝淇″績锛涗俊浠帮紝淇℃潯

銆銆fake [feik] n 鍋囪揣锛涢獥瀛 a 鍋囩殑鐨 vt 浼閫狅紱浼瑁

銆銆fallow [flu] a 鐘佽繃鑰屾湭鎾绉嶇殑锛屼紤闂茬殑锛涳紙鎸囪曞湴锛夋湭缁忚曚綔鐨勶紱浼戦棽鍦帮紝浼戣曞湴

銆銆falsehood [f锛歭shud] n 璋庤█锛涘亣璇濓紱铏氬亣

銆銆falsification ['f锛歭sifi'kein] n 绡℃敼锛涗吉閫狅紱

銆銆fame [feim] n 鍚嶅0锛 鍚嶆湜

銆銆famine [fmin] n 楗ヨ崚

銆銆fan [fn] n 鎵囧瓙锛 椋庢墖锛 鎵囧舰鐗╋紱鐙傜儹鐖卞ソ鑰咃紝 杩

銆銆fancy [fnsi] vt 鍠滄 a 楂樻。鐨 n 鐖卞ソ锛涙兂璞″姏锛涜炬兂

銆銆fantasy [fntsi] n 鎯冲儚锛 骞绘兂锛

銆銆fare [f] n 璐圭敤锛 绁ㄤ环锛

銆銆fascinate [fsineit] vt 浣跨潃杩凤紝 浣挎瀬鎰熷叴瓒o紱

銆銆fatal [feitl] a 鑷村懡鐨勶紱鐏鹃毦鎬х殑锛涢噸澶х殑锛 鍐冲畾鎬х殑

銆銆fatigue [fti锛歡] n 鐤插姵锛屽姵绱 v 锛堜娇锛夌柌鍔

銆銆feast [fi锛歴t] n 鐩涘达紱鑺傛棩

銆銆feather [fe] n 缇芥瘺

銆銆fee [fi锛歖 n 璐癸紝 閰閲

銆銆feeble [fi锛歜l] a 铏氬急鐨勶紝 琛板急鐨勶紝 鏃犲姏鐨

銆銆feisty ['faisti] a 涓鎬у己鑰屽ソ浜夎京鐨

銆銆felon [feln] n 閲嶇姜鐘

銆銆fertile [f锛歵ail] n 澶氫骇鐨勶紝 瀵岄ザ鐨

銆銆festive [festiv] a 鑺傛棩鐨勶紝

銆銆fete [feit] vt 搴嗙

銆銆fetid [fi锛歵id] a 鎭惰嚟鐨

銆銆fib [fib] n 灏忚皫锛屾棤鍏崇揣瑕佺殑璋庤瘽

銆銆fierce [fis] a 鍑剁寷鐨勶紱 鍑剁嫚鐨勶紱

銆銆fiery [fairi] a 鐕冪儳鐨勶紱鏄撴掔殑锛 鏆磋簛鐨

銆銆figure [fig] n 鏁板瓧锛涘浘瑙o紝 鍥捐〃

銆銆filling [fili] n 棣

銆銆fission ['fin] n 锛堝師瀛愮殑锛夊垎瑁傦紝 瑁傚彉锛

銆銆fissure [fi] n 鐙闀胯傜紳鎴栬傞殭锛屽垎瑁

銆銆fizzle ['fizl] v 鍙戝樁鍢跺0n 鍢跺樁澹

銆銆flair [fle] n 澶╄祫锛涘ぉ鍒嗭紱鐪煎厜锛涙墠鍗

銆銆flash [fl] vi 闂鍏夛紱鎺犺繃 n 闂鍏夛紙鐑侊紝鐜帮級锛涢棯鍏夌伅

銆銆flatten [fltn] v 鎶娾﹀紕骞筹紱鍑诲

銆銆flattery [fltri] n 濂夋壙锛屾媿椹灞

銆銆flax [flks] n 浜氶夯

銆銆flee [fli锛歖 vi 閫冭蛋锛 閫冩帀锛泇t 閫冪伙紝 閫冮伩

銆銆flexible [fleksbl] a 鏄撳集鏇茬殑锛 鏌旈煣鐨勶紱

銆銆flood [fld] v 锛堜娇锛変负姘存饭娌★紱n 娲姘

銆銆flour [flau] n 闈㈢矇

銆銆flourish [flri] vi 鑼傜洓锛 绻佽崳锛涘叴鏃哄彂杈

銆銆fluctuate [flktueit] vi 娉㈠姩锛 娑ㄨ惤锛 璧蜂紡

銆銆flue [flu锛歖 n 鐑熼亾锛 鏆栨皵绠

銆銆flute [flu锛歵] n 闀跨瑳

銆銆fodder [fd] n 鑽夋枡锛 楗叉枡

銆銆foil [fil] n 绠旓紝 閲戝睘钖勭墖锛

銆銆fold [fuld] v 鎶樺彔锛屼氦鍙 n 瑜剁棔锛岃ざ缂濓紝鎶樺彔鐨勯儴鍒

銆銆foolhardy [fu锛歭h蓱锛歞i] a 鑾芥挒鐨勶紱鏈夊媷鏃犺皨鐨

銆銆forbearance [f锛歜erns] n 蹇嶈愶紝鍏嬪埗锛涘藉

銆銆forbid [fbid] vt 绂佹锛 涓嶈革紱闃绘锛 濡ㄧ

銆銆force [f锛歴] n 鍔涢噺锛 鍔涙皵锛涙﹀姏锛涘奖鍝嶅姏

銆銆foretell [f锛'tel] v 棰勮█锛涢勭ず

銆銆forethought ['f锛毼革細t] n 浜嬪厛鑰冭檻

銆銆forewarning [f锛'w锛歯i] a 棰勫厛璀﹀憡鐨

銆銆forgive [fgiv] vt 鍘熻皡锛 楗舵仌锛涘厤闄

銆銆formal [f锛歮l] a 姝e紡鐨勶紱绀间华涓婄殑锛 褰㈠紡涓婄殑

銆銆formation [f锛歮ein] n 褰㈡垚锛 鏋勬垚锛涚紪闃燂紝 鎺掑垪

銆銆formidable [f锛歮idbl] a 鍙鎬曠殑锛 浠や汉鐣忔儳鐨勶紱

銆銆fort [f锛歵] n 鍫″瀿锛 鍩庡牎

銆銆fortify [f锛歵ifai] vt 澧炲己锛 寮哄寲

銆銆fortnight [f锛歵nait] n 涓ゆ槦鏈燂紝 鍗佸洓澶

銆銆fortunate [f锛歵nt] a 浜ゅソ杩愮殑锛 甯︽潵濂借繍鐨勶紱 骞歌繍鐨

銆銆fossil [fsl] n 鍖栫煶锛

銆銆foster [fst] vt 鍩瑰吇锛 淇冭繘锛

銆銆foundation [faundein] n 寤虹珛锛 璁剧珛锛 鍒涘姙锛涘熀锛屽熀閲戯紙浼氾級

銆銆founder [faund] n 寤虹珛鑰咃紱 鍒涜捐咃紱v 杞鑸规矇娌★紝璁″垝澶辫触

銆銆fountain [fauntin] n 鍠锋按锛 鍠锋硥

銆銆fractious [frks] a 鏄撴掔殑'锛屾ヨ簛鐨

銆銆fragile [frdail] a 鏄撶庣殑锛 鑴嗙殑锛 鑴嗗急鐨勶紱

銆銆fragrant [freigrnt] a 鑺抽欑殑锛岄欑殑

銆銆frail [freil] a 鑴嗗急鐨勶紝 钖勫急鐨勶紝

銆銆frame [freim] n 妗嗘灦锛涢ㄦ灦锛 鏋勬灦锛

銆銆frantic [frntik] a 鍙戠柉浼肩殑锛 鍙戠媯鐨勶紱

銆銆frequent [fri锛歬wnt] a 鏃跺父鍙戠敓鐨勶紝 甯歌佺殑锛

銆銆fret [fret] v 锛堜娇鏌愪汉锛 涓嶆剦蹇锛 鐑﹁簛锛涚(鎹燂紝 鍜鍧忥紱

銆銆friction [frikn] n 鎽╂摝锛涳紱鍐茬獊锛 涓嶅拰

銆銆frightful [fraitfl] a 鍚撲汉鐨勶紝浠や汉鎯婃亹鐨勶紱鍙鎬曠殑

銆銆fringe [frind] n 锛堝栬。锛 灏忓湴姣绛夌殑锛夐グ杈癸紝绌楀瓙锛 娴佽嫃锛岄』杈

銆銆frog [frg] n 闈掕洐

銆銆frown [fraun] v 鐨辩湁锛屼笉鎮︼紝 涓嶈禐鎴

銆銆frugal [fru锛歡l] a 鑺傜渷鐨勶紝 鑺備凯鐨勶紱

銆銆frustrate [frstreit] vt 浣夸笉鎴愬姛锛 鎸璐ワ紝 闃绘

銆銆fulfill [fulfil] vt 灞ヨ岋紝瀹炵幇锛屽畬鎴愶紙璁″垝绛夛級

銆銆furious [fjuris] a 鐙傛掔殑锛 鏆存掔殑锛涘己鐑堢殑锛 婵鐑堢殑

銆銆furnace [f锛歯is] n 鐔旂倝锛 鐏鐐

銆銆fusion [fju锛歯] n 鐔斿悎锛涙牳鑱氬彉锛涜仈鍚堬紝 鍚堝苟

銆銆fussy [fsi] a 澶ф儕灏忔鐨

銆銆futile [fju锛歵ail] a 鏃犳晥鐨勶紝 鏃犵敤鐨勶紝 鏃犳剰涔夌殑


銆銆housework ['haswk] n 瀹跺姟鍔冲姩

銆銆hardly ['h蓱dli] adv 鍑犱箮涓嶏紱绠鐩翠笉锛涘垰鍒

銆銆ever ['ev锛坮锛塢 adv 鏇剧粡锛涘湪浠讳綍鏃跺

銆銆once [wns] adv 涓娆★紱鏇剧粡

銆銆twice [twas] adv 涓ゅ嶏紱涓ゆ

銆銆Internet ['ntnet] n 鍥犵壒缃

銆銆program ['pr伞rm] n 鑺傜洰锛涚▼搴忥紱璇剧▼锛涜妭鐩鍗

銆銆full [fl] adj 婊$殑锛涘厖婊$殑锛涘畬鍏ㄧ殑

銆銆swing [sw] n 鎽囨憜锛涚嬪崈v 鎽囨憜锛涙棆杞

銆銆maybe ['mebi] adv 鎴栬革紱涔熻革紱鍙鑳

銆銆swing dance鎽囨憜鑸

銆銆least [list] adj 鏈灏忕殑锛涙渶灏戠殑

銆銆at least鑷冲皯

銆銆hardly ever寰堝皯锛涘嚑涔庝粠涓嶏紱闅惧緱

銆銆junk n 鍨冨溇锛涘簾鏃ф潅鐗

銆銆coffee ['kfi] n 鍜栧暋锛涘挅鍟¤壊

銆銆health [hel胃] n 鍋ュ悍锛涗汉鐨勮韩浣撴垨绮剧炵姸鎬

銆銆result [r'zlt] 缁撴灉锛涘悗鏋

銆銆percent [p'sent] adj 鐧惧垎涔 鐨

銆銆online [n'lan] adj 鍦ㄧ嚎鐨刟dv 鍦ㄧ嚎鍦

銆銆television ['telvn] n 鐢佃嗘満锛涚數瑙嗚妭鐩

銆銆although [l'] conj 铏界劧锛涘敖绠★紱鐒惰岋紱鍙鏄

銆銆through [胃ru] prep 绌胯繃锛涘嚟鍊燂紱涓鐩村埌

銆銆body ['bdi] n 韬浣

銆銆mind [mand] 澶磋剳锛涙兂娉曪紱鎰忚侊紱蹇冩

銆銆such [st] adj 杩欐牱鐨勶紱濡傛ょ殑

銆銆together [t'伞e锛坮锛塢 adv 鍏卞悓锛涗竴璧

銆銆die [da] v 姝伙紱鏋绔锛涙秷澶

銆銆writer ['rat锛坮锛塢 n 浣滆咃紱浣滃

銆銆dentist ['dentst] n 鐗欑戝尰鐢

銆銆magazine ['m伞zin] n 鏉傚織

銆銆however [ha'ev锛坮锛塢 adv 鐒惰岋紱鏃犺哄備綍锛涗笉绠″氫箞

銆銆than [n] conj 姣

銆銆almost ['lmst] adv 鍑犱箮锛涘樊涓嶅

銆銆none [nn] pron 娌℃湁浜猴紱娌℃湁浠讳綍涓滆タ锛屾鏃

銆銆less [les] adj 鏇村皯鐨勶紱杈冨皯鐨

銆銆point [pnt] n 鐪嬫硶锛涜佺偣锛涢噸鐐癸紱灏忔暟鐐癸紱鐩鏍囷紱鍒嗘暟

銆銆such as渚嬪傦紱璇稿


銆銆will銆 [wil锛 wl锛宂 銆灏嗐佷細銆佽

銆銆robot ['rubt] n 鏈哄櫒浜

銆銆won't=will not

銆銆they'll=they will

銆銆everything [evri胃i] pron 姣忎欢浜嬬墿

銆銆paper ['peip] n 绾革紱绾稿紶

銆銆fewer ['fju锛歖 adj 锛坒ew鐨勬瘮杈冪骇锛夎緝灏戠殑锛涜緝灏戞暟

銆銆pollution [p'lun] n 姹℃煋

銆銆tree [tri锛歖 n 鏍戯紱鏍戞湪

銆銆she'll=she will

銆銆building ['bildi] n 寤虹瓚鐗╋紱鎴垮眿

銆銆astronaut ['strn锛歵] n 瀹囪埅鍛橈紝鑸澶╁憳

銆銆rocket ['rkit] n 鐏绠

銆銆space [speis] n 绌洪棿锛涘お绌

銆銆space station 绌洪棿绔

銆銆fly [flai] v 椋炶

銆銆took [tk] v take鐨勮繃鍘诲紡

銆銆moon [mu锛歯] n 鏈堜寒锛涙湀鐞

銆銆I'll = I will

銆銆fall [f锛歭] v 钀戒笅锛涜穼钀斤紱鍙樹负

銆銆fell [fel] v fall鐨勮繃鍘诲紡

銆銆fall in love with 鐖变笂

銆銆alone ['lun] adv 鍗曠嫭鍦帮紱瀛ょ嫭鍦

銆銆pet [pet] n 瀹犵墿

銆銆parrot ['prt] n 楣﹂箟

銆銆go skating鍘绘粦鍐

銆銆suit [sju锛歵] n 涓濂楄。鏈

銆銆able ['eibl] 鑳姐佽兘澶

銆銆be able to 鏈夎兘鍔涘仛鏌愪簨銆佷細鍋氭煇浜

銆銆dress [dres] v 绌胯。

銆銆casually ['kjl] adv 闈炴e紡鍦帮紱闅忔剰鍦

銆銆which [hwit锛寃t] pron 鍝涓锛涘摢鍑犱釜

銆銆even ['i锛歷n] adv 鐢氳嚦

銆銆The World [w锛歭d] Cup 涓栫晫鏉

銆銆wrote [rt] v write鐨勮繃鍘诲紡

銆銆myself [mai'self] pron 锛堝弽韬浠h瘝锛夋垜鑷宸憋紱鎴戞湰浜

銆銆interview ['intvju锛歖 n 闈㈣瘯锛涢潰璋

銆銆predict [pri'dikt] v 棰勬姤锛涢勮█


銆銆sound [saund] n 澹伴煶

銆銆company ['kmpni] n 鍏鍙

銆銆Thought [胃锛歵] v think鐨勮繃鍘诲紡

銆銆strategy ['strtidi] 绛栫暐銆佹垬鐣

銆銆fiction ['fikn] n 灏忚

銆銆unpleasant [n'pleznt] adj 浣夸汉涓嶆剦蹇鐨

銆銆scientist ['saintist] n 绉戝﹀

銆銆in the future ['fju锛歵] 鏈鏉ャ佸皢鏉

銆銆hundred ['hndrd] n 涓鐧

銆銆hundreds of 澶ч噺銆佽稿


銆銆already [锛歭'redi] adv 鏃╁凡锛涘厛鍓

銆銆made v make鐨勮繃鍘诲紡

銆銆factory ['fktri锛宖ktri] n 宸ュ巶

銆銆simple ['simpl] adj 绠鍗曠殑锛涚畝鏄撶殑

銆銆such [st] adj 杩欐牱鐨勶紱杩欑

銆銆bored [b锛歞] adj 鍘岀儲鐨勶紱鍘屽︾殑

銆銆everywhere ['evrihw] adv 鍚勫湴锛涘埌澶

銆銆human ['hju锛歮n] n 浜猴紱浜虹被

銆銆huge [hju锛歞] n 宸ㄥぇ鐨勶紱鏋佸ぇ鐨

銆銆shape [eip] n 澶栧舰锛涘舰鐘

銆銆earthquake ['锛毼竗weik] n 鍦伴渿

銆銆snake [sneik] n 铔

銆銆possible ['psbl] adj 鍙鑳界殑

銆銆electric [I'lektrik] adj 鐢电殑锛涘肩數鐨

銆銆toothbrush ['tu锛毼'br] n 鐗欏埛

銆銆seem v 鍍忔槸锛涗技涔

銆銆impossible [im'psbl] adj 涓嶅彲鑳界殑锛涗笉浼氬彂鐢熺殑


銆銆token 琛ㄧず锛屾爣蹇楋紝璞″緛He did that as a 锝 of good faith

銆銆torture 鎷锋墦锛屾嫹闂 锝 a confession from a prisoner

銆銆accommodate 浣块傚簲锛屼娇绗﹀悎涓鑷 accommodate oneself to changed circumstances

銆銆unfold 灞曞紑锛屾墦寮 锝 a newspaper

銆銆uniform 鍒舵湇锛涗笉鍙樼殑锛岀浉鍚岀殑锛屽潎鍖锛岀粺涓鐨 a 锝 temperature

銆銆unify 浣挎垚涓浣擄紝缁熶竴 become a unified nation

銆銆鏇存柊锛屼娇鐜颁唬鍖 锝瀉 textbook

銆銆upgrade 鎻愰珮锛屼娇鍗囩骇锛屾敼鍠 锝 procts and services

銆銆uphold 涓捐捣锛岄珮涓 He upheld his clenched hand

銆銆upright 鎸虹洿鐨勶紝鍨傜洿鐨 an 锝 seat

銆銆adhere 榛忛檮锛岄檮鐫 Paste is used to make one surface adhere to another.

銆銆adjacent 涓磋繎鐨勶紝姣楅偦鐨(to) a city and its adjacent suburbs

銆銆adjoin 璐磋繎锛屼笌...姣楅偦 His house adjoins the lake.

銆銆thrust 鎺锛屽埡锛屾埑锛屾彃锛屾尋He was 锝 into power

銆銆tick 锛堥挓澹扮瓑鍙戝嚭鐨勶級婊寸瓟澹

銆銆tilt 浣垮炬枩锛屼娇鍊惧 Tilt your head back so that I can look down your throat

銆銆toss 鎵旓紝鎶涳紝鎺 The children tossed the ball to each other

銆銆tough 鍧氶煣鐨勶紝鐗㈠浐鐨 Some plastic are as 锝 as metal

銆銆tow 鎷栵紝鎷夛紝鐗靛紩 tow a damaged ship into port

銆銆abstract 鎶借薄鐨 A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.

銆銆absurd 鑽掕艾鐨勶紝鑽掑攼鐨 The idea that number 14 brings bad luck is absurd.

銆銆uproar 楠氫贡锛岄獨鍔═he public 锝 over unclear-radiation hazards continues to mount

銆銆utilize 鍒╃敤 锝 solar energy

銆銆utter 鍙戝嚭锛堝0闊崇瓑锛夛紝璇达紝鍚愰湶 锝 the truth

銆銆vacant 鏈琚鍗犵敤鐨 a 锝 seat in a bus

銆銆vague 鍚绯婄殑锛屼笉鏄庣‘鐨勶紝妯$硦鐨 a 锝 answer

銆銆slip 婊戝掞紝婊戣惤锛屾粦琛 She 锝瀍d on the wet stones and fell

銆銆slit 鍒囧紑锛屾挄寮 锝 the envelope open

銆銆slope 鍊炬枩锛屾湁鍧″害 The ground 锝瀞 down sharply at this point

銆銆sly 鐙$尵鐨勶紝鍋峰伔鐨 a 锝瀉nswer

銆銆smash 鎵撶庯紝鎵撶牬锛屾懅姣 The ball 锝瀍d the window

銆銆snatch 澶哄緱锛屼竴鎶婃姄浣 The thief 锝瀍d her handbag and ran off

銆銆immune鍏嶉櫎鐨勶紝璞佸厤鐨勶細Nobody is immune from criticism

銆銆impact 鍐插嚮锛屾挒鍑伙細the impact of light on the eye

銆銆impair 鍓婂急锛屽噺灏戯細The output of proce was impaired by the bad weather

銆銆impartial 鍏姝g殑锛屾棤鍋忚佺殑锛欰 judge should be impartial

銆銆implement 宸ュ叿锛屽櫒鍏凤紝鐢ㄥ叿锛歯ew types of farm implements

銆銆sting鍒猴紝铻锛屽彯 A bee stung him on the neck

銆銆stir 浣垮井鍔锛岀Щ鍔 A breeze 锝瀝ed my hair

銆銆stitch 涓閽堬紝閽堣剼 Make your 锝瀍s closer together

銆銆sue 鎺у憡锛岃捣璇 锝 sb for slander

銆銆summary 鎬荤粨锛屾傝 This book has a 锝 at the end of each chapter

銆銆superb 鏋佸ソ鐨勶紝涓娴佺殑锛屾澃鍑虹殑 锝 science and engineering

銆銆superficial 琛ㄩ潰鐨 a 锝瀝esemblance

銆銆superfluous杩囧氱殑锛屽墿浣欑殑锛屽氫綑鐨刟 锝瀝emark

銆銆supervise 鐩戠潱锛岀$悊锛屾寚瀵 锝 sb鈥檚 every move

銆銆vanish 绐佺劧娑堝け锛岄愭笎娑堟暎 With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit

銆銆veil 闈㈢罕锛岄潰缃 Jewish women wore 锝瀞 in token of reverence and submission

銆銆ventilate 浣块氶庯紝浣跨┖姘旀祦閫 锝 a room

銆銆venture 鍐掗櫓锛屽啋闄╄屽姩锛屾姇鏈鸿屽姩take a 锝 in oil

銆銆uncover 鎻寮锛屾彮闇 锝 a dish of food

銆銆underestimate 浣庝及 锝 the difficulties of the task

銆銆reassure v.浣垮畨蹇冿紝浣挎斁蹇冿紱浣挎秷闄ょ枒铏


銆銆advantageous contract 鏈夊埄鐨勫悎鍚

銆銆bargaining range 璋堝垽鑼冨洿

銆銆concede ground 璁╂ワ紝灞堟湇

銆銆bargaining strength 璋堝垽瀹炲姏

銆銆concession trading 璁╂ヨ锤鏄

銆銆bargaining 璁ㄤ环杩樹环

銆銆conflicting interests鍒╃泭鍐茬獊

銆銆conflicting objectives鍐茬獊鐨勭洰鏍

銆銆behavioral norms 琛屼负瑙勮寖

銆銆core outcomes 鏍稿績缁撴灉

銆銆bottom line 璋堝垽搴曠嚎

銆銆breakdown in negotiation 璋堝垽鐮磋

銆銆collective well - being 闆嗕綋鍒╃泭

銆銆difficult decisions 鍐崇瓥鍥伴毦

銆銆negotiation sketch 璋堝垽绠鍥

銆銆equitable agreement 鍏骞冲悎鐞嗙殑鍗忚

銆銆negotiation skills 璋堝垽鎶宸

銆銆on the routine basis 鍦ㄦ儻渚嬬殑鍩虹涓

銆銆expected benefits 鏈熷緟鐨勮皥鍒ょ粨鏋

銆銆one-off business 涓閿ゅ瓙涔板崠

銆銆face-to-face negotiation 闈㈠归潰璋堝垽

銆銆opening position 鍒濇ヤ环浣

銆銆factual information 瀹為檯淇℃伅

銆銆optimal timing 鏈浣虫椂鏈

銆銆fail to reach any agreement 鏃犳硶杈炬垚鍗忚

銆銆optimize the interests浣垮埄鐩婃渶浼樺寲

銆銆pull tricks 鑰嶈姳鎷

銆銆renounce a negotiation 鏀惧純璋堝垽

銆銆favorable outcomes 鍒╁ソ缁撴灉

銆銆reservation price 淇濈暀浠锋牸

銆銆room for maneuver 鍛ㄦ棆鐨勪綑鍦

銆銆good joint outcome 浜掓儬鐨勫叡鍚岀粨鏋

銆銆rough style 婵鐑堢殑璋堝垽椋庢牸

銆銆information loophole 淇℃伅绌虹己

銆銆settle differences 瑙e喅鍒嗘

銆銆sham position 铏氬亣绔嬪満

銆銆signal firmness 琛ㄧ幇鍑哄潥瀹氱珛鍦

銆銆organizational structure 缁勭粐缁撴瀯

銆銆organizationally ambitious 瀵圭粍缁囧伐浣滄湁杩滃ぇ鎶辫礋鐨

銆銆organization鈥檚 ends 缁勭粐鐩鏍

銆銆higher-up 涓婄骇

銆銆personal attractiveness 涓浜洪瓍鍔

銆銆indivial goal 涓浜虹洰鏍

銆銆ince cooperation 淇冧娇鍚堜綔

銆銆pressing deskwork 绱ц揩鐨勬堝ご宸ヤ綔

銆銆informal influence 闈炴e紡褰卞搷

銆銆public speaking skills 婕旇叉妧鑳

銆銆interactions 鐩镐簰浜ゆ祦

銆銆relevance of the work 宸ヤ綔鐨勫疄鐢ㄦ

銆銆interpersonal activities 浜ら檯娲诲姩

銆銆leader power 棰嗗兼潈鍔

『伍』 关于地震的一些英语单词


earthquake 地震
shake 震动;摇晃
temblor [美语] 地震

hit 袭击、打击,使遭受
strike 突然发生;打击
jolt 使颠簸,摇晃
rock 摇,摇动,使振动
roll across 波动,起伏,横摇
rip through 裂开,破开;突进,横撞直闯

damage 损害;损伤
destroy 毁坏,破坏;摧残
shatter 破坏;捣毁;破灭
devastate 蹂躏,破坏;使荒废;毁灭
level 推倒,夷平
flatten 夷为平地

seismological 地震学上的
seismology 地震学
seismograph 地震仪
seismographer 地震学家
aftershock 余震
smaller tremors 小地震
epicenter 震中
magnitude 震级
Richter Scale(1-10) 里氏震级
at a scale of 7.8 on the Richter calculations 里氏7.8级地震
earthquake monitoring 地震监控
tsunami 海啸
rock and mud slides 泥石流
tsunami warning system 海啸预警系统
tidal waves 潮汐波,浪潮
natural disaster 自然灾害
tragedy 灾难
wreckage 残骸
death toll 死亡人数
survivors 幸存者
victims 受灾者
international contributions 国际援助
evacuation 撤离
rescue team 救援小组

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