1. 鍏充簬鍟嗗簵涔嬬被鐨勫崟璇嶈秺澶氳秺濂絶~濡傝惀涓 涓婚【 瑕佷环涔嬬被鐨剘~瑕佹眰鏈夎嫳鏂囩炕璇
1锛 Good morning 锛宻ir銆侰an I halp you ?
2锛 Good afternoon , madam ,May I halp you ?
澶澶锛屼腑鍗堝ソ锛 鎮ㄦ兂涔颁粈涔堬紵
3锛 Good evening ,miss , What can I do for you ?
4锛 Welcome to our countelr. 娆㈣繋鍏変复鏈鏌
5锛 Welcome to Wuhan plaza . 娆㈣繋鍏変复姝︽眽骞垮満
6锛 Please take your time . 璇烽殢渚跨湅鐪
Conversation A S:sales (钀ヤ笟鍛) C:Customer(椤惧)
7锛 S锛欸ood morning 锛宻ir銆侰an I halp you ?
C:I鈥檓 thinking of buying a toy for my son.
S:May I know how old is he?浠栧嚑宀佷簡锛
C:He鈥檒l be six next Sunday. The toy is for his birthday.
S:I see .How about this one? 鎴戞槑鐧戒簡锛岃繖涓鎬庝箞鏍凤紵
Conversation B
S锛歐elcome to counter madam .what can I do for you ?
C:I鈥檓 just looking around .鎴戝彧鏄闅忎究鐪嬬湅銆
S锛歅lease take you time .If any thing you like ,just let me now .
C:Ok I will . thank you .璋㈣阿锛屾垜浼氱殑銆
Exercise 1
1锛 Go straight on ,then make a left turn ,you鈥漧l find the toilet
2.The Infornation Desk is on the first floor .(Ground floor)
3.Please go downstairs.(upstairs)璇蜂笅
4.You can take the escalator up to the 5th floor.
5.Follow me ,please .璇烽殢鎴戞潵銆
6銆乀hls way,Please. 杩欒竟璇枫
7銆乊ou will not miss it. 浣犱笉浼氶敊杩囩殑銆
8銆乄here is the sport-department?-It鈥檕n the flfth floor.
9銆乀he cashler is on thls wsy. 鏀堕摱鍙板湪閭h竟銆
10銆両t鈥檚 on you right hand slde. 鍦ㄤ綘鐨勫彸鎵嬭竟銆
C:Excuse ms,could you tell me where the sport-department is?
S:It鈥檚 on the 5th floor,you may take the escalator to.
C:Thank you,By the way,how can I find the tollet?
S:Taka a left turn,then go straight on,It鈥檚 on your right hand slde ,You will not miss it.
C:Thanks a lot. 璋㈣阿锛
S:You are welcome . 娌″叧绯伙紒
1銆 Do you want me to show you something? 浣犳兂鐪嬩簺浠涔堬紵
2銆 Which one do you like? 浣犲枩娆㈠摢涓涓锛
3銆 Are you interested in any speclal brand?浣犳槸鍚﹀圭壒鍒鐨勫搧鐗屾劅鍏磋叮锛
4銆 May I know what you like?璇峰憡璇夋垜浣犵湅涓浜嗕粈涔堝晢鍝侊紵
5銆 Would you like this one,which I recommend to you?浣犲枩娆㈡垜鎺ㄨ崘鐨勮繖浠跺晢鍝佸悧锛
6銆 It鈥檃 world-famous brand.杩欐槸鍥介檯鍚嶇墝銆
7銆 I think it looks good on you.鎴戣夊緱浣犵┛杩欎欢寰堜汉鍚堥傘
8銆 It is the most popular color this year.杩欐槸浠婂勾鏈娴佽岀殑棰滆壊銆
9銆 This brand is suitable for young people.杩欎釜鍝佺墝閫傚悎骞磋交浜恒
10銆 It seems you are interested in 鈥..?浣犲ソ璞″硅繖浠跺晢鍝佹劅鍏磋叮锛
11銆 Do you have something like this?浣犱滑鏈夋病鏈夎薄杩欐牱鐨勪笢瑗匡紵
12銆 Here you are. 缁欎綘銆
13銆 How about this one?浣犺夊緱杩欎釜鎬庝箞鏍凤紵
14銆 Wait a moment,please. 璇风◢绛夈
15銆 I鈥檒l be back soon.鎴戦┈涓婂洖鏉ャ
16銆 I鈥檓 sorry to keep you waiting so long.瀵逛笉璧凤紝璁╂偍涔呯瓑浜嗐
Conversation A
S:Good everning miss .Do you want me to show you something ?
C锛歒es ,I鈥檓 looking for a pair of gloves .
S:What do you have in mind?浣犳兂瑕佷粈涔堟牱鐨勶紵
C锛欼鈥檓 not sure .may be a leater one .
S: Jiut a moment .I鈥漧l get you one.(A moment Leter )Here you are .You may try it on.
C锛歍hank you .this pair fits me perfectly .璋㈣阿锛岃繖鍙岄潪甯搁傚悎鎴戙
Conversation B
S:welcome.It seems you鈥檙e interested in this dress.
C锛歒es .but I鈥檓 afraid it is too thick to wear in summer .
S:That鈥檚 no probelm .It is made of cotton ,so you won鈥檛 feel hot .
C锛歍hat鈥檚 nice ,but I don鈥檛 like the color .
S锛歍he color is popular or young peopl
C锛歀et me take it .閭f垜涔颁笅鍚с
S:Here you are. You can have a try .缁欎綘锛屼綘鍙浠ヨ瘯涓涓嬨
1锛 What size ,please ?璇烽棶澶氬ぇ灏虹爜銆
2锛 What your size .浣犵殑灏虹爜鏄澶氬皯锛
3锛 What size do you take ?浣犵┛澶氬ぇ鐨勫昂鐮侊紵
4锛 Here is the one in your size.杩欎欢鏄浣犺佺殑灏虹爜銆
5锛 This is a good fit .杩欎欢寰堝悎閫傘
6锛 It鈥檚 too big .澶澶т簡銆
7锛 It鈥檚 too small.澶灏忎簡銆
8锛 It鈥檚 too tight .澶绱т簡銆
9锛 It鈥檚 too loose .澶鏉句簡銆
10. How about green?It鈥檚 size ten .
11.Please try it on .浣犲彲浠ヨ瘯绌夸竴涓嬨
12.I鈥檓 afraid this is the largest one we have .
13锛嶪鈥檓 afraid we liaven鈥檛 the size you want .
S:Good evening madam. 鏅氫笂濂, 濂冲+.
C:Good evening Would you please show me the shoes in black colour?
S:All right. Do you like this one?
C:It looks very nice. Let me try it on.鐪嬩笂鍘诲緢婕備寒锛岃╂垜璇曡瘯銆
S:What is your size?澶氬ぇ灏哄悧锛
C:36, please. 36鐮佺殑銆
S:How about this pair? 杩欏弻鎬庝箞鏍凤紵
C:This is a good fit. 绌跨潃寰堝悎閫傘
1銆乄hat color do you like?浣犲枩娆浠涔堥滆壊锛
2 What is yout favorite color.浣犳渶鍠滄㈢殑棰滆壊鏄浠涔堬紵
3 Do you think a blue on
e will do?浣犺や负钃濊壊鐨勮屽悧锛
4 Do you like this kind of color?浣犺夊緱杩欑嶉滆壊鎬庢牱锛
5 I think red suits you most .鎴戣や负绾㈣壊鐨勬渶閫傚悎浣犮
6 Is this kind of color too bright for me ?鎴戠┛杩欑嶉滆壊鏄涓嶆槸澶椴滆壋浜嗐
7 Brown is too oldish for you.浣犵┛妫曡壊澶鑰佹皵浜嗐
8 This color is quite popular.杩欑嶉滆壊闈炲父娴佽屻
9 I like the color on me .鎴戣夊緱杩欑嶉滆壊姣旇緝閫傚悎鎴戙
10 It is colorfast.杩欐槸涓嶈お鑹茬殑銆
11 It doesn鈥檛 fade.杩欑嶉滆壊涓嶈お鑹层
C:Excuse me , could you show me a coat like the one on the model.
S:Sure, you really have a good taste , madam ,What color do you like?
C:The grey one looks nice.鐏拌壊鐨勭湅涓婂幓鎸哄ソ鐨勩
S:You may try it on , The mirror is behind you .
C:Thank you , This color is quite beautiful ,but does it fsde ?
S:No, it is colorfast,涓嶏紝瀹冧笉瑜鑹层
C:Then I鈥檒l take this one . Thank you.閭d箞鎴戜拱涓浠讹紝璋㈣阿锛
S:You鈥檙e welcome.涓嶇敤璋銆
Red 绾㈣壊 ;green缁胯壊锛 yellow 榛勮壊锛 blue钃濊壊锛 purple绱鑹诧紱
Black 榛戣壊锛泈hite鐧借壊锛沺ink 绮夌孩鑹诧紱orange姗橀粍鑹诧紱brown 妫曡壊锛沚eige绫宠壊锛沢rey鐏拌壊
1锛 Do you like this design? 浣犲枩娆㈣繖涓娆惧紡鍚楋紵
2锛 What do you think of this style? 浣犺や负杩欎釜娆惧紡鎬庝箞鏍凤紵
3锛 What style do you prefer? 杩欎袱绉嶆惧紡锛屼綘鏇村枩娆㈠摢涓涓锛
4锛 It鈥檚 the latest
fashion ,very popular. 杩欐槸鏈鏂版撅紝闈炲父娴佽屻
S:Good moring ,sir.鏃╀笂濂斤紝鍏堢敓銆
C: Good moring ,I want to buy a coat. 鏃╀笂濂斤紝鎴戞兂涔颁竴浠跺栧椼
S:We have difierent kinds of coats . I鈥檓 sure you can find the one you like . 鎴戜滑鏈夊悇绉嶅栧楋紝鐩镐俊浣犱細鎵惧埌鍠滄㈢殑銆
C:Yes ,I hope so .I鈥檝e been visiting many big stores, but I haven鈥檛 found my favorite yet. 甯屾湜濡傛ゃ傛垜宸茬粡鍘昏繃璁稿氬ぇ鍟嗗簵锛屼絾杩樻病鎵惧埌鏈鍠滄㈢殑銆
S:Do you like this one?It鈥檚 the latest fashion of this year,very popular. 浣犲枩娆㈣繖涓浠跺悧锛熶粖骞存渶鏂版撅紝闈炲父娴佽屻
C:Thank you.That seems to be what I鈥檓 looking for. 璋㈣阿锛佽繖濂藉儚灏辨槸鎴戣佹壘鐨勩
绗涓冮儴鍒嗭細 璇存槑璐ㄩ噺
1锛 This one is the highest quality. 杩欑嶈川閲忔渶濂姐
2锛 The quality is good. 璐ㄩ噺闈炲父濂姐
3锛 This is made of cotton ,so it comfortable . 瀹冩槸妫夌殑锛岀┛鐫鑸掗傘
4锛 These are more expensive , but the quality is super. 浠锋牸铏界劧姣旇緝璐碉紝浣嗚川閲忓ソ銆
5锛 It鈥檚 always out of stock , there is not much left. 闈炲父鐑閿锛 宸叉墍鍓╀笉澶氫簡銆
6锛 Let me show you how to use it ? 璁╂垜绀鸿寖缁欎綘鐪嬫庝箞浣跨敤銆
7锛 It鈥檚 long lasting. 闈炲父鑰愮敤銆
8锛 Please handle it with care. 璇峰皬蹇冩嬁濂姐
9锛 You have good taste. 浣犵溂鍏夌湡涓嶉敊銆
S:Can I help you? 浣犳兂涔颁粈涔堬紵
C;Yes ,I want to buy a cooking pot . 鎴戞兂涔颁竴涓閿呫
S:We have several kinds, all made pf different material. 鎴戜滑鏈
C:Which kind is most long lasting? 鍝鑳戒竴绉嶆渶鑰愩
S:I think the most long lasting is stainless steel. 鎴戣や负鏈鑰愮敤鐨勬槸涓嶉攬閽㈢殑銆
C:That鈥檚 all right .I鈥檒l take one. 閭eソ鍚э紝鎴戜拱涓涓銆
1. How much is it 锛 澶氬皯閽憋紵
2. How much does it cost? 杩欎釜澶氬皯閽憋紵
3. It is 240 yuan. 240鍏冦
4. It鈥檚 15 yuan altogether. 鎬诲叡1580鍏冦
5. Can you make it cheaper? 鑳藉惁渚垮疁浜涳紵
6. Can you come down a bit ? 鑳藉惁鍐嶉檷涓鐐癸紵
7. Any discount ? 鏈夋姌鎵e悧锛
8. If you have a VIP card ,you can get 10 percent discout. 濡傛灉鏈夎吹瀹惧崱锛屼綘鍙浠ュ緱鍒9鎶樹紭鎯犮
9. Is it on sale? 杩欎釜鍓婁环鍑哄敭鍚楋紵
10. These goods are on sale today. 浠婂ぉ锛岃繖浜涘晢鍝侀檷浠烽攢鍞銆
11. We don鈥檛 ask for second prices. 鎴戜滑璐ф棤浜屼环銆
12. This is the bill ,please pay at the cashier鈥檚. 杩欐槸鍗曟嵁锛岃峰埌鏀堕摱鍙颁粯娆俱
13. Wait a minute please ,I鈥檒l make out your receipt. 璇风◢绛夛紝鎴戠粰浣犲紑鍙戠エ銆
14. Would you like to pay it in cash or by credit card? 浣犳槸鎰挎剰鐢ㄧ幇閲戣繕鏄淇$敤鍗′粯娆撅紵
15. Yes ,we accept visa ,Maser and American Express card. 鏄鐨勶紝鎴戜滑鎺ュ彈缁磋惃銆佷竾浜嬭揪鍜岀編鍥借繍閫氬崱銆
16. It鈥檚 free gift. 杩欐槸鎴戜滑鐨勮禒鍝併
17. It鈥檚 free of charge . 杩欐槸鍏嶈垂鐨勩
18. Anything else? 杩橀渶瑕佸埆鐨勫晢鍝佸悧锛
C:Please show me that white T shirt. 璇风粰鎴戠湅鐪嬮偅浠剁櫧鑹茬殑T鎭ゃ
S:Here you are. 缁欎綘銆
C:It鈥檚 in good quality .How much is it ? 璐ㄩ噺寰堝ソ锛屽氬皯閽憋紵
S:One hundred and eighty yuan. 180鍏冦
C:Oh,it鈥檚 too much ,Can you come down a bit ? 鍝︼紝澶璐典簡锛岃兘鍚﹂檷涓鐐癸紵
S:If you have a VIP card ,you can get 10 percent discount. 濡傛灉鏈夎吹瀹惧崱锛屼綘鍙浠ュ緱鍒9鎶樹紭鎯犮
1. Thank you very much. 璋㈣阿浣犮
2. Thank you for your advice. 璋㈣阿浣犵殑寤鸿銆
3. I鈥檓 glad you enjoy it. 寰堥珮鍏翠綘鍠滄銆
4. My pleasure. 娌″叧绯汇
5. You鈥檙e welcome. 娌″叧绯汇
6. Not at all. 涓嶇敤璋銆
7. Don鈥檛 mention it . 娌″叧绯汇
8. It鈥檚 very kind of you ,we can鈥檛 accept tips . 鎮ㄥお瀹㈡皵浜嗭紝鎴戜滑涓嶆敹灏忚垂銆
C:Thanks a lot. 闈炲父璋㈣阿锛
S;You are welcome. 涓嶇敤璋銆
1. Thsnk you for shopping . 璋㈣阿鎯犻【銆
2. Hope to see you again. 娆㈣繋涓嬫″厜涓淬
3. Have a good time in WuHan piaza. 绁濇偍鍦ㄦ﹀箍璐鐗╂剦蹇銆
4. Good-bye and good luck.銆傚啀瑙侊紝绁濅綘濂借繍銆
5. See you later. 鍐嶈併
to do some shopping; to go shopping 涔颁笢瑗
shopping centre 鍟嗕笟涓蹇冨尯
department store 鐧捐揣鍟嗗簵
children's goods store 鍎跨ョ敤鍝佸晢搴
antique shop 鍙ょ帺搴
second-hand store 鏃ц揣搴
counter 鏌滃彴
stall, stand 鍞璐ф憡
show window 姗辩獥
show case 鐜荤拑鏌滃彴
shelf 璐ф灦
cash desk, cashier's desk 鏀堕摱澶
price tag 鏍囦环绛
prices are fixed, fixed prices 鏈夊畾浠
discount 鎵撴姌鎵
change 闆堕挶
to keep the bill 鐣欏彂绁
to wrap up 鍖呰
free of charge 涓嶆敹璐
to deliver 閫
be al sold out, out of stock 鍞绌
shop assistant, salesman 鍞璐у憳
saleswoman 濂冲敭璐у憳
glassware counter 鐜荤拑鍣ㄧ毧閮
enamel ware 鎼鐡峰櫒鐨
haberdashery 鐢峰瓙鏈嶉グ鐢ㄥ搧
confectionery 绯栨灉绯曠偣
cosmetics 鍖栧嗙敤鍝
stationery 鏂囧叿
fabrics 绾虹粐鍝
dry goods 鏈嶈
ready-made clothes, off-the-peg, ready-to-wear 鎴愯。锛岀幇鎴愭湇瑁
men's wear 鐢锋湇
women's wear 濂虫湇
underwear 鍐呰。瑁
sports goods, athletic equipment 浣撹偛鐢ㄥ搧
sundries 闆舵槦灏忕墿
toilet articles 鐩ユ礂鐢ㄥ搧
towel 姣涘肪
handkerchief 鎵嬪笗
toilet soap 棣欑殏
shampoo 娲楀彂棣欐尝
soap 鑲ョ殏
laundry soap 娲楄。鐨
soap powder 鑲ョ殏绮
soap flakes 鐨傜墖
medicated soap 鑽鐨
detergent 娲楄。绮
cleanser 鍘绘薄绮
tooth paste 鐗欒啅
tooth brush 鐗欏埛
toilet mirror 姊冲嗛暅
hair brush 鍙戝埛
hair vaseline 鍙戣湣
cosmetics 鍖栧嗗搧
lipstic 鍙g孩锛屽攪鑶
face powder 绮
compact 绮夌洅
powder puff 绮夋墤
cold cream 棣欒剛
vanishing cream 闆鑺辫啅
perfume, scent 棣欐按
perfume spray 棣欐按鍠峰瓙
coat hanger 鎸傝。鏋
clothes-peg, clothes pin 鏅掕。澶
string bag, net bag 缃戝厹
thermos bottle 鐑姘寸摱
cap, cork 鐑姘寸摱鐡剁洊
travellers' water bottle, water flask, canteen 鏃呰屾按澹
lunch box, canteen 楗鐩
thread 绾
needle 閽
button 閽鎵
zipper 鎷夐摼
key-ring 閽ュ寵鍦
torch, flashlight 鎵嬬數
bulb 鐏娉
battery 鐢垫睜
lock 閿
watch, wrist watch 琛锛屾墜琛
watch band 琛ㄥ甫
watch chain 琛ㄩ摼
clock 閽
alarm clock 闂归挓
electric clock 鐢甸挓
umbrella 闆ㄤ紴
parasol, sun umbrella 闃充紴
knapsack 鑳屽寘
handbag 濂虫墜鎻愬寘
briefcase, portfolio 鍏浜嬪寘
travelling bag 鏃呰屽寘
suitcase 鎵嬫彁绠
trunk 澶ц。绠
magnifying glass 鏀惧ぇ闀
binoculares 鏈涜繙闀
hot-water bottle 鐑姘磋
smoking set 鐑熷叿
lighter 鎵撶伀鏈
jewelry, jewels 棣栭グ锛岀彔瀹
jewel case 棣栭グ鐩
antique, curio 鍙ょ帺
ornaments 瑁呴グ鍝
ring, finger ring 鎴掓寚
signet ring 鍗扮珷鎴掓寚
necklace 椤归摼
brooch 鑳搁拡
pendant 鍧犲瓙
bracelet 闀瀛
chain bracelet 鎵嬮摼
ear ring 鑰崇幆
trinket 灏忛グ鐗
safety-pin 鍒閽
cuff-link 琚栨墸
diamond 閽荤煶
gold jeweleries 閲戦グ
silver jeweleries 閾堕グ
pearl 鐝嶇彔
imitation 浠垮埗鍝
genuine 鐪熺殑
fake 鍋囩殑
baby's cot, crib 濠村効搴
cradle 鎽囩
diaper, napkin 灏垮竷
feeding bottle, feeder 濂剁摱
teat, nipple 姗$毊濂跺槾
mmy, comforter 鍋囧ザ鍢
perambulator 鍎跨ヨ溅
go-cart, walker, babywalker 鍎跨ュ︽ヨ溅
rocking-horse 鎽囬┈
scooter 韪忔澘杞
child's tricycle 鍎跨ヤ笁杞杞
razor 鍓冨垁
safety razor 淇濋櫓鍓冮』鍒
electric razor 鐢靛墐鍒
razor blade 鍒鐗
shaving brush 鍓冮』鍒
shaving cream 鍓冮』鑶
comb 姊冲瓙
hair-brush 鍙戝埛
hair-net 鍙戠綉
hair pin 鍙戝す
hair oil, brilliantine 鍙戞补
hair lotion 鐢熷彂姘
pomade 鍙戣啅
hair drier 鍚归庢満
hair-curler 鍗峰彂澶
electric clippers, electric shears 鐢垫帹瀛
nail scissors 鎸囩敳鍓
nail clipper 鎸囩敳澶
nail file 鎸囩敳閿
nail varnish, nail polish 鎸囩敳娌
2. 化妆品-英语词汇-产品英文实战-购物英文实战
护肤类:skin care
洗面奶:facial cleanser/ face wash
爽肤水/紧肤水/收敛剂 toner/ astringent
化妆水:toning lotion
紧肤水:firming lotion
柔肤水:toner/ smoothing toner ( facial mist/ facial spray/ complexion mist)
护肤霜: moisturizers and creams
保湿: moisturizer
隔离霜,防晒: sun screen/ sun block
美白: whitening
露: lotion
霜: cream
日霜: day cream
晚霜: night cream
眼部gel : eye gel
面膜: facial mask/ masque
眼膜: eye mask
护唇: lip care
口红护膜:lip care
磨砂膏:facial scrub
去黑头: pore cleanser/ striper pore refining
去死皮:exfoliating scrub
润肤露(身体): body lotion/ moisturizer
护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer
沐浴露: body wash
散粉:loose powder
粉饼:pressed powder
修容饼:shading powder
眉笔:brow pencil
眼线液,眼线笔:liquid eye liner, eye liner
眼影: eye shadow
唇线笔: lip liner
眉粉: brow powder
唇膏:lip color/ lipstick /lip gloss/
唇彩:lip gloss/ lip color
腮红: blush
卸妆水/乳:makeup remover/lotion
指甲油:nail polish/ color/ enamel/
去甲油:nail polish remover
发胶:styling gel
染发:hair color
卷发器: rollers/ perm rollers
粉刷 cosmetic brush, face brush
粉扑 powder puffs
海绵扑 sponge puffs
眉刷 brow brush
睫毛夹 lash curler
眼影刷 eye shadow brush/ shadow applicator
口红刷 lop brush
胭脂扫 blush brush
转笔刀 pencil sharpener
电动剃毛器 electric shaver for women
电动睫毛卷 electric lash curler
描眉卡 brow template
吸油纸 oil- absorbing sheets
化妆棉 cotton pads
棉签 Q-tips
hand cream: 护手霜
glycerine: 甘油,丙三醇
camomile: 洋甘菊
paraben: 尼泊金(苯甲酸脂类)
chapped hands: 皲裂的手
hydrated: 含水的,水化的
blossom: 花,开花
mineral oils: 矿物油
synthetic colors : 合成颜色
dermatologically tested: 通过皮肤测试
minimally fragranced: 最低限度的香味
ingredients: 原料
aqua(water): 水
glycerin: 甘油
glyceryl stearate: 甘油硬脂酸酯
dimethicone: 二甲聚硅氧烷
cetearyl alcohol: 鲸蜡硬脂醇;十六硬脂酸酯;棕榈醇
ethylhexyl palmitate: 棕榈酸乙基己酯 棕榈酸异辛酯 棕榈酸酯
sodium cetearyl sulfate: 鲸蜡硬脂醇硫酸酯钠盐 界面活性剂 界面剂
propylene glycol: 丙二醇
chammomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract: 洋甘菊提取物
caprylyl glycol:辛乙二醇 辛甘醇 保湿 辛二醇
parfum (fragrance):香精
benzyl salicylate:水杨酸苄酯
hexyl cinnamal:己基肉桂醛 香料 己基桂醛 防腐剂
Sephora 美国购物网站英文翻译:
makeup: 彩妆
surface active agent SAA 表面活性剂
anionic surface active agent a-SAA 阴离子表面活性剂
nonionic surface active agent n-SAA 非表面活性剂
cationic surface active agent c-SAA 阳离子表面活性剂
alkyl poly glycoside APG 烷基糖苷
linear alkyl benzene sulphonate LAS 直链烷基苯磺酸盐
alkyl sulfate AS 烷基硫酸盐
secondary alkyl sulphate SAS 仲烷基硫酸盐
fatty alcohol polyethylene glycol ether sulfate AES 脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸盐
alkenyl sulphonate AOS 烯基磺酸盐
fatty acid methyl ester sulphonate MES 脂肪酸甲酯磺酸盐
alkyl epoxy ethylene carboxy acid AEC 脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚羧酸盐
disodium Laureth(3) sulfosuccinate AESS 脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚(3)磺基琥珀酸单酯二钠
fatty alcohol polyoxyethylene ether AE 脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚
monoalkyl phosphoric acid ester MAP 单烷基磷酸酯
coco fatty acid monoethanolamide CMEA 椰油酸单乙醇酰胺
coconut fatty acid di-ethanolamide 6501 椰油酸二乙醇酰胺
Laurie acid di-ethanolamide LDEA 月桂基二乙醇酰胺
fatty acid monoethanolamide FMEA 脂肪酸单乙醇酰胺
Lauro amide propyl betaine LAPB 月桂酰胺丙基甜菜碱
sodium fatty alcohol sulfate K12 脂肪醇硫酸盐
coconut amide propyl betaine CAPB 椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱
coconut amide betaine CAB 椰油酰胺甜菜碱
Lauro amide amine oxide LAPO 月桂酰氨氧化铵
coco amide propylamine oxide CAPO 椰油酰胺丙基氧化纳
3. 头发的英语单词怎么读
英 [heə]
美 [hɛr]
n. 头发;毛来发;些源微
adj. 毛发的;护理毛发的;用毛发制成的
vt. 除去…的毛发
vi. 生长毛发;形成毛状纤维
Hair 头发,自由发则,毛发
Hair spray 喷发胶,发胶,喷发胶
Hair care 头发,头发护理,理发
读音大约是【hai er】
4. 零基础学英语:日常生活需要的英文单词
零基础学英语,都是从简单的知识开始。日常生活中经常会碰到一些英语单词,你知道吗?无论你是出国留学旅游,还是学习生活的兴趣。学习这些英语单词,也许会打开你的新世界大门,来一起了解一下日常生活需要的英文单词吧。Mall 商场
- elevator 升降电梯
- men’s clothing department 男装部
- mannequin 人体模特
- fitting room 试衣间
- display counter 陈列柜
- women’s clothing department 女装部
- price tag 价标
- co *** etics department 化妆品专柜
- salesclerk 销售员
- department store 百货商店
- information desk 咨询台
- household appliances department 家用电器部
- home electronics department 家用电子产品部
- shopper/customer 顾客
- shopping bag 购物袋
- escalator 自动扶梯
Concession stand 小卖部
- bottled water 瓶装水
- poster 海报
- candy 糖果
- pretzel 双圈饼干
- cookie 曲奇饼
- gum 口香糖
- mustard 芥末
- popsicle 棒冰
- drumstick 鸡腿
- chicken nuggets 鸡块
- popcorn 爆米花
- hamburger 汉堡
- soft drink 软饮料
- ketchup 番茄酱
- fries 薯条
- hot dog 热狗
- paper cup 纸杯
Classroom 教室
- clock 钟
- window 窗户
- door 门
- desk 桌子
- flag 旗子
- bookshelf 书架
- pencil box 铅笔盒
- pencil 铅笔
- mags 磁铁
- white board 白板
- notebook 笔记本
- eraser 橡皮
- ruler 尺
- marker 马克笔
- puter 计算机
- textbooks 教科书
- blackboard 黑板
- chalk 粉笔
- blackboard eraser 黑板擦
Laundromat 自助洗衣店
- dryer 烘干机
- screen 筛
- washboard 搓衣板
- detergent 洗涤剂
- starch 浆粉
- washtub 洗衣盆
- bleach 漂白剂
- fabric softener 织物柔顺剂
- measuring cup 量杯
- washing machine 洗衣机
- hamper 篮子
- lint 软麻布
- clothesline 晾衣绳
- stain 污点
Gardening 园艺
- shed 小屋
- shrubs 灌木丛
- plant pots 花盆
- cuttings 插条
- rake 耙
- hoe 锄
- spade 铲
- seeds 种子
- lawn mower 割草机
- bulbs 鳞茎
- shears 大剪刀
- hose 软管
- post heap 堆肥堆
- sprinkler 洒水器
- fertilizer 肥料
- grass cuttings 碎草屑
- ng 粪
- weeds 杂草
Backyard 后院
- birdbath 水盆
- tire swing 轮胎秋千
- umbrella 伞
- picnic table 野餐桌
- barbeque grill 烤架
- tree house 树屋
- garden 花园
- lawn mower 割草机
- dog 狗
- dog house 狗屋
- slide 滑梯
- hose 软管
- patio 露台
- cat 猫
- birdhouse 禽舍
- ant hill 蚁丘
- swing 秋千
- swing set 秋千架
Farm 农场
- field 田地
- haystack 干草堆
- wagon 四轮车
- wagon wheel 车轮
- hay 干草
- rope 绳子
- fence 篱笆
- hoe 锄
- rake 耙
- horseshoe 马掌
- shovel 铲
- corn 谷物
- pitchfork 干草叉
- horse 马
- trough 饲料槽
- barn 谷仓
- tractor 拖拉机
- wheat 小麦
Amusement Park 游乐园
- water slide 水滑道
- games 游戏
- vomit 呕吐
- ticket booth 售票处
- line 队伍
- carousel 旋转木马
- tracks 轨道
- Ferris wheel 摩天轮
- Haunted house 鬼屋
- Seat 座位
- Food stand 饮食摊
- Roller coaster 过山车
- Cotton candy 棉花糖
- Seat belt 安全带
- Car 车厢
Dentist Office 牙科诊所
- x-ray machine x光机
- Sink 水槽
- overhead light 顶灯
- towel 毛巾
- Paper cup 纸杯
- section hose 节管
- Dental chair 牙科手术椅
- Mirror 镜子
- Tools 工具
- Tray 托盘
- Drill 钻子
- Toothbrush 牙刷
- Dentures 假牙
- Mold 模子
- Teeth 牙齿
- Dental floss 牙线
Easter 复活节
- basket 篮子
- egg 蛋
- chocolate 巧克力
- handle 手把
- fake grass 人造草
- dye 染料
- marshmallows 棉花软糖
- paint 油漆
- bunny 兔子
- paint brush 油漆刷
- whiskers 胡须
- plastics egg 塑料蛋
- jelly beans 豆型软糖
- ears 耳朵
- paws 爪子
Makeup 化妆品
- moisturizer 润肤乳
- blush 腮红
- brushes 刷子
- lip liner 唇线笔
- nail polish 指甲油
- eezers 镊子
- nail polish remover 洗甲水
- face wash 洗面乳
- lipstick 口红
- foundation 粉底霜
- eyeliner 眼线笔
- mascara 睫毛膏
- nail file 指甲锉
- lip gloss 唇彩
Hair Salon 发廊
- sink 水槽
- barber’s chair 理发师的椅子
- mirror 镜子
- curling iron 卷发棒
- b 梳子
- brush 刷子
- hair dryer 吹风机
- scissors 剪子
- shampoo 洗发水
- mousse 摩斯
- shaving cream 剃须膏
- razor 剃刀
- hair clip 发夹
- bobby pins 发夹
- hair spray 发胶
- styling gel 发胶
- towel 毛巾
- conditioner 护发素
Swimming Pool 游泳池
- Lifeguard 救生员
- Umbrella 伞
- lounge chair 躺椅
- bikini 比基尼
- diving board 跳板
- swimming pool 泳池
- 网
- lockers 储物柜
- locker room 更衣室
- earplugs 耳塞
- towel 毛巾
- life ring 救生圈
- swimming suit 泳衣
- swimming cap 泳帽
- goggles 泳镜
- sunscreen 防晒霜
- ball 球
- swimming trunks 泳裤
- kickboard 踢水板
- ladder 梯子
Closet 衣橱
- blazer 小西装
- suspenders 吊裤带
- suit 套装
- tie 领带
- pants 裤子
- vest 背心
- raincoat 雨衣
- blouse 女士衬衣
- scarf 围巾
- purse 女手提袋
- skirt 短裙子
- coat 大衣
- hanger 衣架
- dress 连衣裙
- T-shirt T恤
- Tank top 运动背心
- Shorts 短裤
- Socks 袜子
- Belt 皮带
- Jeans 牛仔裤
- Sweater 毛衣
- Drawer 抽屉
Lunch Box 便当
- lunch box 便当盒
- thermos 热水瓶
- straw 吸管
- fork 叉
- knife 刀
- spoon 勺
- sugar packet 糖包
- lid 盖子
- salad 沙拉
- latch 闩
- yogurt 乳酪
- hinge 脚链
- sandwich 三明治
- pepper 胡椒
- napkin 餐巾
- Ziploc bag 密封塑料袋
- Pepper 胡椒
- salt packet 盐包
Nursery 托儿所
- high chair 儿童椅
- pacifier 奶嘴
- baby bottle 奶瓶
- bib 围嘴
- teddy bear 泰迪熊
- blanket 毯子
- baby wipes 婴儿溼巾
- rattle 摇响器
- diaper 尿布
- crib 婴儿牀
- playpen 游戏围栏
- stroller 婴儿车
- rocking horse 摇摆木马
- booties 婴儿袜
Toy Box 玩具箱
- doll 娃娃
- yo-yo 悠悠球
- fire engine 消防车
- toy box 玩具箱
- slinky 弹簧玩具
- toy soldiers 玩具士兵
- blocks 积木
- legos 乐高积木
- robot 机器人
- crayons 蜡笔
- remote controlled car 遥控汽车
- Barbie 芭比娃娃
- Car 车
- Teddy bear 泰迪熊
- Ball 球
- Walkie-talkie 对讲机
Cruise Ship 游艇
- swimming trunks 游泳裤
- deck 夹板
- cocktail 鸡尾酒
- sandals 拖鞋
- life vest 救生衣
- seagull 海鸥
- deck chair 躺椅
- bikini 比基尼
- anchor 锚
- life ring 救生圈
- rope 绳子
- captain 船长
- life boat 救生艇
- oar 浆
- porthole 舷窗
Fruit Market 水果超市
- water melon 西瓜
- plastic bags 塑料袋
- mandarin orange 橘子
- kiwi frui 奇异果
- sugar cane 甘蔗
- peach 桃子
- grapes 葡萄
- honeydew melon 甜瓜
- basket 篮子
- papaya 木瓜
- guava 番石榴
- lime 青柠
- lemon 柠檬
- star fruit 杨桃
- seeds 种子
- nectarine 油桃
- scale 秤
- grapefruit 葡萄柚
- plum 李子
- mango 芒果
- taro 芋头
Orchestra 管弦乐队
- bass (低音部)
- harp 竖琴
- conctor 指挥
- cello 大提琴
- bow 弓
- music stand 乐谱架
- sheet music 乐谱
- baton 指挥棒
- drums 鼓
- clari 单簧管
- violin 小提琴
- viola 中提琴
- saxophone 萨克斯
- flute 长笛
- trombone 长号
- trumpet 小号
Scuba Diving 潜水
- buoyancy pensation device(BCD) 浮力补偿背心
- wet suit 潜水溼衣
- spear gun 鱼枪
- fins 蛙鞋
- mask 面镜
- pass 罗盘
- weight belt 配重带
- snorkel 呼吸管
- outboard motor 舷外发动机
- gauge 潜水计量器
- regulator 调节器
- mouth piece 吸嘴
- tropical fish 热带鱼
- air tank 空气桶
- underwater camera 水下摄像机
- coral 珊瑚
- booties 潜水靴
- boat 船
- glove 潜水手套
- flashlight 手电筒
Toolbox 工具箱
- screws 螺丝
- tape measure 卷尺
- screwdriver 螺丝刀
- bolts 螺栓
- saw 锯子
- washers 垫圈
- nuts 螺母
- hammer 锤子
- wrench 扳手
- nails 钉子
- utility knife 工具刀
- toolbox 工具箱
- level 水平
- sledgehammer 大锤
- drill 钻孔机
- tape 胶带
- c-clamp C形夹
Clinic 诊所
- thermometer 温度计
- syringe 注射器
- height chart身高表
- blood pressure gauge 血压计
- eye drops 眼药水
- eardrops 耳药水
- medicine 药
- pills 药片
- antibiotics 抗生素
- painkillers 止痛片
- beaker 烧杯
- stethoscope 听诊器
- scale 秤
- swab 棉签
- antiseptic cream 消毒药膏
- rubber gloves 橡胶手套
Kitchen 厨房
- microwave 微波炉
- toaster 烤面包机
- kitchen knife 菜刀
- kettle 水壶
- wok 锅
- oven 烤箱
- cleaver 切肉刀
- frying pan 煎锅
- range hood 抽油烟机
- cutting board 砧板
- sink 水槽
- stove(range) 炉灶
- blender 搅拌机
- coffeemaker 咖啡机
- refrigerator(fridge) 冰箱
Fruit 水果
- fruit stand 水果摊
- mango 芒果
- pomelo 柚子
- pineapple 菠萝
- passion fruit 百香果
- cantaloupe 哈密瓜
- grapefruit 葡萄柚
- strawberry (strawberries) 草莓
- cherry (cherries) 樱桃
- peach 桃子
- rian 榴莲
- grape(s) 葡萄
- kiwi 奇异果
- persimmon 柿子
- bell fruit/wax apple 莲雾
- apple pear/Chinese pear 鸭梨
- papaya 木瓜
- guava 番石榴
- watermelon 西瓜
Street Side Cafe 露天咖啡座
- chair 椅子
- paper cup 纸杯
- ashtray 菸灰缸
- muffin 松饼
- cinnamon roll 肉桂卷
- stirrer 搅拌棒
- top 杯盖
- chocolate 巧克力
- menu 菜单
- brown sugar 黄糖
- napkin 餐巾
- cream 泡沫
- umbrella 伞
- cup 杯子
- saucer 杯垫
- packet of sugar 糖包
- table 桌子
- white sugar 白糖
Scotland 苏格兰
- Highland cow 高山牛
- Loch Ness Monster(Nessie) 尼斯湖水怪
- Loch Ness 尼斯湖
- Heather 石南花
- Sheep 羊
- Fly-fishing 飞钓
- Scottish terrier 苏格兰梗犬
- Castle 城堡
- Bagpiper 风笛手
- Kit 装备
- Village 村庄
- Bagpipe 风笛
- Sporran(苏格兰)毛皮袋
- Tartan (苏格兰)格子呢
Fishing 捕鱼
- Bait 诱饵
- Worm 虫
- fishing rod 鱼竿
- tackle box 工具箱
- waders 钓鱼裤
- reel 转轮
- lead weight 吊锤
- hook 钩子
- 网
- fishing line 鱼线
- lure 诱饵
- fly 人工拟饵
Service Station 加油站
- convenience store 便利店
- squeegee 清洁器
- attendant 服务员
- restroom 卫生家
- air pump 气泵
- trash can 垃圾桶
- vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器
- gas pump 油泵
- oil can 油罐
- hydraulic lift 液压升降机
- tool chest 工具箱
- tire 轮胎
Thanksgiving 感恩节
- mashed potatoes 土豆泥
- pasta 意大利面
- jell-o 果冻
- knife 刀子
- sausages 香肠
- cranberry sauce 蔓越莓酱
- turkey 火鸡
- apple pie 苹果派
- corn bread 玉米面包
- muffin 松饼
- biscuits 饼干
- pumpkin pie 南瓜饼
- butter 黄油
- sweet potatoes 红薯
- soup 汤
- gravy 肉汁
- stuffing 填充料
- pudding 布丁
- corn 玉米
- salad 沙拉
- squash 西葫芦
- yams 山药
Bicycle 自行车
- helmet 头盔
- spoke 辐条
- lock 锁
- seat 座子
- gears 齿轮
- rim 轮辋
- chain 链条
- kickstand 支架
- derailleur 变速器
- wheels 轮胎
- water bottle holder 水壶架
- headset 车头碗组
- pedal 踏板
- gear shifter 变速杆
- brake 刹车
- handle bar 车把
- reflector 反光灯
- basket 车篮
- shock 避震条
- bike rack 车架
5. 小学三年级英语之生活用品单词有哪些
pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil-case铅笔盒 ruler尺子 book书 bag包 comic book漫画书 post card明信片 newspaper报纸 schoolbag书包 eraser橡皮 crayon蜡笔 sharpener卷笔刀 story-book故事书 notebook笔记本 Chinese book语文书 English book英语书 math book数学书 magazine杂志 dictionary词典
九、 衣服 (clothes)
jacket夹克衫 shirt衬衫 T-shirt丅恤衫 skirt短裙子 dress连衣裙 jeans牛仔裤 pants长裤 socks袜子 shoes鞋子 sweater毛衣 coat上衣 raincoat雨衣 shorts短裤 sneakers网球鞋 slippers拖鞋 sandals凉鞋 boots靴子 hat(有沿的)帽子 cap便帽 sunglasses太阳镜 tie领带 scarf围巾 gloves手套 trousers裤子 cloth布
十、 交通工具 (vehicles)
bike自行车 bus公共汽车 train火车 boat小船 ship轮船 yacht快艇 car小汽车 taxi出租车 jeep吉普车 van小货车;面包车 plane/airplane飞机 subway/underground地铁 motor cycle摩托车
refrigerator 冰箱
automatic rice cooker 电饭锅
steamer 蒸锅
oven 烤箱
grill 烧烤架
toaster 烤面包机
egg beater 打蛋器
ice crusher 刨冰机
food processor 食品加工机
paper towel 纸巾
apron 围裙
tableware 餐具
plate 盘子
dish 碟子
bowl 碗
cupboard 碗橱
dining table 餐桌
larder 食品柜
drop-leaf table 可以折叠边缘的桌子
chopping board 案板
cutlery tray 装餐具的容器
dish drainer 晾干餐具的容器(类似铁丝筐)
table cloth 桌布
laundry bag 洗衣袋
pail 洗衣桶
ironing board 烫衣板
steam and dry iron 蒸汽电熨斗
electric iron 电熨斗
laundry drier 烘干机
spin-drier 旋转式脱水机
washing machine 洗衣机
radiator 暖气片
electric fan 电扇
stand fan 落地电扇
oscillating fan 摇头电扇
bed light/bed lamp 床头灯
fluorescent lamp 日光灯
ceiling lamp/pendant lamp 吊灯
desk/table lamp 台灯
wall light 壁灯
floor lamp 落地灯
chandelier 枝状吊灯
water gauge 水表
plug 插头
outlet/receptacle 插座
paste 浆糊
glue 胶水
adhesive tape 胶条
packing paper 包装纸
string 绳子
carpenter 木工
electrician 电工
utility man 杂务工
plumber 管道工
painter 油漆工
vacuum hose holder 吸尘器管子的托架
watering can 浇水壶
blanket 毛毯
cushion 垫子
quilt 被子
cotton terry blanket 毛巾被
feather quilt 羽绒被
cotton quilt 棉被
bedding 床上用品
mosquito net 蚊帐
pillow 枕头
bolster 长枕
pillow case 枕套
tick 褥子
carpet 地毯 (一般指大的整块的,铺房间的那种)
rug 地毯(一般指小块的,放在沙发等边上的那种)
家居英语单词(五 - 卧室)
bed frame/bed base 床架
headboard 床头板
sofa bed 沙发床
folding guest bed 折叠床<br/> loftbed frame架在空中的床(下面可放沙发、桌子等)
bunkbed frame 上下铺的床
slatted bed base 板条床
sprung base 弹簧床
bedspread 床罩
sheet 床单
mat 席子
mattress 床垫 (厚的那种)
mattress pad 床垫 (薄的那种)
bed canopy 支在床上的篷子 (一般用于儿童床上的装饰)
bedside table 床头柜
bathtub 浴缸
hand shower 手握式淋浴器
shower nozzle 喷头
tap faucet 水龙头
plastic curtain 防水浴帘
shower cap 浴帽
bath slipper 洗澡用拖鞋
bath mat 防滑垫
towel hanger/holder 毛巾架
towel ring 毛巾环
bath towel 浴巾
soap stand 肥皂盒
comb 梳子
soap 肥皂
shampoo 洗发露
conditioner 护发素
dryer 吹风机
razor 刮胡刀
toothpaste 牙膏
Adjustable bed 可调床
Air bed 气床
Anti-slip strip for stairs (儿童床)防滑楼梯打击扶手
Antique furniture 古式家具
Antique reproction furniture 仿古家具
Armchair 扶手椅
Baby crib 婴儿床
Backless wall-unit 不设背板的壁橱
Bamboo furniture 竹家具
Banqueting chair 宴会椅
Barstool 吧椅
Bathroom accessories 浴室配套装置
Bathroom combination 浴室组合柜
Bathroom consoles 浴室多用架
Bathroom furniture 浴室家具
Bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台
Batten door 板条门
Bed base床架,床套
Bed base set 成套床架
Bedroom suite 卧室系列家具
Bedstead 床架
Bentwood furniture 曲木家具
Beside table 床头柜
Birch door 桦木门
Board-room and conference table 会议桌
Bookcase 书柜
Bookshelf 书架
Built-in kitchen 配套厨房家具
Bunk 双层床
Bunk bed 双层床
Cabin bed 儿童多功能床
Cabin furniture for ships 船用家具
Canopy bed 带天篷的床,四柱床
CD-video storage cabinet边 音响组合柜
Chair with castors 脚轮椅
Changing table 可调桌
Chest of drawers 多屉橱柜
Child cot 童床
Children’s bed 儿童床
Children’s bedroom suite 儿童卧房系列家具
Children’s chair 儿童椅
CKD(complete knock down) 整体拆装式家具
Clothes rail 挂衣杆
Cocktail cabinet 吧柜,酒柜
Cocktail table 鸡尾酒桌
Coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌
Combine-unit 组合柜
Composite furniture 复合家具
Console 小桌
Console table (装在墙上的)蜗形腿台桌
Contract furniture 订做家具,承建家具
Contract programmes 订做家具
Corner sofa suite 拐角扶杆
Cot 童床(婴儿床)
Couch 长沙发椅
Cupboard 橱柜
Cupboard wall unit for flat 套房衣柜
Curtain 窗帘,挂帘
Customized furniture 订做家具
Decorative lighting 装饰灯具
Dining room furniture 餐厅家具
Dining room set 起居室配套家具
Dining table 餐桌
Divan 长沙发,沙发床
Dividing wall and fitted wall unit 隔墙板及系列
DIY furniture 自装式家具
Double-bed 双人床
Double function sofa-bed 双人沙发床
Double sided mirror 双面镜
Draughtsman chair 吧椅
Drawer 抽屉
Dressing table 梳妆台
Easy chair 轻便椅
End table 茶几
Entrance hall furniture 门厅家具
Exterior door户外门
Filing cabinet 文件柜
Fitment 固定家具
Fitting 家居用品
Flap 翻门
Flower stand 花架
Flush door 平面门,全板门
Folding chair 折叠椅
Folding furniture 折叠家具
Folk furniture 民间家具
Foot-stool 踏脚凳
Framed mirror 带框镜子
French-type furniture 模式家具
French cabinet 法式桌椅弯脚
French door 玻璃门
Function sofa多功能沙发椅
Furniture for bedrooms 卧室家具
Furniture for public premises 公共场所家具
Game table 玩具桌
Gate-leg table折叠桌
Glass cabinet 玻璃陈设柜
Glass case玻璃陈设柜
Glass unit and container 玻璃容器制品
Glazed door 玻璃门
Hall furniture 厅房家具
Hat and coat stand 衣帽架
Headboard 床头
Heirloom quality furniture 祖传家具
High bed 儿童高脚床(不带屉柜)
High chair 高脚椅
Highback executive chair 高背办公椅
Home furniture 家庭家具,民用家具
Home office furniture 家庭办公家具
Hotel furniture 酒店家具
Household furniture 家庭家具
Institutional furniture 风俗家具,公用家具
Junior desk chair 学生书桌椅
Kitchen block /kitchen rock 厨房地砖
Kitchen cabinet 餐具柜
Kitchen chair, stool and bench 厨房椅、圆凳及条椅
Kitchen fitment 厨房固定家具
Kitchen table 厨房餐桌
Kitchen unit 厨房成套家具
Lamp table 灯桌
Lath grid 板条格
Ledged door 直板门
Link chair 写字板椅
Living room furniture 起居室家具
Locker 衣帽柜
Lounge furniture 客厅家具
Louvered door 百叶窗柜门
Lowback executive chair 低背办公椅
Lowback guest chair 低背来宾椅
Lowback visitor chair 低背接待椅
Managerial mediumback chair 中背经理椅
Margined flush door 镶边平板门
Mattress 床垫,席梦思
Mediumback executive chair 中背办公椅
Metal furniture金属家具
Mirror door 玻璃门
Mirror for chest of drawers 多屉柜梳妆镜
Multi-purpose sofa 多用沙发
Multi-purpose table 多用桌
Nest 茶几
Occasional furniture 配套家具,休闲家具
Occasional table 休闲桌
Office furniture 办公家具
Office seating 办公座椅
Office table 办公桌
Partition wall 隔断
Pembroke table 折面桌
Planters chair 园艺工用椅
Plastic furniture 塑料家具
Play furniture 娱乐家具
Presidential highback chair 高背办公椅
Pull-out table 伸缩餐具
Rattan furniture 藤家具
Recliner 躺椅
Refectory table长餐桌
Rocking chair 摇摆椅
Rotary chair 转椅
Rustic style furniture 乡村风格家具
School table 课桌
Screen 屏风
Seating element 痤垫
Secretarial chair 秘书椅
3-section mirror 三面梳妆镜
semi-CKD 半拆装家具
serving table送餐桌
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[ 2007-10-19 21:09:04 | By: 吕越(游客) ]
flashlight 手电筒
fluorescent lamp 日光灯
electric calculator 计算器
tube 真空管
electric fan 电风扇
dictaphone, dictating machine 录音机
tape recorder 磁带
television 电视机
electric iron 电熨斗
electric foot warmer 暖脚器
electric shaver 电动剃须刀
electric cooker 电饭锅
electric heater 电暖气
electric vacuum cleaner 吸尘器
bulb 电灯泡
electronic oven 电烤箱
radio 收音机
microphone 麦克风
loud-speaker 扩音机
refrigerator 冰箱
air conditioning 空调
microwave oven 微波炉
dry cell 干电池
tap 电线搭接处
broiler 烘烤机
can opener 开罐头刀
compactor 捣碎器
defroster 除霜装置
dicer 切块机
dishwasher 洗碗机
dryer 干衣机
eggbeater 打蛋器
fan 风扇
air-condition 空调
Vertical Disinfection Cabinetffice
Horizontal Disinfection Cabinet
pasteurize cupboard
Disinfectant Tank
煤气炉 Household Gas Stove
抽油烟机 Smoke Exhauster
抽气机 air exhauster
Soya-bean milk Grinder
Soya-bean milking
搅拌机 Food Blender
榨汁机 juice extractor
净水器 Filter Purifier
饮水机 Water dispenser
broiler 烘烤机
can opener 开罐头刀
compactor 捣碎器
defroster 除霜装置
dicer 切块机
dishwasher 洗碗机
dryer 干衣机
eggbeater 打蛋器
fan 风扇
freezer 冷冻箱
furnace 壁炉
humidifier 湿度调节器
iron 烫斗
juicer 榨汁机
oven 烤箱/炉
percolator 过滤器
Range hood 抽油烟机
refrigerator 冰箱
rotisserie 电转烤肉架
shaver 电动剃须刀
stove 炉子
toaster 烤面包机