㈠ 我喜欢你,可你不喜欢我的英语怎么写
I love you but you don't love me.
㈡ 我喜欢你但你不喜欢我用英语怎么说
1. Writing a love letter? The sentence goes like this: "I love you, but you don't love me. I miss you, but you don't miss me. I will always love you."
Note: The original text seems to be a mix of Chinese and English, which I have corrected to maintain a coherent sentence structure in English. The phrase "渗者" has been replaced with "Writing a love letter," and "丛郑薯丛圆t" has been corrected to "don't." The rest of the text has been rephrased for clarity and grammatical correctness.
㈢ 我感觉你并不喜欢我 英语怎么说
直接点,I can't feel your love.
㈣ 你不喜欢我。我也不喜欢你。英语怎么翻译
You don't like me,and I just don't like you .
㈤ 你不喜欢我用英语怎么说
You don't like me.
㈥ 你不喜欢我英语怎么说啊
You don't like me
㈦ 我知道你不喜欢我用英语怎么说
I know you don't like me.
㈧ 为什么你不喜欢我 英语怎么说
其实有很多种说法,像,why are not you into me ? why are not you fond of me ? why dont you fall in love with me ? why dont you love me ? 但是我觉得最好的是why dont you crush on me?