① 裙子的种类有哪些英文该怎么说——Part Ⅰ
直筒连衣裙(Shift Dress)
20世纪60年代初,直筒连衣裙成为一大时尚潮流(a massive trend)。它造型简单,呈盒子状(boxy),通常短而无袖,悬挂在双肩。这钟风格适合身材瘦小,柱状体型(lean & column-esque)的人,以此来使得身体显得丰满,挺拔。
1) boxy :resembling a box
2) -esque :来源于法语词缀,表示“in the manner or style of : like”
3) statuesque :resembling a statue especially in dignity, shapeliness, or stillness; especially having a tall and shapely form. 雕塑般的,轮廓清晰的。
eg.:a statuesque actress
贴身连衣裙(Bodycon Dress)
贴身连衣裙是一种紧身的连衣裙(a tight-fitting dress),可以完美地贴合你的身材,凸显你的优势(hug your figure and accentuate your assets)。它通常由弹性材料制成,是夜间活动的不二之选。这种裙装适合沙漏身材的人(those with an hourglass figure),可以彰显身体的美丽曲线(flatter the beautiful curves)。
1) bodycon :tight-fitting紧身的,贴身的
2) assets :something useful in an effort to foil or defeat an enemy,有用的东西,优点;资产
3) hourglass :shaped like an hourglass像沙漏的
4) flatter :to display to advantage使显得更漂亮
eg.:Candlelight flatters his face in the middle of the night.
5)A bodycon dress is a type of sheath dress but tighter, much more fitted.
贴身连衣裙属于紧身连衣裙的一种,相对sheath dress来说更贴身,更紧身。
A字裙(A-Line Dress)
A字形连衣裙因腰部贴身而裙边逐渐变宽而呈现“A”形,得名A字裙,常常适应于休闲场合(a causul setting)。由于它非常适合梨形身材 (pear-shaped bodies)。因此它能很好地展示你可爱的肩膀,并为你的下半身增添柔美感(add a feminine touch to your lower half)。
1) A-line :having a flared bottom and a close-fitting top,A字形的(喇叭底部和贴身顶部)
2) feminine touch :aka woman's touch, meaning "something created by and suitable to a girl or woman"
eg.:This room needs a woman's/feminine touch.
裹身裙(Wrap Dress)
裹身式连衣裙采用前部开口,将衣服的一侧包裹在另一侧,并将织物系在腰部或背部。 因为其经典的轮廓,裹身裙非常适合运动型身材(athletic body shapes),只要穿上它,即便你天生并非沙漏身材,也会给人一种沙漏身材的错觉,而这种风格常常完美地体现在凯特·米德尔顿(Kate Middleton)身上(Often seen by the likes of Kate Middleton, this style has a classic silhouette that is perfect for athletic body shapes, as it creates the illusion of an hourglass figure, even if you don' t have one naturally)。
吊带式露背连裙装(Halter Dress)
露背连衣裙是夏季的理想选择(be ideal for summer)。 上半身采用无肩带或无袖设计,领口系带。有些领口的吊带上没有蝴蝶结,但布料在领口围绕成圈。这种款式的衣服最适合那些想要展示自己丰满肩膀的人(show off their ample shoulders)。
1) ample :buxom, portly, plump or bulky
eg.:Her ample body was not the desired shape in a culture of thinness
2) ample :generous or more than adequate in size, scope, or capacity
eg.:There is an ample garden in the center of the city.
3) ample :generously sufficient to satisfy a requirement or need
eg.:They had ample money for the trip.
不规则/不对称连衣裙(Asymmetrical Dress)
对于那些不确定活动或聚会是否正式的人来说,“不对称”礼服是一个很棒的选择(an excellent option)。不对称连衣裙两侧的长度不同,有时裙子的背面比前面长,或者一侧较短。你也可以找到一些不对称的连衣裙,一边是无袖的,另一边是长袖。 不对称连衣裙的款式多种多样,任何体型都可以 穿出漂亮 (There are so many variations of asymmetrical dresses that flatter any body shape)。
1) asymmetrical :having two sides or halves that are not the same; not symmetrical不对称的; 非对等;
eg.:The human body is symmetrical.
2) flatter :to portray too favorably奉承
eg.:The photo flatters him.
他很上镜(equals he is photogenic)
高低裙(High-Low Dress)
前高后低下摆裙是一种不对称的礼服。 它通常后面较长,前面较短。 这种形状适用于休闲连衣裙和长袍。 对于任何想要展示性感美腿的人来说,这种风格的裙装不容错过,搭配高跟鞋或厚底鞋(high heels or platforms),堪称完美。
1) pins :usually used in plural, meaning legs双腿
eg.:I was a bit wobbly on my pins for a few days after the surgery, but aside from that, I didn't have many side effects.
2) platforms :platform shoes, the thick raised sole of some high-heeled shoes
紧身连衣裙(Sheath Dress)
紧身连衣裙通常不紧不松,像是量身定制(form-fitting),采用直线型裁剪,腰部收窄,没有明显的线缝(seam)。裙摆一般位于膝盖或膝盖之上,是商务活动或夜晚聚会的理想服装。这种着装风格非常适合那些想将自己的华丽曲线置于聚光灯下的人,因为这可以完美展示他们的沙漏身材(This dress style is perfect for those who want to put their gorgeous curves in the spotlight, as it flatters those with an hourglass figure)。
1)A real sheath dress skims the body, it doesn't actually cling to it.
一条真正意义上的紧身裙是轻轻地贴在身体表面的,而不是紧紧地粘在身体肌肤上。(注意区分 bodycon dress )
2) form-fitting :贴身的; 形状配合的
3) sheath :紧身装;鞘,护套
eg.:the sheath of a sword 剑鞘
装饰小礼裙(Peplum Dress)
对于那些喜欢俏皮风格(a playful style)的人来说,装饰裙摆简直完美。细部设计的装饰可以体现在腰部以下、胸部以下、臀部之上,或脖子和肩膀周围。这种修身的喇叭轮廓设计源自希腊古风(Greek antiquity)。对于从早到晚的着装,你可以卸下平底鞋,换上一双性感高跟鞋,以此来使你的身材显得高挑,使你的双腿显得修长,使你的腰显得纤细(For a day to night look, you can swap flats for a pair of hot heels, adding height to your figure, making your legs look super long and your waist nipped in and tiny.)。
1) peplum :a short section attached to the waistline of a blouse, jacket, or dress
2) antiquity :matters relating to the life or culture of ancient times.
帝国腰连衣裙(Empire Waist Dress)
帝国腰连衣裙的历史可以追溯到18世纪。裙子主要集中在胸围下最苗条的部位,营造出一种讨人喜欢的效果(a flattering effect)。如果你的身体上部短小,它会勒紧你的腹部顶部,裙摆在底部张开。这种裙装非常适合娇小身材的女子(petite girls),因为它拉长下半身,展露修长的双腿,引人无限遐想(as it elongates bottom half giving the appearance of wickedly long legs)。
1) flattering :helping to enhance attractiveness讨人喜欢
2) petite :(of a woman) short and having a small, trim figure; diminutive.身材娇小的女子,袖珍女
3) elongate :to extend the length of延长,拉长
eg.:These stretching exercises can help elongate your leg muscles.
② 穿裙子用英语怎么说
穿着裙子用英语可以说成 "wear a skirt" 或 "dress in a skirt"。以下是对您提供内容的润色和错误纠正,保持原有条目编号,并按照要求进行改写:
1. 穿裙子的英语翻译包括:
- wear dresses
- Wearing a skirt
2. 例句:
- One day I hope to be able to walk down the street and feel as confident wearing a skirt or dress as I do wearing guys' clothing.
- 有朝一日,我希望能够穿着裙子或连衣裙,像我穿着男士服装一样,自信地在街上行走。
3. 裙子用英语是 "skirt",拼写和例句已润色:
- skirt
- 英 [skɜːt] 美 [skɜːrt]
- n. 裙子
- 复数:skirts
4. 短语搭配:
- 红色裙子:Red Dress
- 黑裙子:Black Skirt; The Black Skirts
- 套装裙子:Suit-dress
- 小裙子:Casual Look
5. (2)以前我喜欢穿裙子英语怎么说扩展阅读中的近义词 "dress" 改为 "skirt",并修正了例句:
- dress
- n. 连衣裙;女装
- 短语:
1. cocktail dress(鸡尾酒会礼服)
2. evening dress(晚礼服)
3. dress code(着装要求)
4. dress designing(服装设计)
6. 对于为什么女性喜欢穿裙子,条目被重新组织并润色:
- 裙子的优点在于它塑造出的独一无二的女性魅力,裤装虽然简约百搭,但塑造出的女性魅力远不及裙子的十分之一。
7. 关于裙子的种类和挑选,内容被重新编排并润色:
- 裙子有多种类型,包括迷你裙、短裙、中长裙、长裙等。
- 挑选裙子时,应考虑款式、面料和个人气质。
8. 夏天穿裙子的注意事项,内容被重新编排并润色:
- 避免选择过于轻薄的面料。
- 注意裙摆不要过大或过紧,以防风吹起。
- 尽量不要骑自行车,以防裙摆绞进车轮。
- 注意坐姿,避免走光。
9. 如何挑选适合的裙子,内容被重新编排并润色:
- 选择合适的裙子可以展现女性的身体曲线和魅力。
- 建议女性多穿裙子,少穿紧身裤和牛仔裤,有利于身体健康和自信心。
③ she likes in dress.语法对吗
不对哦,like后面可以跟sth,sb like sth"某人喜欢什么东西"或者是like to do sth"喜欢做某事"。如果你想表达"她喜欢穿裙子"的话,可以这样表达"She likes to wear dress";如果是想表达"她喜欢裙子的话"就写"She likes dress." 表达她喜欢打扮的话就是"She likes to dress up."
④ 裙子用英语怎么说
裙子的相关 短语裙子商店 skirt shop
红裙子 The Red Skirt ; Habit Rouge
穿上裙子 Put on her skirt
缝裙子 Slit Skirts
各种裙子英语说法连衣裙 one-piece dress;
超短裙 mini-skirt;
百褶裙 pleated skirt;
喇叭裙 flare skirt;
背心裙 jumper skirt;
鱼尾裙 fish tail skirt;
伞裙/宽下摆女裙 Full Skirt;
西服裙 tailored skirt;
直筒裙 Straight Skirt;
A字裙/斜裙 A-line skirt;
strapless sundress 无带背心裙
裙子的英语例句1. Does this dress make my legs look too stumpy?
2. Maria wore a layered white dress that rustled when she moved.
3. The frocks were covered in sequins, thousands of them.
4. She idly pulled at a loose thread on her skirt.
5. That afternoon she went out and bought a new dress.
6. That dress came all the way from New York.
7. This woman wore seamed nylons and kept smoothing her skirt.
8. She shouldn't have mentioned how heavy the dress was.
9. The little black dress is the anithesis of fussy dressing.
10. She was wearing a white ruffled blouse and a blue velvet skirt.
11. Princess Margaret toned with her in a turquoise print dress.
12. Her nails were painted bright red to match her dress.
13. Every dress is lined, ensuring a snug, firm fit.
14. Tina Turner shimmied across the stage in an incredibly sexy dress.
15. She was kitted out with winter coat, skirts, jumpers.
1. 裙子的广告词
2. 裙子的英文单词
3. 穿裙子的英文单词
4. 布艺芭比裙子的制作教程
5. 裙子怎么搭配卫衣更时尚
⑤ 妈妈送我一条裙子,它是粉色的我很喜欢,去年夏天我还穿了裙子.翻译中文
Mum sent me a skirt,it is pink and i like it very much, last summer i wore it .
⑥ 裙子的英文怎么写
1、裙子用英语说skirt裙子用skirt表示,skirt,英 sk#601#720t,美 sk#601rt裙子现在分词skirting过去式skirted第三人称单数skirts复数skirts短语搭配红色裙子Red Dress 黑裙子black。
2、裙子的英文skirtunderdress,读音分别为 sk#604#720t#652nd#601#39dres1skirt 英文发音 sk#604#720t中文释义n 裙子 例句玛丽姨妈总是穿一些没款没形的黑色裙子Aunt。
3、裙子的英语skirt ,读音英 sk#604#720t 美 sk#604#720rtn 裙子 vt 绕过,回避位于边缘 vi 沿边走,绕开环绕 相关短语1slender skirt 服装 细腰身裙子 2full skirt 宽下摆。
5、蒂娜middot特纳穿着极其性感的裙子一边跳着希米舞一边穿过舞台15 She was kitted out with winter coat, skirts, jumpers她全副武装,穿着冬天的外套裙子套头衫裙子的英文例句 她穿着一条细棉布的裙子She。
6、短裙子的话是skirt, 连衣裙是dress。
9、连衣裙的单词是dress 读音英 dres 美 dr#603sn 连衣裙女装 vt 给穿衣 vi 穿衣 词语用法n名词dress用作可数名词时,指“妇女和儿童的服装”尤指女士上下连身的裙子dress用作不可数名词。
10、1裙子的英语skirt,发音为 sk#604#720t2词性n 裙子vt 绕过,回避位于边缘vi 沿边走,绕开环绕3短语mini skirt 迷你裙skirt length 裙长4造句The skirt lends charm to。
11、1裙子的英语skirt,英 sk#604#720t 美 sk#604#720rt2在大减价期间,这条裙子减价到10英镑The skirt was reced to #163 10 in the sale3我把裙子的下摆剪短了两厘米I。
12、skirt n 短裙 dress n 连衣裙 Lucy , skirts or dresses , which do you prefer?露西,短裙或连衣裙,你更喜欢哪个I prefer dresses 我更喜欢连衣裙。
⑦ 裙子英语怎么读
skirt是一个英语单词,英 [skɜ:t] 美 [skɜ:rt] 复数是skirts,名词,意思是“裙子;城郊”。
1,Wendy is wearing a long skirt at the party tonight.
⑧ 裙子的英语单词怎么读