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发布时间: 2025-01-08 05:13:27

Ⅰ 开头是L的并且意思是医学的英语单词

limiter 限幅器,限制器

limiting amplifier 限幅放大器

limitless 无限的

limit state 极限状态

linagogue 缝合线导引器

linagogus 缝合线导引器

line ①线,电线 ②方面,范围

linear accelerator 直线加速器

linear densitometer 线性光密度计

linear filter 线性滤波器

linearity 线性,直线性

linearity checker (直)线性检查仪

linearity control 线性调整

linear rate meter 直线率计

linear relation 线性关系

linear sector scanner 线性肩形扫描仪

linear vibrator 线性振荡器

line feed 换行,移行

line focus tube 线性焦点X 射线管

linen measure tape 布带尺

line of demarcation 分界线

line of incidence 入射线


line of sight 视线

liner 衬垫,衬圈,套筒

line scan recorder 行扫描记录器

line width 线幅,行宽

lingua 舌

lingual arch appliance 舌弓矫正器

lingual wire 舌面丝

linguo- 舌

linguogingival 舌龈的

linguotrite 牵舌器

lining 衬料,衬筒,垫片

link 环链,键

linkage ①键 ②连接,耦合

lint 绒布(外科用布)

lintine 脱脂绒布

lion forceps 狮牙钳

lion jawed forceps 狮牙钳

lip ①唇 ②缘刃 ③口承

lipide 脂类,脂质

lipiodol 碘油(商品名)

lipiodolography 碘油造影术

lipo- ①脂,脂肪 ②缺乏,无


lipocrit 脂肪比容管,脂肪比容

lipocyte 脂细胞

liposoluble 脂溶性的

lip retractor 唇拉钩,唇牵开器

liquefaction 液化,熔解

liquefier ①液化器 ②液化剂

liquefy 溶化,溶解

liquid (abbr.liq.) ①液体 ②液态的

liquid air 液态空气

liquid and solid colorimeter 液体和固体比色计

liquidator 液化器

liquid chemical dosimeter 液体化学剂量仪

liquid chromatograph 液相色谱仪

liquid chromatography 液相色谱法

liquid coolant 冷却液

liquid counter 液体计数器

liquid crystal 液态晶体

liquid crystal display 液晶显示器

liquid cuticle 火棉胶

liquidensitometer 液体密度(校正)计

liquid expansion thermometer 液体膨胀温度计

liquid flow counter 液体流动计数器


liquid for denture acrylic 牙托水

liquid-in-glass thermometer 玻管液温度计

liquid laser 液体激光器

liquid level controller 液位控制器

liquid level indicator 液面计

liquid manometer 液体压力计

liquid measure ①液体测量器 ②液量单位

liquid nitrogen container 液氮容器

liquid nitrogen cryosurgical system 液氮冷冻手术刀

liquid nitrogen plan 液氮装置

liquidometer 液位计,液体流量计

liquid phase 液相

liquid potentiometer 液体电位计

liquid resin 液体离子交换树脂

liquid scintillation counter 液体闪烁计数器

liquid scintillation spectrometer 液体闪烁分光仪

liquid scintillator 液体闪烁器

liquid thermometer 液体温度计

liquid trap 液体分离器

liquifier 液化器

liquor 液,溶液

liquor room 配液室


list 目录,清单,表格

listen 听,收听

Liston's scissors 利斯顿氏剪,石膏绷带剪

liter (abbr.l) (公)升(容量单位)

literal 文字的,字面的

literal translation 直译

literature 文学,著作,文献

litho- 石,结石

lithoclast 碎石器

lithoclasty 碎石术

lithoconion 碎石器

lithokonion 碎石器

litholabe 持石器

litholysis 结石溶解

litholyte 溶石液灌注器

lithometer 结石测定器

lithomyl 膀胱碎石器

lithophone 听石探杆,诊石听音器

lithoplaxy 碎石术

lithoscope 膀胱石窥镜

lithotome 碎石器

lithotomy clamp 膀胱取石夹


lithotomy forceps 膀胱取石钳

lithotomy gorget 膀胱取石有槽导子

lithotomy knife 膀胱石刀

lithotony probe 切石术探子,膀胱取石探子

lithotomy scoop 膀胱取石匙

lithotomy sound 膀胱取石探子

lithotomy sound and catheter 膀胱取石探子和导尿管

lithotomy staff 取石探杆

lithotriptic 碎石的

lithotriptor 碎石器

lithotriptoscope 碎石(膀胱)镜

lithotrite 碎石器

litmus 石蕊

litmus paper 石蕊试纸

litre(abbr.l) (公)升(容量单位)

litter 担架/stretcher

lcheelstretoher 担架车

live load 工作负载,实用负载

liver 肝

liver biopsy forceps 肝活检钳

liver biopsy needle 肝活检针

liver biopsy puncture needle 肝脏活体组织穿刺针


liver clamp 肝夹

liver forceps 肝叶钳

liver function test 肝功能试验

liver puncture nedle 肝脏穿刺针

liver retractor 肝叶牵开器

live splint 活动夹

live time 使用期限

livid 铅色的,青灰色的

living clock 生物钟

living suture 活体筋膜缝线

LIXI scope imaging system 手提式袖珍X 光机(商品名)

load ①负载,负荷 ②充填

loader ①装载机 ②输入器,输入程序

loading charges 装货费

loading machine 装料机

load stone 天然磁石

loam 粘土

lobe ①叶片 ②凸起部,突齿

lobectomy scissors 肺叶切除剪

lobster-tail catheter 虾尾状导管

lobule 小叶

local 局部的,本机的


local anesthesia needle 局部麻醉针头

local anesthesia set 局部麻醉器

local battery 自给电池

local dental base 局部牙托

locality 地区,位置方向

localization 定位,固定

localizer 定位器

localizing electrode 定位电极

location 定位,探测,位置

locator ①定位器 ②探测器、

locator for intraocular foreignbody 眼内异物定位器

lock 锁,栓,闸

lock circuit 锁定电路

locker 柜,箱

locking 锁定,同步

locking tweezers 同步范围,牵引范围

lock nut 锁定螺母

lock remover 开锁器

lock unit 同步器

locomotion 运动,行动

locomotorium 运动器

locus 部位,场所,轨迹

Ⅱ 谁能提供一些关于挖掘机,机~电~液 方面的专业英语,


Ⅲ 水暖工程师的英文单词

[ 录入者:admin | 时间:2006-01-06 15:55:05 | 作者: | 来源: ]
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A-weighted sound pressure level A声级

absolute humidity绝对湿度

absolute roughness绝对粗糙度

absorbate 吸收质

absorbent 吸收剂



absorptance for solar radiation太阳辐射热吸收系数

absorption equipment吸收装置

absorption of gas and vapor气体吸收

absorptiong refrige rationg cycle吸收式制冷循环

absorption-type refrigerating machine吸收式制冷机

access door检查门

acoustic absorptivity吸声系数

actual density真密度

actuating element执行机构


adaptive control system自适应控制系统

additional factor for exterior door外门附加率

additional factor for intermittent heating间歇附加率

additional factor for wind force高度附加率

additional heat loss风力附加率

adiabatic humidification附加耗热量

adiabatic humidiflcation绝热加湿




adsorption equipment吸附装置

adsorption of gas and vapor气体吸附

aerodynamic noise空气动力噪声


air balance风量平衡

air changes换气次数

air channel风道

air cleanliness空气洁净度

air collector集气罐

air conditioning空气调节

air conditioning condition空调工况

air conditioning equipment空气调节设备

air conditioning machine room空气调节机房

air conditioning system空气调节系统

air conditioning system cooling load空气调节系统冷负荷

air contaminant空气污染物

air-cooled condenser风冷式冷凝器

air cooler空气冷却器

air curtain空气幕

air cushion shock absorber空气弹簧隔振器

air distribution气流组织

air distributor空气分布器

air-douche unit with water atomization喷雾风扇

air ct风管、风道

air filter空气过滤器

air handling equipment空气调节设备

air handling unit room空气调节机房

air header集合管

air humidity空气湿度

air inlet风口

air intake进风口

air manifold集合管

air opening风口

air pollutant空气污染物

air pollution大气污染

air preheater空气预热器

air return method回风方式

air return mode回风方式

air return through corridor走廊回风

air space空气间层

air supply method送风方式

air supply mode送风方式

air supply (suction) opening with slide plate插板式送(吸)风口

air supply volume per unit area单位面积送风量

air temperature空气温度

air through tunnel地道风

air-to-air total heat exchanger全热换热器

air-to-cloth ratio气布比

air velocity at work area作业地带空气流速

air velocity at work place工作地点空气流速

air vent放气阀

air-water systen空气—水系统

airborne particles大气尘

air hater空气加热器


alarm signal报警信号

ail-air system全空气系统

all-water system全水系统

allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity室内温湿度允许波动范围

ambient noise环境噪声


amplification factor of centrolled plant调节对象放大系数



angle of repose安息角

ange of slide滑动角

angle scale热湿比

angle valve角阀

annual [value]历年值

annual coldest month历年最冷月

annual hottest month历年最热月


antifreeze agent防冻剂

antifreeze agent防冻剂

apparatus dew point机器露点

apparent density堆积密度

aqua-ammonia absorptiontype-refrigerating machine氨—水吸收式制冷机

aspiation psychrometer通风温湿度计

Assmann aspiration psychrometer通风温湿度计

atmospheric condenser淋激式冷凝器

atmospheric diffusion大气扩散

atmospheric st大气尘

atmospheric pollution大气污染

atmospheric pressure大气压力(

atmospheric stability大气稳定度

atmospheric transparency大气透明度

atmospheric turblence大气湍流

automatic control自动控制

automatic roll filter自动卷绕式过滤器

automatic vent自动放气阀

available pressure资用压力

average daily sol-air temperature日平均综合温度

axial fan轴流式通风机

azeotropic mixture refrigerant共沸溶液制冷剂


back-flow preventer防回流装置

back pressure of steam trap凝结水背压力

back pressure return余压回水

background noise背景噪声

back plate挡风板

bag filler袋式除尘器


barometric pressure大气压力

basic heat loss基本耗热量

hend muffler消声弯头

bimetallic thermometer双金属温度计

black globe temperature黑球温度

blow off pipe排污管



boiller house锅炉房

boiler plant锅炉房

boiler room锅炉房



branch ct(通风) 支管

branch pipe支管

building envelope围护结构

building flow zones建筑气流区

building heating entry热力入口

bulk density堆积密度


butterfly damper蝶阀

by-pass damper空气加热器〕旁通阀

by-pass pipe旁通管


canopy hood 伞形罩

capillary tube毛细管

capture velocity控制风速

capture velocity外部吸气罩

capturing hood 卡诺循环

Carnot cycle串级调节系统

cascade control system铸铁散热器

cast iron radiator催化燃烧

catalytic oxidation 催化燃烧

ceilling fan吊扇

ceiling panelheating顶棚辐射采暖

center frequency中心频率

central air conditionint system 集中式空气调节系统

central heating集中采暖

central ventilation system新风系统

centralized control集中控制

centrifugal compressor离心式压缩机

entrifugal fan离心式通风机

check damper(通风〕止回阀

check valve止回阀

chilled water冷水

chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps一、二次泵冷水系统



circulating fan风扇

circulating pipe循环管

circulating pump循环泵

clean room洁净室

cleaning hole清扫孔

cleaning vacuum plant真空吸尘装置

cleanout opening清扫孔

clogging capacity容尘量

close nipple长丝

closed booth大容积密闭罩

closed full flow return闭式满管回水

closed loop control闭环控制

closed return闭式回水

closed shell and tube condenser卧式壳管式冷凝器

closed shell and tube evaporator卧式壳管式蒸发器

closed tank闭式水箱

coefficient of accumulation of heat蓄热系数

coefficient of atmospheric transpareney大气透明度

coefficient of effective heat emission散热量有效系数

coficient of effective heat emission传热系数

coefficient of locall resistance局部阻力系数

coefficient of thermal storage蓄热系数

coefficient of vapor蒸汽渗透系数

coefficient of vapor蒸汽渗透系数


collection efficiency除尘效率

combustion of gas and vapor气体燃烧

comfort air conditioning舒适性空气调节

common section共同段




compression-type refrigerating machine压缩式制冷机

compression-type refrigerating system压缩式制冷系统

compression-type refrigeration压缩式制冷

compression-type refrigeration cycle压缩式制冷循环

compression-type water chiller压缩式冷水机组

concentratcd heating集中采暖

concentration of narmful substance有害物质浓度

condensate drain pan凝结水盘

condensate pipe凝结水管

condensate pump凝缩水泵

condensate tank凝结水箱


condensation of vapor气体冷凝


condensing pressure冷凝压力

condensing temperature冷凝温度

condensing unit压缩冷凝机组

conditioned space空气调节房间

conditioned zone空气调节区

conical cowl锥形风帽

constant humidity system恒湿系统

constant temperature and humidity system恒温恒湿系统

constant temperature system 恒温系统

constant value control 定值调节

constant volume air conditioning system定风量空气调节系统

continuous st dislodging连续除灰

continuous st dislodging连续除灰

continuous heating连续采暖

contour zone稳定气流区

control device控制装置

control panel控制屏

control valve调节阀

control velocity控制风速

controlled natural ventilation有组织自然通风

controlled plant调节对象

controlled variable被控参数


convection heating对流采暖



cooling air curtain冷风幕

cooling coil冷盘管

cooling coil section冷却段

cooling load from heat传热冷负荷

cooling load from outdoor air新风冷负荷

cooling load from ventilation新风冷负荷

cooling load temperature冷负荷温度

cooling system降温系统

cooling tower冷却塔

cooling unit冷风机组

cooling water冷却水

correcting element调节机构

correcting unit执行器

correction factor for orientaion朝向修正率

corrosion inhibitor缓蚀剂



criteria for noise control cross噪声控频标准

cross fan四通

crross-flow fan贯流式通风机


cut diameter分割粒径


cyclone st separator旋风除尘器

cylindrical ventilator筒形风帽


daily range日较差

damping factot衰减倍数

data scaning巡回检测

days of heating period采暖期天数



degree-days of heating period采暖期度日数

degree of subcooling过冷度

degree of superheat过热度


dehumidifying cooling减湿冷却

density of st particle真密度

derivative time微分时间

design conditions计算参数


detecting element检测元件

detention period延迟时间


dew-point temperature露点温度

dimond-shaped damper菱形叶片调节阀

differential pressure type flowmeter差压流量计

diffuser air supply散流器

diffuser air supply散流器送风

direct air conditioning system 直流式空气调节系统

direct combustion 直接燃烧

direct-contact heat exchanger 汽�水混合式换热器

direct digital control (DDC) system 直接数字控制系统

direct evaporator 直接式蒸发器

direct-fired lithiumbromide absorption-type refrigerating machine 直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机

direct refrigerating system 直接制冷系统

direct return system 异程式系统

direct solar radiation 太阳直接辐射

discharge pressure 排气压力

discharge temperature 排气温度

dispersion 大气扩散

district heat supply 区域供热

district heating 区域供热

disturbance frequency 扰动频率

dominant wind direction 最多风向

double-effect lithium-bromide absorption-type refigerating machine 双效溴化锂吸收式制冷机

double pipe condenser 套管式冷凝器

down draft 倒灌

downfeed system 上分式系统

downstream spray pattern 顺喷

drain pipe 泄水管

drain pipe 排污管

droplet 液滴

drv air 干空气

dry-and-wet-bulb thermometer 干湿球温度表

dry-bulb temperature 干球温度

dry cooling condition 干工况

dry st separator 干式除尘器

dry expansion evaporator 干式蒸发器

dry return pipe 干式凝结水管

dry steam humidifler 干蒸汽加湿器

alctairconing ition 双风管空气调节系统

al ct system 双风管空气调节系统

ct 风管、风道

st 粉尘

st capacity 容尘量

st collector 除尘器

st concentration 含尘浓度

st control 除尘

st-holding capacity 容尘量

st removal 除尘

st removing system 除尘系统

st sampler 粉尘采样仪

st sampling meter 粉尘采样仪

st separation 除尘

st separator 除尘器

st source 尘源

dynamic deviation动态偏差


economic resistance of heat transfer经济传热阻

economic velocity经济流速

efective coefficient of local resistance折算局部阻力系数

effective legth折算长度

effective stack height烟囱有效高度

effective temperature difference送风温差




electric heater电加热段

electric panel heating电热辐射采暖

electric precipitator电除尘器

electricradian theating 电热辐射采暖

electricresistance hu-midkfier电阻式加湿器

electro-pneumatic convertor电—气转换器

electrode humidifler电极式加湿器

electrostatic precipi-tator电除尘器


emergency ventilation事故通风

emergency ventilation system事故通风系统

emission concentration排放浓度

enclosed hood密闭罩


enthalpy control system新风〕焓值控制系统

enthalpy entropy chart焓熵图

entirely ventilation全面通风


environmental noise环境噪声

equal percentage flow characteristic等百分比流量特性

equivalent coefficient of local resistance当量局部阻力系数

equivalent length当量长度

equivalent[continuous A] sound level等效〔连续A〕声级

evaporating pressure蒸发压力

evaporating temperature蒸发温度

evaporative condenser蒸发式冷凝器


excess heat余热

excess pressure余压

excessive heat 余热


exhaust air rate排风量

exhaust fan排风机

exhaust fan room排风机室

exhaust hood局部排风罩

exhaust inlet吸风口

exhaust opening吸风口

exhaust opening orinlet风口

exhaust outlet排风口

exaust vertical pipe排气〕烟囱

exhausted enclosure密闭罩



expansion pipe膨胀管

explosion proofing防爆

expansion steam trap恒温式疏水器

expansion tank膨胀水箱

extreme maximum temperature极端最高温度

extreme minimum temperature极端最低温度


fabric collector袋式除尘器

face tube皮托管

face velocity罩口风速


fan-coil air-conditioning system风机盘管空气调节系统

fan-coil system风机盘管空气调节系统

fan-coil unit风机盘管机组

fan house通风机室

fan room通风机室

fan section风机段

feed-forward control前馈控制


feeding branch tlo radiator散热器供热支管

fibrous st纤维性粉尘

fillter cylinder for sampling滤筒采样管

fillter efficiency过滤效率

fillter section过滤段

filltration velocity过滤速度

final resistance of filter过滤器终阻力

fire damper防火阀

fire prevention防火

fire protection防火

fire-resisting damper防火阀


fixed set-point control定值调节

fixed support固定支架

fixed time temperature (humidity)定时温(湿)度

flame combustion热力燃烧

flash gas闪发气体

flash steam二次蒸汽

flexible ct软管

flexible joint柔性接头

float type steam trap浮球式疏水器

float valve浮球阀

floating control无定位调节

flooded evaporator满液式蒸发器

floor panel heating地板辐射采暖

flow capacity of control valve调节阀流通能力

flow characteristic of control valve调节阀流量特性

foam st separator泡沫除尘器

follow-up control system随动系统

forced ventilation机械通风

forward flow zone射流区

foul gas不凝性气体

four-pipe water system四管制水系统

fractional separation efficiency分级除尘效率

free jet自由射流

free sillica游离二氧化硅

free silicon dioxide游离二氧化硅


frequency interval频程

frequency of wind direction风向频率

fresh air handling unit新风机组

resh air requirement新风量

friction factor摩擦系数

friction loss摩擦阻力

frictional resistance摩擦阻力





gas-fired infrared heating 煤气红外线辐射采暖

gas-fired unit heater 燃气热风器

gas purger 不凝性气体分离器

gate valve 闸阀

general air change 全面通风

general exhaust ventilation (GEV) 全面排风

general ventilation 全面通风

generator 发生器

global radiation总辐射

grade efficiency分级除尘效率

granular bed filter颗粒层除尘器

granulometric distribution粒径分布

gravel bed filter颗粒层除尘器

gravity separator沉降室

ground-level concentration落地浓度

guide vane导流板


hair hygrometor毛发湿度计

hand pump手摇泵

harmful gas andvapo有害气体

harmful substance有害物质


heat and moisture热湿交换


heat conction coefficient导热系数

heat conctivity导热系数

heat distributing network热网

heat emitter散热器

heat enrance热稳定性

heat exchanger换热器

heat flowmeter热流计

heat flow rate热流量

heat gain from lighting设备散热量

heat gain from lighting照明散热量

heat gain from occupant人体散热量

heat insulating window保温窗



heat loss耗热量

heat loss by infiltration冷风渗透耗热量

heat-operated refrigerating system热力制冷系统

heat-operated refrigetation热力制冷

heat pipe热管

heat pump热泵

heat pump air conditioner热泵式空气调节器

heat release散热量

heat resistance热阻

heat screen隔热屏

heat shield隔热屏

heat source热源

heat storage蓄热

heat storage capacity蓄热特性

heat supply供热

heat supply network热网

heat transfer传热

heat transmission传热

heat wheel转轮式换热器

heated thermometer anemometer热风速仪


heating appliance采暖设备

heating coil热盘管

heating coil section加热段

heating equipment采暖设备

heating load热负荷

heating medium热媒

heating medium parameter热媒参数

heating pipeline采暖管道

heating system采暖系统

heavy work重作业

high-frequency noise高频噪声

high-pressure ho twater heating高温热水采暖

high-pressure steam heating高压蒸汽采暖

high temperature water heating高温热水采暖


horizontal water-film syclonet卧式旋风水膜除尘器

hot air heating热风采暖

hot air heating system热风采暖系统

hot shop热车间

hot water boiler热水锅炉

hot water heating热水采暖

hot water system热水采暖系统

hot water pipe热水管

hot workshop热车间

hourly cooling load逐时冷负荷

hourly sol-air temperature逐时综合温度



humididier section加湿段


humidity ratio含湿量

hydraulic calculation水力计算

hydraulic disordeer水力失调

hydraulic st removal水力除尘

hydraulic resistance balance阻力平衡


hydrophilic st亲水性粉尘

hydrophobic st疏水性粉尘


impact st collector冲激式除尘器

impact tube皮托管

impedance muffler阻抗复合消声器

inclined damper斜插板阀

index circuit最不利环路

indec of thermal inertia (valueD)热惰性指标(D值)

indirect heat exchanger表面式换热器

indirect refrigerating sys间接制冷系统

indoor air design conditions室内在气计算参数

indoor air velocity室内空气流速

indoor and outdoor design conditions室内外计算参数

indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity室内温湿度基数

indoor temperature (humidity)室内温(湿)度

inction air-conditioning system诱导式空气调节系统

inction unit诱导器

inctive ventilation诱导通风

instral air conditioning工艺性空气调节

instrial ventilation工业通风

inertial st separator惯性除尘器

infiltration heat loss冷风渗透耗热量

infrared humidifier红外线加湿器

infrared radiant heater红外线辐射器

inherent regulation of controlled plant调节对象自平衡

initial concentration of st初始浓度

initial resistance of filter过滤器初阻力

imput variable输入量

insulating layer保温层

integral enclosure整体密闭罩

integral time积分时间

interlock protection联锁保护

intermittent st removal定期除灰

intermittent heating间歇采暖

inversion layer逆温层

inverted bucket type steam trap倒吊桶式疏水器






isothermal humidification等温加湿

isothermal jet等温射流



jet axial velocity射流轴心速度

jet divergence angle射流扩散角

jet in a confined space受限射流




laboratory hood排风柜

lag of controlled plant调节对象滞后

large space enclosure大容积密闭罩

latent heat潜热

lateral exhaust at the edge of a bath槽边排风罩

lateral hoodlength of pipe section侧吸罩

length of pipe section管段长度

light work轻作业

limit deflection极限压缩量

limit switch限位开关

limiting velocity极限流速

linear flow characteristic线性流量特性

liquid-level gage液位计

liquid receiver贮液器

lithium bromide溴化锂

lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating machine溴化锂吸收式制冷机

lithium chloride resistance hygrometer氯化锂电阻湿度计

load pattern负荷特性

local air conditioning局部区域空气调节

local air suppiy system局部送风系统

local exhaustventilation (LEV)局部排风

local exhaust system局部排风系统

local heating局部采暖

local relief局部送风

local relief system局部送风系统

local resistance局部

Ⅳ 急求 热能专业毕业论文外文翻译

发布日期:2009-5-12 13:32:16 (阅130次)
关键词: 烟气脱硫 脱硫 湿法脱硫

我国目前的酸雨区已超过国土面积的三分之一,2005年的S排放量达到2549万t,超过总量控制指标749万t,加剧了我国的大气污染火电厂是S的主要排放源,我国2004年1月1日实施的GBl3223-2003《火电厂大气污染排放标准》按时段规定了火电厂的大气污染物最高允许排放值,加快了我国火电厂脱硫装置的投入使用,对于单机容量超过20MW的大型燃煤火电机组,国内外目前流行的脱硫工艺是采用湿法脱硫,在完成脱硫要求的同时,可以同时产生副产品石膏,实现脱硫副产品的资源再利用,我国现在运行的许多火电厂在原设计中没有考虑脱硫装置的安装位置,这使运行的火电厂增加脱硫装置带来了困难,未来10年装机容量3×10MW的火电机组均需要安装脱硫'>烟气脱硫装置,因此,我国现在运行的火电厂急需一种既具有高脱硫效率且节省占地面积的湿法脱硫新工艺,母公司为德国鲁尔集团公司(Ruhr AG)的德国斯特雅克集团公司(steag AG)自1969年开始研发以CaO或CaCO为脱硫剂的紧凑式湿法脱硫新工艺,该工艺具有脱硫效率高、占地面积小的独特优点,1977年在德国wilhelmshaven第一套具有商业化使用价值的紧凑式湿法脱硫工业化试验设备对5×10Nm/h的燃煤电厂烟气进行脱硫,相应的汽轮发电机组的电功率为140 MW;1982年第一台工艺脱硫设备在该电厂投入运行,脱硫的烟气量为1.5×10Nm/h,相应的汽轮发电机组的电功率为450 MW,该工艺到2000年已成功应用的火电机组容量超过2×10MW,单台锅炉的最大额定烟气流量为2.29×10Nm/h,单台汽轮发电机组的最大额定电功率为750MW,紧凑式湿法脱硫工艺特别适用于已运行电厂增加脱硫装置的改造方案,对我国大批火电厂的增加脱硫装置的改造方案具有重要的实用价值。




德国对电厂排放要求十分严格,燃煤火电厂烟气的排放限定值S为400 mg/Nm脱硫效率要大于85%,NO为200 mg/Nm,烟尘50mg/Nm,这使电力生产中为环保支出的成本十分可观,在德国燃煤火力发电厂电力成本的构成中:燃料成本65%、湿法脱硫及生产石膏15%、脱氮成本9%、除尘成本5%、噪音治理2%、水费3%、厂区生态维护费用1%,德国燃煤电厂实际的烟气排放值优于排放限定值,某电厂脱硫'>烟气脱硫的实际运行记录绘出的烟气SO,出口含量和实际运行的脱硫效率,图中表明,脱硫前烟气中的SO浓度约为11000 mg/Nm,脱硫后烟气中的SO浓度约为33mg/Nm,脱硫效率为99.7%紧凑式湿法脱硫过程产生的石膏产量可由下式计算。


采用耐磨材料和螺旋型大口径喷嘴,解决了喷嘴的堵塞和磨损问题,不仅提高了喷嘴的耐磨性能和浆液流场的均匀性,而且使喷嘴的压差由改进前的0.20 MP下降到0.08 MP,实现了喷嘴节能超过30%。
采用立式风机给进入烟气加热器的净化烟气升压,节省了紧凑式脱硫装置的安装尺寸,节约了烟气管道的长度,不仅可以大幅度降低烟气的流动阻力,而且节约了该脱硫工艺的占地面积和降低了该脱硫工艺的初投资,便于在已运行的燃煤机组上采用此脱硫工艺,如单机容量400 MW燃煤机组的脱硫塔的直径为12.5m,回转式烟气加热器的直径为10m。


本文来自: 环境技术网(www.cnjlc.com) 详细出处参考:http://www.cnjlc.com/dq/1/2008062190745_2.html

Coal-fired thermal power plant compact wet flue gas desulfurization technology
Release date :2009-5-12 13:32:16 (130 read)
Key words: flue gas desulfurization desulfurization WFGD

Acid rain areas in China have more than one-third of the land area in 2005, emissions of S to reach 25.49 million t, the total control of more than 7,490,000 t, exacerbated by air pollution in China's thermal power plant is the main source S, China's January 1, 2004 implementation GBl3223-2003 "thermal power plant air pollution emission standards," according to periods of thermal power plant provides the maximum allowable emissions of air pollutants the value of thermal power plants in China to speed up the desulfurization devices put into use, the stand-alone capacity more than 20MW of large-scale coal-fired thermal power units, both at home and abroad is currently popular is the use of wet FGD desulphurization, desulfurization requirements completed at the same time, it will also proce a by-proct gypsum, FGD by-proct of the realization of re-use of resources, China is now running a number of thermal power plants In the original design did not consider the installation of desulfurization equipment, which makes the operation of thermal power plant desulfurization devices to increase the difficulties brought about by the next 10 years the 3 × 10MW installed capacity of thermal power units are required to install desulfurization '> flue gas desulfurization devices, therefore, Our country is now in urgent need of running a thermal power plant not only has the high desulfurization efficiency and save the new area of the wet FGD process, the parent group for Germany's Ruhr (Ruhr AG) of Germany斯特雅克Group (steag AG) since R & D in 1969 for CaO or CaCO compact Desulfurizer WFGD new technology, the desulfurization process with high efficiency and small footprint of the unique advantages of wilhelmshaven in Germany in 1977 the first set of commercial value of the compact WFGD type of instrial test equipment 5 × 10Nm / h for coal-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization, the corresponding turbine-generator unit for the electric power 140 MW; 1982 in the first Taiwan-process desulfurization equipment in the plant put into operation, flue gas desulfurization capacity of 1.5 × 10Nm / h, corresponding turbine-generator unit for the electric power 450 MW, the process that has been successfully applied in 2000 the thermal power unit capacity of more than 2 × 10MW, the largest single boiler flue gas flow rated 2.29 × 10Nm / h, a single turbine-generator unit of the largest electric power for the rated 750MW, compact wet FGD process has been in operation is especially suitable for power plant desulfurization equipment to increase the transformation program, a large number of our thermal power plant desulfurization devices an increase in the transformation of program has an important practical value.

1, coal-fired thermal power plant technology of compact WFGD

Compact wet FGD process flow chart as shown in Figure 1, from electrostatic precipitator (1) temperature of 120 ~ 130% of the flue gas desulfurization to be turning into the flue gas heater (2), the heat released to the from the desulfurization tower (4) temperature of 40 ~ 45 ℃ flue gas purification, after purification of the flue gas is the result of vertical fan (3) to overcome the increased pressure to turn the flow of flue gas heater resistance, purified flue gas temperature to 80 ~ 90% of people behind the chimney (17), in order to achieve the temperature of flue gas entering the chimney request, after the heat from the flue gas desulfurization tower at the bottom of upward mobility into the desulfurization tower, to be in the desulfurization tower Desulfurization of flue gas desulfurization tower from the bottom by the pump (6), step-up from the desulfurization tower located in the upper part of the nozzle (5) out of the mixed slurry desulfurizer chemical reaction to achieve the purpose of desulfurization, chemical reaction procts from the desulfurization Tap the bottom of the upper part of the flow of desulfurization tower, with the fan (8) give the air desulfurizer further chemical reaction, the formation of desulfurization '> FGD gypsum by-proct of the slurry, gypsum slurry into the pump through (9) give separator (10), separated into the dense slurry gypsum plaster proction systems (11), resulting in gypsum procts, gypsum proction system from (11) separated from the liquid and the separator (10) separated from the liquid into the mixer (12 ), outflow mixer (12) of the slurry into 3 parts into the system desulfurizer Pulp (16), another part of recycling into the desulfurization tower, some by the pump (13) give separator after boost (14), separated from the wastewater into the wastewater treatment system (15) for purification, pump (7) after the slurry desulfurizer boost to stir the bottom, to prevent the lower part of serous desulfurizer precipitation, water desulfurization process required by the pump into the desulfurization tower, with the constant desulfurizer added that allow continuous operation of desulfurization systems, to complete a continuous flue gas desulfurization.

2, compact WFGD '> FGD application process

Compact wet FGD process with common wet FGD process, the main difference is the desulfurization of flue gas purification by following the step-up into the vertical rotary fan flue gas heater to heat up, and then send the person into the air chimney in.
Compact wet FGD process has been in Germany, the Netherlands, Turkey, Indonesia, Italy, Spain, Brazil and other countries has been the promotion and application, respectively, can be used desulfurizer CaO, CaO/CaC03, water, fuel for power plants can be bituminous coal, lignite, petroleum coke, etc., long-term operation of the desulfurization efficiency of 90% from early to reach more than 95% of the current up to 98.5%, are listed in the compact part of wet FGD process instance.
Germany has very strict requirements of power plant emissions, coal-fired thermal power plant flue gas emission limit value of S for the 400 mg / Nm desulfurization efficiency is greater than 85%, NO for the 200 mg / Nm, st 50mg/Nm, which makes power proction the cost of expenditures for environmental protection is very impressive, in Germany the cost of electricity coal-fired power plants in the composition: 65% of fuel costs, the proction of gypsum wet FGD and 15%, 9% of the cost of removal, the cost of 5% of st, noise control 2% , 3 percent water, plant maintenance costs 1% of the ecological, the German coal-fired power plant flue gas emissions from the actual value than the emission limit values, a power plant desulfurization '> FGD drawn record of the actual operation of the flue gas SO, export content and practical operation of the desulfurization efficiency, the figure shows that before the flue gas desulfurization of SO concentration is about 11000 mg / Nm, after the desulfurization of flue gas concentration of SO of about 33mg/Nm, desulfurization efficiency of 99.7 percent of compact wet FGD gypsum proced by the process of proction can be calculated.

3, compact wet FGD process applications in the process of improvement measures

In the compact utility wet FGD process, in order to further enhance the desulfurization process of the security, economy and reliability, mainly the following aspects of the technical improvements:
3,1 to improve the reliability of equipment
Wear-resistant materials and the use of large diameter spiral nozzles, nozzle solve the problem of congestion and wear and tear, not only improve the wear resistance and serous nozzle flow field uniformity, but also pressure from the nozzle to improve the pre-fell to 0.20 MP 0.08 MP, achieved more than 30% energy-saving nozzles.
Desulfurizer internal structure of the use of rubber-lined, steel not only saves, but also enhanced the desulfurization tower corrosion resistance, and thus improve the life of the desulfurization tower and operating reliability.
3,2 desulfurization equipment to rece the footprint and the initial investment
The use of vertical flue gas fan heater to enter the flue gas purification step, saving compact size of the installation of desulfurization equipment, saving the length of the gas pipeline, not only can greatly rece the flow of flue gas resistance, and to save the Desulfurization of the area and rece the initial investment in desulfurization technology for the coal-fired units have been in operation for the use of this desulfurization process, such as stand-alone capacity of 400 MW coal-fired units in the desulfurization tower diameter of 12.5m, rotary the diameter of gas-gas heater 10m.
Optimization of 3,3-FGD operation mode and parameters
In order to improve the purification of the flue gas after the separation of liquid particles, so that the use of gas-liquid separator returned to the structure of corrugated board, after an increase in size and increase in gas-liquid separation processes, gas-liquid separator at the same time, rece the height of the separator, which also reached to rece the effect of a high degree of desulfurization tower.
Used in the desulfurization tower at the bottom of the cycle slurry mixing measures to desulfurizer the concentration of slurry at the bottom become very uniform, increased volume at the bottom desulfurizer effective utilization, thereby recing the height of the desulfurization tower, such as coal-fired units of 930MW Boiler height for the 175m, while the compact desulfurization tower height of 48m.
Desulfurization tower will set the nozzle layer 6 layers, each with a two-tier nozzle pump slurry supply nozzle so that the flow of the nozzle can be adjusted to ensure that flue gas SO different concentration can reach the high desulfurization efficiency, in order to enhance the desulfurization process of adaptation of fuel.
After the above-mentioned measures to improve implementation of the compact wet FGD process with a modified low-cost, save area, the system's security, economy and reliability are very high, a new wet FGD process has been widely and applications, to become in the operation of the transformation of large-scale coal-fired power plant of choice for a new desulfurization process.

4, concluding remarks

Compact actual wet desulfurization process of long-term operation of ultra-high desulfurization efficiency of 95 percent now, the maximum has reached 98,5%, the efficiency of desulfurization desulfurization efficiency coal-fired power plants to meet the requirements;
Compact Wet FGD gypsum proced by the quality and content of trace elements in gypsum, plaster fully meet the market requirements of proct quality to achieve desulfurization by-proct of re-use of resources;
Compact improved wet FGD process with a modified low-cost, save area, the system's security, economy and the unique advantages of high reliability is already running a large-scale coal-fired power plant desulfurization new technology of choice for transformation.
This article from: Environmental Technology Network (www.cnjlc.com) detailed reference to the source: http://www.cnjlc.com/dq/1/2008062190745_2.html

Ⅳ 写一些和疾病、环境污染有关的英文单词或词组

toxins 毒素、pollution 污染;污染物、chimneys 烟囱、filters 过滤器、instrial emissions 工业排放物、rubber waste 橡胶废物、cancer 癌症、pulmonary 肺结核、anemia 贫血、apoplexy 中风、enteritis 肠炎、malaria 疟疾,等等。



1、读音:英['fɪltə(r)] 美['fɪltər]




3、例句:We usually clear the water with a filter.



1、读音:英[pə'luːʃn] 美[pə'luːʃn]


3、例句:They devised proposals to deal with air pollution.



1、读音:英['tʃɪmni] 美['tʃɪmni]


3、例句:The explosion toppled the old chimney.



1、读音:英['kænsə(r)] 美['kænsər]


3、例句:He was afflicted with cancer.



1、读音:英['pʌlmənəri] 美['pʌlməneri]


3、例句:All parts are used medicinally for infantile paralysis and pulmonary tuberculosis.


Ⅵ 英语牛人LAI,有关于环境的简单的(适合初中生的)英语单词100个,词组20个



aerosols 气溶胶 / 气雾剂
agricultural wastes 农业废物
asbestos 石棉
commercial noise 商业噪音
composite pollution 混合污染
dioxins 二恶英
hazardous substances 危险物质
hazardous wastes 危险废物
heavy metals 重金属
hospital wastes 医院废物
instrial effluents 工业废水
instrial emissions 工业排放物
instrial fumes 工业烟尘
instrial noise 工业噪声
inorganic pollutants 无机污染物
lead contamination 铅污染
liquid wastes 液体废物
litter 丢弃物 / 废气物
mercury contamination 汞污染
micropollutants 微污染物
mining wastes 采矿废物
motor vehicle emissions 机动车辆排放物
municipal waste 城市废物
nitrogen oxides 氮氧化物
noise pollution 噪声污染
odour nuisance 恶臭公害
organic pollutants 有机物污染
persistent organic pollutants 难降解有机污染物
pharmaceutical wastes 医药废物
plastic wastes 塑料废物
radioactive substances 放射性物质
rubber waste 橡胶废物
sewage 污水
solid wastes 固体废物
thermal pollution 热污染
toxic substances 有毒物质
toxic waste 有毒废物
toxins 毒素
traffic noise 交通噪音
trash 废物 / 垃圾
wood waste 木材废料


biological weapons 生物武器
cement instry 水泥工业
chemical weapons 化学武器
chimneys 烟囱
motor vehicles 机动车辆
motorcycles 摩托车
nuclear weapons 核武器
ocean mping 海洋倾倒
oil spills 石油泄漏
scrap metals 废金属
excavation heaps 挖掘堆积


acoustic insulation 隔音
chemical decontamination 化学污染清除
desulphurization of fuels 燃料脱硫
filters 过滤器
noise abatement 噪音治理
pollution abatement equipment 污染治理设备
pollution control technology 污染控制技术
radiation protection 辐射防护
scrubbers 洗涤器
separators 分离器
smoke prevention 防烟
waste minimization 废物最少化


battery disposal 电池处理
chemical treatment of waste 废物的化学处理
disposal sites 处置场所
incineration of waste 废物焚烧
mine filling 矿山回填
oil resie recuperation 残油回收
radioactive waste management 放射性废物管理
recycled materials 回收的材料
recycling 回收
reuse of materials 材料再利用
sanitary landfills 卫生填埋
sea outfall 海洋排泄口
septic tanks 化粪池
sewage disposal 污水处置
sewage treatment systems 污水处理系统
solid waste disposal 固体废物处置
waste assimilation capacities 废物同化处置
waste conversion techniques 废物转化技术
waste disposal 废物处置
waste disposal in the ground 废物土地处置
waste recovery 废物回收
waste use 废物利用
water reuse 水的再利用

Ⅶ 我要1000个英文单词(我会追加分的)

abradant 磨料
abrader 磨损试验机
abrasion 磨耗
abrasion loss 磨损量
abrasion resistance 耐磨能力
abrasion test 磨耗试验
abrasion testing machine 磨损试验机
abrasive 磨料
abrasive grain 磨料颗粒
abrasive instry 磨料工业
abrasive paper 砂纸
abrasiveness 磨损性
abrasives 研磨剂
abs resin abs 尸
abs resins abs尸
abscisic acid 阿伯喂酸
absinthe oil 洋艾油
absolute activity 绝对活性度
absolute alcohol 无水酒精
absolute calibration 绝对校准
absolute configuration 绝对构型
absolute dry condition 绝对干燥状态
absolute dry weight 绝对干重
absolute error 绝对误差
absolute humidity 绝对湿度
absolute measurement 绝对测量
absolute reaction rate 绝对反应速度
absolute sensitivity 绝对灵敏度
absolute specific gravity 真比重
absolute temperature 绝对温度
absolute unit 绝对单位
absolute value 绝对值
absolute viscosity 绝对粘度
absolute zero 绝对零度
absorbability 吸收性
absorbance 吸光度
absorbed dose 吸收线量
absorbent 吸收剂
absorbent paper 吸收纸
absorber 吸收器吸收体
absorbing power 吸收能力
absorptiometer 吸光测定计
absorptiometric analysis 吸光分析
absorptiometry 吸收分光光度法
absorption 吸收
absorption band 吸收带
absorption cell 吸收池
absorption coefficient 吸收系数
absorption column 吸收塔
absorption curve 吸收曲线
absorption edge 吸收端
absorption factor 吸收因子
absorption heat 吸收热
absorption intensity 吸收强度
absorption line 吸收线
absorption maximum 最大吸收
absorption method 吸收法
absorption oil 吸收油
absorption pipet 吸收管
absorption refrigerator 吸收式冷冻器
absorption spectrophotometry 吸收分光光度法
absorption spectrum 吸收光谱
absorption tower 吸收塔
absorption tube 吸收管
absorptive power 吸收能力
absorptivity 吸收率
abukumalite 钇硅磷灰石
abysmal deposit 深海沉积物
abyssal deposit 深海沉积物
ac polarography 交莲谱法
acacia 阿拉伯屎
acaricide 杀螨剂
acaroid resin 禾木尸
accelerant 促进剂
accelerated aging 加速老化
accelerated aging test 加速老化试验
accelerated weathering test 加速风化试验
accelerating agent 促进剂
acceleration globulin 促凝血球蛋白
acceleration of gravity 重力加速度
accelerator 促进剂
acceptor 接受体
accessory constituent 副成分
accetyl value number 乙酰值
accidental error 偶然误差
acclimatization 驯化
accommodation 适应
accommodation coeffieient 适应系数
accumulator 蓄电池
accumulator acid 蓄电池酸液
accuracy 准确度
acenaphthene 威杀灵
acenaphthene quinone 苊醌
acenaphthenone 二氢苊酮
acenaphthylene 萘嵌戊烯
acenocoumarol 苊香豆醇
acephate 乙酰甲胺磷
acetal 乙缩醛
acetal phosphatide 缩醛磷脂
acetal resin 缩醛尸
acetaldehydase 乙醛酶
acetaldehyde 乙醛
acetaldehyde ammonia 乙醛合氨
acetaldehyde rectase 醇脱氢酶
acetaldol 3 羟基丁醛
acetaldoxime 乙醛肟
acetamide 乙酰胺
acetamidine 乙脒
acetanilide 乙酰苯胺
acetarsol 乙酰胂胺
acetate 醋酸盐
acetate dye 醋酸染料
acetate fiber 醋酸纤维
acetate film 醋酸纤维胶片
acetate rayon 醋酸丝
acetazolamide 乙酰唑胺
acetic acid 醋酸
acetic acid fermentation 乙酸发酵
acetic acid glacial 冰醋酸
acetic aldehyde 乙醛
acetic anhydride 醋酐
acetic bacteria 醋酸菌
acetic ester 醋酸酯
acetification 醋化酌
acetimeter 醋酸计
acetine 醋精
acetoacetanilide 乙酰乙酰替苯胺
acetoacetate 乙酰醋酸盐
acetoacetic acid 乙酰醋酸
acetoin 醋偶姻
acetol 丙酮醇
acetolactic acid 乙酰乳酸
acetolysis 乙酸水解
acetomeroctol 醋汞辛酚
acetometry 醋酸测定法
acetone 丙酮
acetone alcohol 丙酮醇
acetone body 酮体
acetone butanol fermentation 丙酮丁醇发酵
acetone chloroform 三氯叔丁醇
acetone cyanhydrin 丙酮合氰化氢
acetone dicarboxylic acid 丙酮二羧酸
acetone fermentation 丙酮发酵
acetone sugar 丙酮糖
acetonic acid 醋酮酸
acetonitrile 乙腈
acetonyl acetone 丙酮基丙酮
acetophenetidin n 乙酰乙氧基苯胺
acetophenone 苯乙酮
acetopurpurin 乙酰替红紫
acetoxime 丙酮肟
acetoxyl group 乙酰氧基
acetoxylation 乙酸化
aceturic acid 乙酰甘氨酸
acetyl bromide 乙酰溴
acetyl chloride 乙酰氯
acetyl hydroperoxide 过乙酸
acetyl iodide 碘化乙酰
acetyl ketene 二酮
acetyl peroxide 过氧化乙酰
acetyl propionyl 乙酰丙酰
acetyl value 乙酰值
acetylacetone 乙酰丙酮
acetylase 乙酰酯酶
acetylating agent 乙酰剂
acetylation 乙酰化
acetylbenzoyl peroxide 乙酰过氧化苯甲酰
acetylcellulose 乙酰纤维素
acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱
acetylene 乙炔
acetylene black 乙炔炭黑
acetylene burner 乙炔燃烧器
acetylene chemistry 乙炔化学
acetylene chloride 乙炔基氯
acetylene complex 乙炔络合物
acetylene generator 乙炔发生器
acetylene linkage 炔键
acetylene polymer 乙炔聚合物
acetylene tetrachloride 四氯乙炔
acetylene welding 气焊
acetylenic hydrocarbon 乙炔属烃类
acetylide 乙炔化合物
acetylisoeugenol 乙酰异丁子香酚
acetylphenylhydrazine 乙酰苯肼
acetylsalicylic acid 乙酰水杨酸
acetylurea 乙酰脲
achirality 非手胀
achroite 无色电气石
achromatic lens 消色差透镜
aci form 针形
acicular crystal 针状结晶
acid 酸
acid acceptor 受酸体
acid albumin 酸蛋白
acid alizarine 酸性茜素
acid amide 酸胺
acid ammonium sulfate 硫酸氢铵
acid ammonium tartrate 酒石酸氢铵
acid anhydride 酸酐
acid azid 酰基叠
acid azo dye 酸性偶氮染料
acid base catalysis 酸碱催化
acid base equilibrium 酸碱平衡
acid base indicator 酸碱指示剂
acid base pair 酸碱对
acid base titration 酸碱滴定
acid bath 酸浴
acid black 酸性黑
acid carbonate 酸性碳酸盐
acid catalyst 酸催化剂
acid chloride 酸性氯化物
acid content 含酸量
acid converter 酸性转炉
acid decomposition 酸分解
acid dye 酸性染料
acid egg 酸蛋
acid elevator 酸蛋
acid error 酸误差
acid fermentation 酸发酵
acid fixing bath 酸性定像浴
acid former 成酸物质
acid fuchsin 酸性品红
acid green 酸性绿
acid group 酸根
acid halide 酸性卤化物
acid hydrolysis 加酸水解酌;酸解
acid iodide 酰基碘
acid mordant dye 酸性媒染料
acid number 酸值
acid of lemon 柠檬酸
acid pickle 废酸液
acid pickling 酸浸
acid potassium carbonate 酸式碳酸钾
acid potassium sulfate 硫酸氢钾
acid precipitation 酸雨
acid proof alloy 耐酸合金
acid proof brick 耐酸砖
acid proof enamel 防酸搪瓷
acid proof paint 耐酸涂料
acid proof pump 耐酸泵
acid radical 酸基
acid reaction 酸性反应
acid recovery plant 废酸回收设备
acid refractory 酸性耐火材料
acid resistance 耐酸性
acid salt 酸性盐
acid sludge 废酸
acid sodium carbonate 酸式碳酸钠
acid solution 酸溶液
acid strength 酸强度
acid sulfate 硫酸氢盐
acid treatment 酸处理
acid value 酸值
acidic oil resin 酸性油尸
acidic oxide 酸性氧化物
acidic reaction 酸性反应
acidic titrant 酸性滴定剂
acidification 酸化
acidimeter 酸比重计
acidimetry 酸量滴定
acidity 酸度
acidity function 酸度函数
acidolysis 酸解
acidometer 酸度计
acidometry 酸度测定法
acidosis 酸中毒
acmite 锥辉石
aconic acid 乌头酸
aconitase 乌头酸酶
aconitic acid 乌头酸
aconitine 乌头碱
acoustical material 音响材料
acoustochemical 声化学的
acoustochemistry 声化学
acrasin 聚集素
acridine 吖啶
acridine dye 吖啶染料
acridine orange 吖啶橙
acridine yellow 吖啶黄
acridone 吖啶酮
acriflavine 吖啶黄素
acriflavine hydrochloride 盐酸氮蒽黄
acrinamin 奎纳克林
acrolein 丙烯醛
acrolein dimer 丙烯醛二聚物
acrolein resin 丙烯醛尸
acrolein test 丙烯酸试验
acrosin 精虫头粒蛋白
acrylaldehyde 丙烯醛
acrylamide 丙烯酰胺
acrylate 丙烯酸盐
acrylic acid 丙烯酸
acrylic fiber 丙烯酸纤维
acrylic resin 丙烯酸尸
acrylic rubber 丙烯酸橡胶
acrylonitrile 丙烯腈
actin 肌动蛋白
actinic rays 光化射线
actinide 锕类
actinides 锕化物
actinism 光化度
actinium 锕
actinium series 锕系
actinochemistry 光化学
actinochitin 辐几丁质
actinolite 阳起石
actinometer 日光辐射计
actinomycin 放线菌素
actinon 锕射气
actinouranium 锕铀
activated adsorption 活性吸附
activated alumina 活性矾土
activated atom 活化原子
activated carbon 活性炭
activated clay 活性白土
activated complex 活化络合物
activated molecule 活化分子
activated sludge 活性污泥
activated sludge process 活性污泥法
activated state 跃迁态
activation 活化
activation analysis 放射化分析
activation energy 活化能
activator 活化剂
active carbon 活性炭
active center 活化中心
active charcoal 活性炭
active deposit 活性沉积物
active earth 漂白土
active earths 活性土
active filler 活性填料
active group 活性基
active hydrogen 活性氢
active mass 有效质量
active material 活性物质
active nitrogen 活性氮
active oxygen 活性氧
active power 有效功率
active solvent 活性溶剂
activity 活度
activity coefficient 活度系数
activity index 活动指数
actomyosin 肌动球朊
acyclic 无环的
acyclic compound 无环化合物
acyclic hydrocarbon 无环烃
acyl carrier protein 酰基载体蛋白
acyl chloride 酰基氯
acyl group 酰基
acyl peroxide 过氧化酰基
acylating agent 酰化剂
acylation 酰化
acylcarbene 酰基聚炔
acylnitrene 酰氮烯
acyloin 偶姻
acyloin condensation 偶姻缩合
acyloinform 偶姻形
acylurea 酰基脲
adalin 阿达林
adamantane 金刚烷
adamkiewitz reaction 阿当凯维奇反应
adamsite 亚当氏毒气
adaptability 适应性
adaptation 适应
adapter 接管
adaptive system 自适应系统
adatom 被吸附原子
addition 附加
addition agent 添加剂
addition compound 加成化合物
addition polymer 加聚物
addition polymerization 加聚酌
addition proct 附加产物
addition reaction 加成反应
addition solid solution 加成固溶体
additional loss 附加损失
additive 添加剂
additive color process 加色法
additive mixing 加法混合
additivity 加性
adct 加合物
adct rubber 加合橡胶
adenase 腺嘌呤酶
adenine 腺嘌呤
adenosinase 腺苷酶
adenosine 腺苷
adenosine diphosphatase 二磷酸腺苷酶
adenosine monophosphate 腺苷一磷酸
adenosine triphosphatase 三磷酸腺苷酶
adenosine triphosphate 三磷酸腺苷
adenylic acid 一磷酸腺苷
adeps lanae 羊毛脂
adermin 抗皮炎素
adherence 粘合
adherence test 粘着试验
adhesion 粘合
adhesive 胶粘的
adhesive ability 粘着能力
adhesive bond 粘结结合
adhesive capacity 粘着能力
adhesive film 粘附膜
adhesive power 粘附力
adhesive tape 粘合带
adhesiveness 粘合性
adhesives 粘着剂
adhesivity 粘附性
adiabatic calorimeter 绝热量热器
adiabatic change 绝热变化
adiabatic compressibility 绝热压缩系数
adiabatic curve 绝热曲线
adiabatic expansion 绝热膨胀
adiabatic lapse rate 绝热递减率
adiabatic potential 绝热电位
adiabatic process 绝热过程
adiabatic reaction 绝热反应
adiabatic reactor 绝热反应器
adion 吸附离子
adipamide 己二酰胺
adipate 己二酸酯
adiphenine 解痉素
adipic acid 己二酸
adipocellulose 脂纤维素
adiponitrile 己二腈
adjab butter 毒雾冰草油
admixture 掺和物
adonitol 阿东醇
adrenal cortex hormone 肾上腺皮质激素
adrenalin 肾上腺素
adsorbability 吸附性
adsorbate 吸附质
adsorbent 吸附剂
adsorber 吸附器
adsorptiometer 吸附测量表
adsorptiometry 吸附测量法
adsorption 吸附
adsorption analysis 吸附分析
adsorption capacity 吸附能力
adsorption chromatography 吸附色层分析法
adsorption compound 吸附化合物
adsorption current 吸附电流
adsorption equilibrium 吸附平衡
adsorption exponent 吸附指数
adsorption heat 吸附热
adsorption indicator 吸附指示剂
adsorption isotherm 吸附等温线
adsorption potential 吸附势
adsorption site 吸附点
adsorption water 吸附水
adsorption wave 吸附波
aerated concrete 加气混凝土
aerated water 充气水
aeration 吹风
aerobe 需氧微生物
aerobic digestion 需氧消化
aerobic fermentation 需氧发酵
aerochemical 空气化学的
aerochemistry 空气化学
aerocolloid 气溶胶
aerodynamic sound 空气动力声
aerogel 气凝胶
aerophily 亲气性
aerosil 硅胶
aerosol 气溶胶
aerosol propellant 气溶胶抛射剂
aerosological 气溶胶的
aerosolology 气溶胶学
aerothermochemical 空气热化学的
aerothermochemistry 空气热化学
aerotropic 向氧性的
aesculetin 七叶亭
affination 精制
affinity 亲合力
affinity labeling 亲和标记
aflatoxin 黄曲毒素
after cure 后硫化
after effect 后效应
after fermentation 后发酵
after ripening 后熟
after vulcanization 后硫化
aftercooler 后冷却器
afterignition 后点火
aftershrinkage 后期收缩
aftertreatment 后处理
agar 琼脂
agar agar 琼脂
agaric acid 松蕈酸
agaricin 松蕈酸
agate mortar 玛瑙研钵
agavose 龙舌兰糖
age hardening 时效硬化
age resister 抗老剂
agent 试剂
agent of oxidation 氧化剂
agglomerate 烧结块
agglomeration 结块
agglutinant 凝集剂
agglutination 凝集
agglutination reaction 凝集反应
agglutinin 凝集素
agglutometer 胶粘计
aggregate 聚集体
aggregation 聚集
aging 成熟
aging resistance 抗老化性
agitation 搅拌
agitator 搅拌机
aglycon 糖苷配基
agmatin 精胺
agricultural chemistry 农业化学
air bath 空气浴
air bubble 气泡
air cell 空气电池
air chamber 空气室
air classifier 风力分级器
air compressor 空气压缩机
air condenser 空气冷凝器
air conditioning 空气第
air conditioning equipment 空气第设备
air content 空气含量
air cooler 空气冷却器
air cure 空气硫化
air deficiency 空气缺乏
air drying 空气干燥
air elutriation 风筛
air entraining agent 加气剂
air excess 空气过量
air filter 空气过滤器
air fuel ratio 空气燃料比
air gas 空气气体
air hardening steel 空气淬硬钢
air heater 空气加热器
air humidity 空气湿度
air lift 空气吸扬
air liquefier 空气液化器
air liquefying apparatus 空气液化装置
air oxidation 空气氧化
air pollution 大气污染
air pump 气泵
air purifier 空气净化器
air rection process 空气还原法
air reservoir 储气筒
air separation 吹气分离
air separator 空气分离器
air setting 空气硬化
air shower 空气淋浴
air temperature 气温
airhole 风眼
ajax powder 阿加克斯火药
ajmaline 阿吗灵
ajowan oil 香旱芹油
alabandite 硫锰矿
alabaster glass 雪花玻璃
alanine 丙氨酸
albarium 大理石灰
albedo 反射率
albertite 黑沥青
albertol 阿耳伯特尸
albite 钠长石
albolite 镁硅塑胶
album paper 像簿纸
albumin 白朊
albumin globulin ratio 白蛋白 球蛋白比
albumin glue 蛋白胶
albuminate 白蛋白化合物
albuminoid 硬朊
alchemy 炼金术
alcian blue 阿尔新蓝
alcogel 醇凝胶
alcohol 醇
alcohol acid 醇酸
alcohol dehydrogenase 醇脱氢酶
alcohol fuel 酒精燃料
alcohol lamp 酒精灯
alcohol of crystallization 结晶醇
alcohol thermometer 酒精温度计
alcohol varnish 醇溶清漆
alcoholase 醇酶
alcoholate 烃氧基金属
alcoholic compound 醇化合物
alcoholic extract 酒精提出物
alcoholic fermentation 酒精发酵
alcoholic potash 钾碱醇液
alcoholic solution 醇溶液
alcoholism 酒中毒
alcoholmeter 酒精比重计
alcoholometry 酒精测定
alcoholysis 醇解
alcosol 醇溶胶
alcoxyl 烷氧
aldehyde 醛
aldehyde acid 醛酸
aldehyde alcohol 醛醇
aldehyde ammonia 醛氨
aldehyde dehydrogenase 醛脱氢酶
aldehyde resin 聚醛尸
aldimine 亚胺醛
aldoheptose 庚醛糖
aldohexose 乙醛糖
aldoketene 醛烯酮
aldol 羟醛
aldol condensation 醛醇缩合
aldol reaction 醇醛缩合反应
aldolase 醛缩酶
aldolization 缩醛反应
aldonic acid 醛糖酸
aldopentose 戊醛糖
aldose 醛糖
aldosterone 醛甾酮
aldotriose 丙醛糖
aldox process 羰醇法
aldoxime 醛肟
aldrin 艾氏剂
alexandrite 翠绿宝石
alfin catalyst 阿尔芬催化剂
alfin polymer 阿尔芬聚合物
alfin polymerization 阿尔芬聚合
algae 藻类
algin 藻酸
alginate 藻蛋白酸盐
alginate fiber 藻酸纤维
alginic acid 海藻酸
algol blue 阿果蓝
algol color 阿果染料
algorithm 算法
alicyclic 脂环族的
alicyclic compound 脂环化合物
aliesterase 脂族酯酶
aliphatic 无环的
aliphatic acid 脂族酸
aliphatic alcohol 脂族醇
aliphatic amine 脂族胺
aliphatic base 脂族碱
aliphatic compound 脂族化合物
aliphatic ether 脂族醚
aliphatic hydrocarbon 脂族烃
aliphatic series 脂族系
aliphatic unsaturated carboxylic acid 脂族不饱羧酸
alite 阿里特
alizarin 茜素
alizarin blue 茜素蓝
alizarin brown 茜素棕
alizarin dye 茜素染料
alizarin lake 茜素色淀
alizarin yellow 茜黄
alizarine 茜素
alkali 碱
alkali blue 碱性蓝
alkali cellulose 碱纤维素
alkali fusion 碱熔融
alkali ion diode 碱离子二极管
alkali lignin 碱木素
alkali liquor 碱液
alkali metal 碱金属
alkali resistance 耐碱性
alkali rock 碱性岩
alkali salt 碱金属盐
alkalimeter 碱量计
alkalimetry 碱量滴定法
alkaline accumulator 减蓄电池
alkaline bath 碱浴
alkaline cell 碱性电池
alkaline cleaner 碱性清洗剂
alkaline earth metal 碱土金属
alkaline earths 碱土族
alkaline hydrolysis 加碱水解
alkaline reaction 碱性反应
alkaline solution 碱性溶液
alkaline storage battery 减蓄电池
alkalinity 碱度
alkalization 碱化
alkaloid 生物碱
alkaloid reagent 生物碱试剂
alkalosis 碱中毒
alkamine 氨基醇类
alkane 链烷
alkannin 紫草素
alkanolamine 烷烃醇胺
alkansulfonic acid 链烷磺酸
alkene 烯烃
alkine 链炔
alkyd paint 醇酸涂料
alkyd resin 醇酸尸
alkyd resin varnish 醇酸清漆
alkyl 烷基
alkyl cellulose 烷基纤维素
alkyl cyanide 烷基氰
alkyl group 烷基
alkyl halide 烷基卤
alkyl sulfate 烷基硫酸盐
alkyl sulfide 烷基硫
alkyl sulfonic acid 烷基磺酸
alkylarsine 烷基胂
alkylarsonic acid 烷基胂酸
alkylate 烷基化产物
alkylating agent 烷化剂
alkylation 烷基化
alkylbenzene 烷基苯
alkylbenzene sulfonate 烷基苯磺酸盐
alkylene 烷撑
alkylidene 次烷基
alkylmagnesium halide 烷基镁化卤
alkylnaphthalene 烷基萘
alkyne 炔烃
alkynol 炔醇
allanite 褐帘石
allantoic acid 尿囊酸
allantoinase 尿囊素酶
allantoxanic acid 尿囊毒酸
allanturic acid 尿囊脲酸
allelochemical 变异化学的
allelochemistry 变异化学
allene 丙二烯
allergy 过敏反应
allethrin 丙烯拟除虫菊酯
allicin 蒜辣素
alligator pear oil 鳄梨油
allobarbital 二烯丙巴比妥
allochromatic crystal 羼质色晶体
allocinnamic acid 别肉桂酸
alloisomerism 立体异构现象
allomerism 异质同晶
allophane 水铝英石
allophanic acid 脲基甲酸
alloprene 阿洛波林
allopurinol 别嘌呤醇
allose 阿洛糖
allosteric effect 别构效应
allosteric enzyme 变构酶
allosteric transition 变构转变
allostery 变构性
allothreonine 别苏氨酸
allotrope 同素异形体
allotropism 同素异形
allotropy 同素异形
allowable error 容许误差
allowed transition 容许跃迁
alloxan 阿脲
alloxanic acid 阿脲酸
alloxazine 咯嗪
alloy 合金
alloy analysis 合金分析
alloy steel 合金钢
allulose 阿卢糖
alluvial gold 砂金
allyl acetate 醋酸丙烯酯
allyl alcohol 烯丙醇
allyl amine 烯丙胺
allyl bromide 烯丙基溴
allyl chloride 烯丙基氯
allyl complex 烯丙基络合物
allyl compound 烯丙基化合物
allyl cyanide 烯丙基腈
allyl iodide 烯丙基碘
allyl isothiocyanate 异硫氰酸烯丙酯
allyl mercaptan 烯丙硫醇
allyl resin 烯丙尸
allyl sulfide 烯丙基硫
allylene 丙炔
allylic rearrangement 烯丙重排
allylmustard oil 烯丙基芥子油
allylthiourea 烯丙基硫脲
almandine 铁铝榴石
almandite 铁铝榴石
almond oil 扁桃仁油
aloe 芦荟
aloin 芦荟素
alpha brass 黄铜
alpha cellulose 纤维素
alpha counter 粒子计数器
alpha iron 铁
alpha naphthol 萘酚
alpha position 位
alpha ray spectrometer 射线能谱仪
alpha rays 射线
alstonine 鸡骨常山碱
alternant hydrocarbon 交替烃
alternating copolymer 交替共聚物
alternating current 交流
alternating current polarography 交莲谱
alternation 交替
altimeter 测高仪
altitude 高度
altrose 阿卓糖
alum 茂
alumel 镍基锰合金
alumina 氧化铝
alumina brick 矾土砖
alumina bubble brick 泡沫矾土砖
alumina cement 矾土水泥
alumina fiber 氧化铝纤维
alumina gel 铝凝胶
alumina silica refractory 硅酸铝耐火材料
aluminate 铝酸盐
aluminium 铝
aluminium acetate 乙酸铝
aluminium alloy 铝合金
aluminium ammonium sulfate 硫酸铝铵
aluminium boride 硼化铝
aluminium bromide 溴化铝
aluminium bronze 铝青铜合金
aluminium carbide 碳化铝
aluminium chlorate 氯酸铝
aluminium chloride 氯化铝
aluminium ethylate 乙醇铝
aluminium fluoride 氟化铝
aluminium foil 铝箔
aluminium hydroxide 氢氧化铝
aluminium nitrate 硝酸铝
aluminium oleate 油酸铝
aluminium oxide 氧化铝
aluminium plate 铝板
aluminium potassium sulfate 硫酸铝钾
aluminium powder 铝粉
aluminium resinate 尸酸铝
aluminium silicate 硅酸铝
aluminium sulfate 硫酸铝
aluminon 铝试剂
aluminosilicate 硅铝酸盐
aluminothermit process 铝热法
aluminothermy 铝热法
aluminum 铝
alumite 茂石
alumstone 茂石
alunm 刚铝石
alunite 茂石

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