① 他经常读书比其它他同学多英语
你好。他经常读书比其它他同学多,翻译成英语是:He often read more books than any other student.
② 他非常喜欢读书用英语怎样写
He likes reading very much
③ 璇讳功鐨勮嫳璇鎬庝箞鍐 锛
1. 琛ㄧず闃呰绘у湴鈥滅湅涔︹濓紙鍗宠讳功锛夛紝涓鑸瑕佺敤鍔ㄨ瘝 read銆傚傦細
Don鈥檛 read such books. 涓嶈佽婚偅鏍风殑涔︺
He is reading a book on Shakespeare. 浠栧湪鐪嬩竴鏈鍏充簬鑾庡+姣斾簹鐨勪功銆
浣嗘槸锛屽湪璁稿氭儏鍐典笅锛屸滅湅涔︹濆彧闇鐢 read 灏卞熶簡锛堝挨鍏舵槸娉涙硾鍦拌〃绀衡滅湅涔︹濇椂锛夛紝鏃犻渶鍚庢帴 book 浣滃捐銆傚傦細
In the evening I usually read. 鏅氫笂鎴戝父甯哥湅涔︺
This light is too poor to read by. 杩欏厜绾垮お鏆椾笉鑳界湅涔︺
I read much less now than I did at school. 鎴戠幇鍦ㄧ湅涔﹁繙姣旀垜涓婂︽椂灏戙
2. 鑻ヤ笉鏄琛ㄧず闃呰绘у湴鈥滅湅涔︹濓紝鑰屽彧鏄澶ф傚湴鐪嬩竴鐪嬶紝姣斿傜湅鐪嬩功鐨勫皝闈銆佸畾浠枫佸唴瀹规彁瑕佺瓑锛屾垨鑰呭洖绛旈棶棰樻椂鐪嬬湅涔︾殑鏌愪簺绔犺妭鎴栧瓧鍙ョ瓑锛屾垨鑰呮槸鑰冭瘯鏃跺伔鐪嬩功鏈绛夛紝姝ゆ椂閮戒笉瀹滅敤鍔ㄨ瘝 read, 鍙鐢 look at, see 绛夈傚傦細
Can I look at those books? 鎴戝彲浠ョ湅鐪嬮偅浜涗功鍚?
Jim demanded to see my books. 鍚夊嗚佹眰鐪嬬湅鎴戠殑涔︺
Please answer my questions without looking at your books. 璇蜂笉鐪嬩功鍥炵瓟鎴戠殑闂棰樸
Students must not look at their books ring examinations. 瀛︾敓鑰冭瘯涓嶅噯鑸炲紛銆
④ 他经常读书用英语怎么说
He always reads books.
⑤ 她经常读书,英语里怎么说
She reads frequently.
He swims frequently.
⑥ 他非常喜欢读书用英语怎样写
he love reading very much