1. 有一个英语单词是 仔细考虑,再三斟酌的意思,是一个单词和deliberate很像
delberate当做动词使用时,意思是“按步就下班地考虑”,和think over意思最接近。
2. 指责的英语翻译 指责用英语怎么说
censure;find fault with;criticize更多释义>>
指责 accuse;get at;Criticize
当众指专责 denounce
指责某属人 put somebody down;A person accused;put sb to blame
3. 责备求全用英语怎么说 责备求全英语翻译
1. – No one? is no one to blame for anything?
2. Captain wants the boat at top speed.
3. Jack chided himself for worrying.
4. Berate me instead. Scold me as much as you like, please, scold me.
5. Burne-Jones was a selfish Victorian in need of constant reassurance, but his biographer forgives him.
6. You may request voluntary departure as an entire family and leave the United States immediately.
7. Everything else you wanted is there.
8. At a certain point, you got to zig or zag.
9. Have them initiate an immediate evacuation… in vicinity of grid coordinates 653-216…
10. The victims are demanding full restitution.
11. i need full response, all available agents.
12. i can only sacrifice myself.
13. We shouldn’t demand perfection.; Don’t nitpick.
14. Don’t blame the firm for that.
4. 那个我问一下英语有没有骂人的单词
1. Admonish - 劝告,警告
2. Chide - 责备,斥责
3. Criticize - 批评,评论
4. Reproach - 责备,指责
5. Reproof - 责备,指责
6. Reprove - 指责,斥责
7. Flak - 批评,抨击
8. Berate - 严厉斥责,痛斥
9. Castigate - 惩罚,严责
10. Censure - 谴责,批评
11. Chastise - 惩罚,严惩
12. Condemn - 谴责,定罪
13. Denounce - 公开谴责,告发
14. Diatribe - 激烈的抨击,长篇抨击
15. Excoriate - 严厉批评,剥皮
16. Fulminate - 强烈谴责,爆炸
17. Impeach - 弹劾,控告
18. Impugn - 质疑,责难
19. Invective - 恶言,谩骂
20. Inveigh - 激烈抨击,强烈反对
21. Lambaste - 痛斥,严厉批评
22. Rail - 抱怨,责骂
23. Rebut - 斥责,指责
24. Reprimand - 申斥,谴责
25. Reprobate - 谴责,道德败坏的人
26. Revile - 辱骂,恶言相向
27. Scold - 责骂,斥责
28. Upbraid - 责备,斥责
29. Vituperate - 辱骂,痛斥
30. Pan - 严厉批评,抨击