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发布时间: 2025-01-23 04:34:08

❶ ‘与、、、、、、相比更喜欢、、、、、、’英文是什么

Prefer doing A to B

❷ 比起……更喜欢做……(4种)(英语翻译

1、prefer to do ......rather than do

prefer to较喜欢,宁愿;提升某人为

rather than…而不…,与其…倒不如…;instead of sb/sth 而不是



2、prefer doing to doing


英 [prɪˈfɜ:(r)] 美 [prɪˈfɚ]





3、would rather do than do

would rather do宁愿,宁可




4、would prefer to do.......than do

would prefer宁愿; 更喜欢




5、would like to do...comparing with

would like to愿意,意欲

comparing比较,对照( compare的现在分词 );把…比做;比喻;比拟(常与 to连用)



❸ 比起...,我更喜欢...。这个句型用英文怎么说

比起...,我更喜欢...。这个句型用英文: A to B(比起B我更喜欢A)

prefer读法 英[prɪ'fɜː(r)]美[prɪ'fɜːr]



1、I would prefer to stay home rather than go out on such a rainy day.

2、All this gracious living is not for me;I prefer the simple life.


1、prefer cautiously 小心翼翼地提出

2、prefer conscientiously 诚心诚意地提出

3、prefer emotionally 激动地提出

4、prefer instinctively 本能地提出

5、prefer manfully 果断地提出



1、prefer的基本意思是“较喜欢,更喜欢”,多指在两个或两个以上的选项中优先选择其中的一项,多用于“prefer...to...”或“prefer...rather than”结构,

相当于like better 或place before the others,因此不能用more或most来修饰它。引申可表示为“宁可”“宁愿”等。






1、prefer openly 公开提出

2、prefer overwhelmingly 极其喜欢

3、prefer particularly 尤其提出

4、prefer personally 个人宁愿

5、prefer politically 政治上宁可

❹ prefer鐨勭敤娉曟荤粨

prefer鏈甯歌佺殑鎰忔濇槸鈥滃畞鍙鈥濄佲滃畞鎰(閫夋嫨)鈥濄佲滄瘮杈冨枩娆⑩濄佲滄洿鍠滄⑩濈瓑,澶氭寚鍦ㄤ袱涓鎴栦袱涓浠ヤ笂鐨勯夐」涓浼樺厛閫夋嫨鍏朵腑鐨勪竴椤,澶氱敤浜巔refer to 鎴杙refer rather than缁撴瀯,鐩稿綋浜巐ike bette鍥犳や笉鑳界敤more鎴杕ost鏉ヤ慨楗板畠銆傚紩鐢冲彲琛ㄧず涓衡滃畞鍙鈥濈瓑銆



銆銆I prefer walking alone.鎴戝枩娆涓涓浜烘簻杈俱

銆銆A锛欳an I give you a lift?浣犻『渚垮潗鎴戠殑杞﹁蛋鍚?

銆銆B锛歂o, thanks. I prefer to walk.涓嶇敤浜嗭紝璋㈣阿锛屾垜鍠滄㈡ヨ屻


銆銆姝o細We would prefer to do it later.鎴戜滑瀹佹効浠ュ悗鍋氬畠銆

銆銆璇锛歐e would prefer doing it later.

銆銆鍙﹀栨敞鎰忥紝褰搘ould prefer鍚庢帴涓嶅畾寮忚鐪佺暐鏃讹紝瑕佹敞鎰忎繚鐣欏叾涓鐨則o锛屽傦細

銆銆A锛歐ould you prefer to wait?浣犳効鎰忕瓑鍚?

銆銆B锛歒es, I鈥檇 prefer to.鏄鐨'锛屾効鎰忕瓑銆


銆銆I prefer my coffee black.鎴戝枩娆㈠枬涓嶅姞濂剁殑鍜栧暋銆

銆銆I prefer the chair in its old place.鎴戣夊緱杩欐妸妞呭瓙杩樻槸鏀惧湪鑰佸湴鏂瑰ソ銆

銆銆We preferred the house painted white鎴戜滑鍊掑枩娆㈤偅搴ф紗鎴愮櫧鑹茬殑鎴垮瓙銆

銆銆Their father prefers them to be home early.浠栦滑鐨勭埗浜插笇鏈涗粬浠鏃╃偣鍎垮洖瀹躲

銆銆3銆佽〃绀衡滃畞鎰库︹﹁屼笉鎰库︹︹濃滃枩娆⑩︹﹁屼笉鍠滄⑩︹︹濃滀笌鈥︹︾浉姣旓紝鏇村枩娆⑩︹︹濈瓑锛屽叾鍩烘湰鍙ュ瀷鏄痯refer鈥to鈥﹀拰prefer鈥rather than鈥︼紝鍏舵惌閰嶄範鎯濡備笅锛


銆銆I prefer the seaside to the mountains.鎴戝枩娆㈡捣杈癸紝涓嶅枩娆㈠北鍖恒

銆銆Tom prefers reading to talking.姹ゅ嗗枩娆㈣讳功鑰屼笉鍠滄㈣皥澶┿

銆銆杩欑被缁撴瀯鐨刾refer鍓嶆湁鏃朵篃鍙鐢╳ould, should绛夈傚傦細

銆銆We鈥檇 prefer playing outdoors to watching television.鎴戜滑瀹佹効鍦ㄥ栭潰鐜╄屼笉鎰跨湅鐢佃嗐

銆銆(2)鐢ㄤ簬prefer鈥rather than鈥︽椂锛屼富瑕佺敤浜庢瘮杈冧袱涓涓嶅畾寮忥紙鍚庨潰鐨勪笉瀹氬紡閫氬父鐪佺暐to锛屼絾鍓嶉潰鐨勪笉瀹氬紡蹇呴』甯to锛夈傚傦細

銆銆He prefers to read rather than watch television.浠栧枩娆㈣讳功鑰屼笉鍠滄㈢湅鐢佃嗐

銆銆She preferred to stay at home rather than(to)go out.鍜屽嚭闂ㄦ瘮璧锋潵锛屽ス姣旇緝鍠滄㈠緟鍦ㄥ堕噷銆


銆銆I would prefer to spend the weekend at home rather than driving all the way to your mother鈥檚.鎴戣夊緱涓庡叾寮杞﹁窇閭d箞杩滃埌浣犳瘝浜查偅閲屽幓搴﹀懆鏈锛屽掍笉濡傚湪瀹惰繃鏇村ソ浜涖

銆銆鍦ㄧ幇浠h嫳璇涓锛宲refer鈥rather than鈥︿篃鍙鐢ㄤ簬杩炴帴涓や釜鍚嶈瘝鎴栧姩鍚嶈瘝锛屾ゆ椂鐨剅ather than涔熷彲鎹㈡垚浠嬭瘝to銆傚傦細

銆銆I should prefer beef rather than mutton.鎴戝畞鎰垮悆鐗涜倝鑰屼笉鎰垮悆缇婅倝銆

銆銆I prefer swimming rather than cycling.姣旇捣楠戣嚜琛岃溅鏉ユ垜杩樻槸鍠滄㈡父娉炽


銆銆He preferred that such comments should cease.浠栧笇鏈涘仠姝㈣繖绉嶈璁恒

銆銆I would prefer it if you didn鈥檛 smoke in here.鎴戝笇鏈涗綘涓嶈佸湪杩欓噷闈㈠惛鐑熴

銆銆5銆佸叾鍚庝笉鑳界洿鎺ヨ窡if寮曞肩殑浠庡彞锛岄亣姝ゆ儏鍐甸渶鍊熷姪it锛屽嵆璇存垚I鈥檇 prefer it if鈥︼紙鎴戝笇鏈涒︹︼級銆傚傦細

銆銆I would prefer it if you didn鈥檛 tell anyone.鎴戝笇鏈涗綘鍒鍛婅瘔浠讳綍浜恒

銆銆I would prefer that you did not mention my name.鎴戝掑笇鏈涗綘涓嶈佹彁鍙婃垜鐨勫悕瀛椼



銆銆姝o細I should prefer that you did not go there alone.

銆銆姝o細I should prefer it if you did not go there alone.

銆銆姝o細I should prefer you not to go there alone.

銆銆6銆佽嫢鍔犲己璇姘旓紝鍙鍦ㄥ叾鍓嶄娇鐢╩uch, very much, far绛変慨楗拌銆傚傦細

銆銆I far prefer swimming to cycling.鎴戝枩娆㈡父娉宠繙鑳滀簬楠戣嚜琛岃溅銆

銆銆We much prefer the country to the town.鎴戜滑鍠滄涔′笅锛屼笉鎬庝箞鍠滄㈠煄閲屻

❺ 比起做某事更喜欢做某事的英语

用 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth句式



I prefer to watch TV rather than go out.



prefer to do 表示一时性的喜欢

prefer doing表示长时间的,一贯性的喜欢

1、prefer sth 喜欢某物

2、prefer to do instead of doing 喜欢做某事而不是做某事

3、prefer sb to do sth 喜欢干某事

4、prefer A to B 喜欢做A,不喜欢作B

5、prefer doing A to doing B 喜欢做A,不喜欢作B

6、prefer to do A raher than do B 喜欢做A,不喜欢作B

7、prefer to do A than do B 喜欢做A,不喜欢作B


prefer to do 和 prefer doing 的区别:

1、to do 表示一次性;doing 表示经常性

2、在词组 prefer……to…中,to是介词,其作用是引出两个比较对象,因此,动词prefer的宾语和介词to的宾语在形式上应一致,可以是名词、代词或动名词,不可用不定式;prefer doing则没有这个要求

3、在习惯搭配上:prefer to do一般搭配prefer to do sth rather than do sth.prefer doing一般搭配prefer doing sth. to doing sth.

❻ 比起什么更喜欢什么用英语怎么说

可以用prefer A to B,这个结构,表示比起B更喜欢A。

❼ 有关prefer的所有短语!

prefer最常见的意思是"宁可"、"宁愿(选择)"、"比较喜欢"、"更喜欢"等, 可以构成以下结构。

一. prefer sth.

"Do you like French?""Yes, but I prefer English.""你喜欢法语吗?""喜欢,但是我更喜欢英语。"

注:prefer是"比较喜欢,更喜欢"的意思,即like better,因此就不能再与better, more等比较级词语连用。

二.prefer over sth.

I prefer over this newly-built lab, and you? 我比较喜欢这个新建的实验室,你亩腊呢?

They prefer over new works that sing of their life today. 他们更喜欢歌颂他们今天生活的新作品。

三. prefer sth. above all others

I prefer the book above all others. 我最喜欢这本书。

四. prefer A to B

I prefer the original book to the revised edition. 我觉得原书比修订本好。

五. prefer doing A to doing B

Even on holidays Mr. Wang preferred reading to doing nothing. 即使在假日,王先生宁愿读书而不愿闲着。


六. prefer to do sth.

They prefer to spend the rest of the morning wandering in the streets. 他们比较喜欢把早上剩下的时间都用来在街上闲逛。

七. prefer doing sth.

So you prefer speaking without referring to your notes? 这么说,你更喜欢不看稿子做报告了?

注: 这种prefer后面接动名词的结构,用来谈论一般歼拦情况下"更喜欢某种活动",而在一个特定场合下表示"特别喜欢"时,得用上述prefer后接动词不定式结构。

八. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.

These workers prefered to work extra hours at night rather than leave the work until the next week. 这些工人宁愿加班干,也不愿把工作留到下一个星期。

注:这种结构中的rather than可以置于句首。例如:

Rather than go on holiday to the seaside I prefer to work days and go to school nights. 我宁愿白天工作,晚上上学,而不愿到海边度假。

注:有时rather可以移至第一个不定式之前,而让than留在第二个不定式之前,即为prefer rather...than结构.这种用法多见于书面语言,在口语中很少用.

九. prefer to do sth. rather than doing sth.

They prefer to join in the celebrations rather than going on a visit to the Palace Museum. 他们宁愿参加庆祝活动而不愿参观故宫。

注:有时名词也可用于rather than之后,这种用法多用以表示在某种具体场合的选择。
十. prefer sb. to do sth.

I prefer you to spare some time to come to our art exhibition next week. 我宁愿你们下星期抽出点时间来看看我们的美展。

十一. prefer+that-clause.在that宾语从句中,我们应当用虚拟语气"should+动词原形",其中的should可以省略。

We prefer that each new student take a science course. 我们希望每位新生修一门理科课程.

十二. prefer sth. (or sb.)+adj.

I prefer the door open. 我宁愿门开着。

I prefer my coffee black. 我爱喝不加奶的咖啡

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