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发布时间: 2025-02-08 11:46:02

① 关于食物和饮料的英语单词



英[bred] 美[brɛd]

n. 面包; 食物; 营养,营养物; 生计;

vt. 在…上撒面包屑;

[例句]There is more fibre in wholemealbreadthan in whitebread.




英[ˈkəʊkənʌt] 美[ˈkoʊkənʌt]

n. [植] 椰子; [植] 椰肉;

[例句]Coconutmilk has little nutritivevalue.




英[greɪp] 美[ɡrep]

n. 葡萄; 深紫色,葡萄紫;

[例句]These accusations have been going on for some time now, but it is just sourgrapes.




英[mɪlk] 美[mɪlk]

n. 奶; 母乳; 乳液;

vt. 挤奶; 榨取;

[例句]He popped out to buy a pint ofmilk.




英[ti:] 美[ti]

n. 茶; 茶树; 茶水; 午后小吃;

vt. 给…沏茶;

vi. 喝茶;

[例句]America imports about 190 million pounds ofteaayear



② 【求教】关于英语饮料的单词,越多越好。

1.红茶 black tea
2.绿茶 green tea
3.浓(淡)茶 strong(weak)tea
4.砖茶 brick tea
5.(不加牛奶的)纯咖啡 black coffee
6.牛奶咖啡 coffee with milk;white coffee
7.速溶咖啡 instant coffee
8.可可 cocoa
9.牛奶 milk
10.全脂奶 whole milk
11.奶酪 milk curd
12.奶粉 powdered milk
13.炼乳 condensed milk
14.麦乳精 malted milk
15.矿泉水 mineral water
16.不含酒精的饮料 soft drink
17.汽水 soda water
18.桔子水 orangeade
19.水果汁 ;果子露 fruit syrup
20.烈性酒 liquor;spirit
21.葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的) wine
22.甜酒 sweet wine
23.不甜的酒 dry sweet wine
24.汽酒 bubbing wine
25.黄酒;绍兴酒 yellow wine;rice wine(Shaoxing wine)
26.白葡萄酒 white wine
27.红葡萄酒 red wine;port
28.雪利酒 sherry
29.味思美酒;苦艾酒 Vermouth
30.罗木酒 rum
31.香槟酒 champagne
32.白干;高梁酒 white spirit
33.白兰地 Brandy
34.苹果酒 cider
35.威士忌 whisky
36.松子酒;金酒 gin;dry gin
37.伏特加;俄得克酒 vodka
38.五味酒 punch
39.鸡尾酒 cocktail
40.啤酒 beer
41.生啤酒draught beer
42.黑啤酒dark beer
43.芬达 Fanta
44.百事可乐 Pepsi
45.可口可乐 Coca
46.冰红茶 ice tea
47.雪碧 Sprite
48.王老吉 WangLoCAT
49.美年达 Mirinda
50.咖啡 coffee
51.康师傅 MR.K JUICE
52.统一 President
53凉茶. herb tea
54.乌龙茶 Oolong tea
55.红牛 red bull
56.碳酸饮料 sodas
57.豆奶 soy milk


taller, stronger, and more vigorous!
vitasoy Soy drinks , in original, malt, coconut, melon, chocolate, taro, mocha and red bean flavours.
Mint-chocolate, ginger and eggnog flavors are available seasonally.

Vitasoy beverages are packed in glass bottles, PET bottles, Tetrapak boxes and aluminum cans.

Vitasoy is a brand of beverages and desserts in Hong Kong. With a history of more than 60 years, it belongs to the Vitasoy International Holdings Limited based in Hong Kong.

vitasoy, suitable for vegetarians, lactose and dairy free. Ingredients: filtered water, organic whole soy beans, pearl barley, raw sugar, sea salt and natural flavouring.

④ 麦乳精是那个国家发明的啊,营养价值怎么样啊,跟牛奶、豆奶粉比那个好啊


⑤ 饮料的英语单词100个

1. Black tea - 红茶
2. Green tea - 绿茶
3. Strong (weak) tea - 浓(淡)茶
4. Brick tea - 砖茶
5. Black coffee - (不加牛奶的)纯咖啡
6. Coffee with milk; White coffee - 牛奶咖啡
7. Instant coffee - 速溶咖啡
8. Cocoa - 可可
9. Fanta - 芬达
10. Pepsi - 百事可乐
Extended list:
11. Milk - 牛奶
12. Whole milk - 全脂奶
13. Milk curd - 奶酪
14. Powdered milk - 奶粉
15. Condensed milk - 炼乳
16. Malted milk - 麦乳精
17. Mineral water - 矿泉水
18. Soft drink - 不含酒精的饮料
19. Soda water - 汽水
20. Orangeade - 桔子水
21. Fruit syrup; Fruit juice - 水果汁;果子露
22. Liquor; Spirit - 烈性酒
23. Wine - 葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的)
24. Sweet wine - 甜酒
25. Dry sweet wine - 不甜的酒
26. Bubbing wine - 汽酒
27. Yellow wine; Rice wine (Shaoxing wine) - 黄酒;绍兴酒
28. White wine - 白葡萄酒
29. Red wine; Port - 红葡萄酒
30. Sherry - 雪利酒
31. Vermouth - 味思美酒;苦艾酒
32. Rum - 罗木酒敬拆
33. Champagne - 香槟酒
34. White spirit; Brandy - 白干;高梁酒
35. Apple wine - 苹果酒
36. Whisky - 威士忌
37. Gin; Dry gin - 松子酒;金酒
38. Vodka - 伏特加;俄得克酒
39. Punch - 五味酒
40. Cocktail - 鸡尾酒
41. Beer - 啤酒
42. Draught beer - 生啤酒
43. Dark beer - 黑啤酒
44. Coca Cola - 可口可乐
45. Ice tea - 冰红茶
46. Sprite - 雪碧
47. WangLoCAT - 王老吉
48. Mirinda - 美年达亮李枣
49. Coffee - 咖扰简啡
50. Mr. K JUICE - 康师傅
51. President - 统一
52. Herb tea - 凉茶
53. Oolong tea - 乌龙茶
54. Red Bull - 红牛
55. Sodas - 碳酸饮料
56. Soy milk - 豆奶

⑥ 饮料类英语单词有哪些

beverage 饮料类
1、milk (n.) 牛奶
2、coffee (n.) 咖啡
3、black coffee (n.) 黑咖啡(不加糖或奶的咖啡)
4、tea (n.) 茶
5、black tea (n.) 红茶(注意是 “black” 不是 ”red” 喔!)
6、green tea (n.) 绿茶
7、herb juice (n.) 青草茶(补充:herb 药草)
8、Oolong tea (n.) 乌龙茶
9、bubble tea (n.) 珍珠奶茶
10、white gourd drink (n.) 冬瓜茶
11、cocoa (n.) 可可
12、soybean milk (n.) 豆浆(补充:soybean 大豆)
13、fruit tea (n.) 水果茶
14、orange juice (n.) 柳橙汁
15、apple Juice (n.) 苹果汁
16、grape Juice (n.) 葡萄汁
17、grapefruit Juice (n.) 葡萄柚汁
18、cranberry juice (n.) 蔓越莓汁(补充:cranberry 蔓越莓)
19、lemonade (n.) 柠檬水
20、sugar cane juice (n.) 甘蔗汁
甜度:100%(regular sugar);75%(less sugar);50%(half sugar);25%(quarter sugar);0%(sugar-free)
冰块:正常冰(regular ice);少冰(easy ice);去冰(ice free)
用餐方式:内用(for here);外带(to go)
一、dessert 甜点
1、waffle [ˋwɑf!] (n.) 松饼
2、cupcake (n.) 杯子蛋糕
3、mousse (n.) 慕斯
4、pudding (n.) 布丁
5、panna cotta (n.) 奶酪
6、macaron (n.) 马卡龙
7、tiramisu (n.) 提拉米苏
8、brownie (n.) 布朗尼
9、fruit tart (n.) 水果塔
10、puff (n.) 泡芙
11、pie (n.) 派
12、pound cake (n.) 磅蛋糕
13、sundae (n.) 圣代冰泣淋
14、doughnut (n.) 甜甜圈
15、yogurt (n.) 优格
16、popcorn (n.) 爆米花
二、seasonings 调味料
1、salt (n.) 盐
2、sugar (n.) 糖
3、pepper (n.) 胡椒
4、soy sauce (n.) 酱油
5、ketchup [ˋkɛtʃəp] (n.) 番茄酱
6、mayonnaise [͵meəˋnez] (n.) 美乃滋(补充:中文就是由英文翻译而来的哦~)
7、mustard [m’ʌstɚd] (n.) 黄芥末酱
8、barbecue sauce (n.) 烤肉酱
9、chili sauce (n.) 辣椒酱
10、vinegar [ˋvɪnɪgɚ] (n.) 醋
11、sweet chili sauce (n.) 甜辣酱
12、syrup [ˋsɪrəp] (n.) 糖浆

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