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发布时间: 2025-01-13 20:37:27

A. 采用人字齿轮形状作为公司标志的汽车公司是什么

1. 雪铁龙(Citroën)是一家法国汽车公司,其标志设计灵感来源于人字齿轮。
2. 该标志的创意源自公司创始人安德烈·雪铁龙(André Citroën)对人字形齿轮的专利。
3. 安德烈·雪铁龙在欧洲汽车工业的发展史上扮演了关键角色,他引入了福特的流水线生产方式。
4. 他也是最早利用广告推广汽车的企业家之一。
5. 为了纪念他的贡献,法国将一座公园命名为雪铁龙公园。

B. 哪位达人大哥,帮小妹翻译一下这些专业名词吧,我在这里向各位达人致敬了!!


电动工具枪Electric Tool Gun,螺丝头Screw Head,螺丝刀Screw Driver,台钳Bench Clamp,半圆挫Half Round File,半圆铲Half Round Scraper,大力钳Heavy Tong,螺母Nut,外钣手Outside Spanner,内钣手Inside Spanner,喉钳Throat Tong,拉尺Tape Measure,钳子Pliers,螺丝刀Screw Driver,电钻Electric Drill,冲击钻Hammer Drill,扳手Wrench,尖嘴钳子Nose Pliers,夹板Splint,蟹叉Crab Fork,内六角扳手Allen Wrench,喉夹Throat Clamp,圆挫刀 Round File,扁形挫刀Flat File,长角铁Long Angle Iron,中角铁 Middle Angle Iron,小角铁Small Angle Iron,紧固片Fitting Fastening

C. 人字斜齿轮英文怎么写

Herringbone gear

Herringbone gear

D. 英文,齿轮

齿轮 Toothed gear ;Gear
齿面Tooth flank
长幅内摆线Prolate hypocycloid
齿轮副Gear pair
平行齿轮副Gear pair with parallel axes
相交齿轮副Gear pair with intersecting axes
齿轮系Train of gears
行星齿轮系Planetary gear train
齿轮传动Gear drive; Gear transmission
配对齿轮Mating gears
大齿轮Wheel; Gear
主动齿轮Driving gear
从动齿轮Driven gear
行星齿轮Planet gear
行星架 Planet carrier
右侧齿面Right flank
左侧齿面Left flank
同侧齿面Corresponding flank
异侧齿面Opposite flank
工作齿面Working flank
非工作齿面Non-working flank
相啮齿面Mating flank
共轭齿面Conjugate flank
可用齿面Usable flank
有效齿面Active flank
上齿面Addenm flank
下齿面Dedenm flank
短副内摆线Curtate hypocycloid
渐开线Involute; Involute to a circle
延伸展开线Prolate involute
缩短渐开线Curtate involute
球面渐开线Spherical involute
渐开螺旋线Involute helicoid
阿基米德螺旋面Screw helicoid
球面渐开螺旋面Spherical involute; helicoid
圆环面的母圈Generant of the toroit
圆环面的中性圈Middle circle of the toroid
圆环面的中间平面Middle-plane of the toroid
圆环面的内圈Inner circle of the toroid
太阳轮Sun gear
齿顶Crest; Top land
内齿圈Ring gear; Annulus gear
啮合干涉Meshing interference
槽底Bottom land
切齿干涉Cutter interference
齿廓型修Profile modification; Profile correction
外齿轮External gear
齿廓Tooth profile
内齿轮Internal gear
中心距Centre distance
端面齿廓Transverse profile
修缘Tip relief
法向齿廓Normal profile
修根Root relief
齿向修行Axial modification; Longitudinal correction
轴交角Shaft angle
轴向齿廓Axial profile
背锥齿廓Back cone tooth profile
连心线Line of centres
减速齿轮副Speed recing gear pair
齿端修薄End relief
增速齿轮副Speed increasing gear pair
齿线Tooth trace
齿棱Tip; Tooth tip
鼓形齿Crowned teeth
齿数比Gear ratio
传动比Transmission ratio
端面模数Transverse mole
瞬时轴Instantaneous axis
轴平面Axial plane
基准平面Datum plane
法向模数Normal mole
轴向模数Axial mole
瞬时接触点Point of contact
瞬时接触线Line of contact
节平面Pitch plane
径节Diametral pitch
端面啮合线Transverse path of Contact
端平面Transverse plane
齿数Number of teech
当量齿数Virtual number of teeth
啮合曲面Surface of action
法平面Normal plane
啮合平面Plane of action
分度曲面Reference surface
头数Number of starts; Number of threads
螺旋线Helix; Circular; helix
啮合区域Zone of action
总作用弧Total arc of transmission
节曲面Pitch surface
齿顶曲面Tip surface
齿根曲面Root surface
圆锥螺旋线Conical spiral
螺旋角Helix angle; Spiral angle
端面作用弧Transverse arc of transmission
纵向作用弧Overlap arc
总作用角Total angle of transmission
基本齿廓Basic tooth profile
基本齿条Basic rack
产形齿条Counterpart rack
产形齿轮Generating gear of a gear
产形齿面Generating flank
基准线Datum line
导程角Lead angle
阿基米德螺旋线Archimedes spiral
长幅外摆线Prolate epoicycloid
短副外摆线Curtate epoicycloid
端面作用角Transverse angle of transmission
纵向作用角Overlap angle
总重合度Total contact ratio
端面重合度Transverse ratio
纵向重合度Overlap ratio
齿轮Gear teeth; Tooth
标准齿轮Standard gears
齿槽Tooth space
Right-ha nd teeth
长幅摆线Prolate cycloid
短腐摆线Curtate cycloid
非变位齿轮X-gero gear
标准中心距Reference centre distance
左旋齿Left-hand teeth
Nominal centre
变位齿轮Gears with addenm modification; X-gears
高度变位圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair with reference centre distance
角度变位圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair with modified centre distance
直齿轮Spur gear
斜齿轮Helical gear; Single-helical gear
直齿轮Spur rack
分度圆柱面Reference cylinder
节圆柱面Pitch cylinder
基圆柱面Basic cylinder
高度变为锥齿轮副X-gear pair without shaft angle modification
斜齿轮Helical rack
齿顶圆柱面Tip cylinder
角度变位圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair with shaft angle modification
人字齿轮Double-helical gear
齿根圆柱面Root cylinder
变位系数Modification coefficient
渐开线齿轮Involute cylindrical gear
节点Pitch point
变位量Addenm modification
摆线齿轮Cycloidal gear
节线Pitch line
径向变位系数Addenm modification coefficient
中心距变位系数Centre distance modification coefficient
圆弧齿轮Circular-arc gear ; W-N gear
双圆弧齿轮Double-circular-arc gear
分度圆Reference circle
节圆Pitch circle
圆柱齿轮Cylindrical gear
顶圆Tip circle
假想曲面Imaginary surfance
基圆Basic circle
任意点法向压力角Normal pressure angle at a point
定位面Locating face
任意点断面压力角Transverse pressure angle at a point
根圆Root circle
外锥距Outer cone distance
啮合角Working pressure angle
内锥角Inner cone distance
齿距角Angular pitch
顶隙Bottom clearance
中点锥距Mean cone distance
公法线长度Base tangent length
分度圆直径Reference diameter
圆周侧隙Circumferential blacklash
法向侧隙Normal blacklash
背锥距Back cone distance
安装距Locating distance
轮冠距Tip distance; crown to back
节圆直径Pitch diameter
径向侧隙Radial blacklash
基圆直径Base diameter
顶圆直径Tip diameter
根圆直径Root diameter
齿根圆角半径Fillet radius
锥齿轮Bevel gear
锥齿轮副Bevel gear pair
准双曲面齿轮副Hypoid gear pair
准双曲面齿轮Hypoid gear
冠顶距Apex to crown
齿线偏移量Offset of tooth trace
分锥角Reference cone angle
齿高Tooth depth
冠轮Crown gear
截锥角Pitch cone angle
工作高度Working depth
弦齿高Chordal height
固定弦齿高Constant chord height
齿宽Face width
有效齿宽Effective facewidth
端面齿厚Transverse tooth thickness
法向齿厚Normal tooth thickness
端面齿轮Contrate gear
直齿锥齿轮Straight bevel gear
斜齿锥齿轮Skew bevel gear; Helical bevel gear
曲面齿锥齿轮Curved tooth bevel gear
弧齿锥齿轮Spiral bevel gear
摆线齿锥齿轮Enicycloid bevel gear
零度锥齿齿轮Zerot bevel gear
圆柱齿轮端面齿轮副Contrate gear pair
锥齿轮当量圆柱齿轮Virtual cylindrical gear of bevel gear
顶锥角Tip angle
根锥角Root angle
背锥角Back cone angle
齿顶角Addenm angel
齿根角Dedenm angle
任意点压力角Pressure angle at a point
任意点螺旋角Spiral angle at a point
重点螺旋角Mean spiral angle
大端螺旋角Outer spiral angle
断面基圆齿厚Transverse base thickness
法向基圆齿厚Normal base thickness
8字啮合锥齿轮Octoid gear
圆柱齿弧锥齿轮Spiral bevel gear with circle arc tooth profile
小端螺旋角Inner spiral angle
端面弦齿厚Transverse chordal tooth thickness
分度圆锥面Reference cone
涡轮Worm wheel
固定弦齿厚Constant chord
端面齿顶厚Crest width
法向齿顶厚Normal crest width
端面齿槽宽Transverse space width
法向齿槽宽Normal space width
齿厚半角Tooth thickness half angle
槽宽半角Space width half angle
压力角Pressure angle
齿形角Nominal pressure angle
节圆锥面Pitch cone
齿顶面锥角Face cone; tip cone
齿根圆锥面Root cone
背锥面Back cone
前锥面Front cone
中锥面Middle cone
分锥顶点Reference cone apex
轴线交点Crossing point of axes
公共锥顶Common apex
涡杆副Worm gear pair
圆柱蜗杆Cylindrical worm
圆柱蜗杆副Cylindrical worm pair
环面蜗杆Enveloping worm
环面蜗杆副Enveloping worm pair
阿基米德螺杆Straight sided axial worm; ZA-worm
渐开线螺杆Involute helicoid worm; ZI-worm
法向直廓蜗杆Straight sided normal worm; ZN-worm
锥面包络圆柱蜗杆Milled helicoid worm; ZK-worm
圆弧圆柱蜗杆Arc-contact worm; hollow flank worm; ZC-worm
Enveloping worm with straight line grneratrix; TA worm
平面蜗杆Planar worm wheel; lP-worm wheel
平面包络还涡轮Planar double
齿根圆环面Root tosoid
喉平面Gorge plane
椭圆齿轮Elliptical gear
非圆齿轮Non-circular gear pair
圆柱针轮副Cylindsical tanan tern pinion and wheel
针轮Cylindsical tan tein gear; pin-wheel
锥面包络环面蜗杆Toroid enveloping worm wheel; TK-worm wheel
渐开线包络环面蜗杆Toroid enveloping worm hich involute holicoid generatrix; TI-worm
平面二次包络蜗杆Planar double-enveloping worm wheel; TP-worm
喉圆Gorge circle
分度圆涡旋线Reference helix
谐波齿轮副Harmoric gear drive
涡轮齿宽worm wheel facewidth
波发生器Wave generator
蜗杆齿宽Worm facewidth
刚性齿轮Circular spline
锥蜗轮Spiroid gear
直径系数Diametral quotient
非圆齿轮Non-circular gear
涡轮副Spiroid gear pair
咽喉半径Gorge radius
齿宽角Width angle
分度圆环面Reference tosoid

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