A. 英语作文:我喜欢哪项发明
My favorite invention is the mobile phone
I like the invention of mobile phones
My favorite invention is the mobile phone. I think the mobile phone is a great invention. It can help people make phone calls anywhere and play some interesting games in their spare time.
If you have something important to do, you can do it with your mobile phone. Students can call their parents or send text messages to their friends.
But some teachers don't allow students to take mobile phones to school In the future, students may play games, sing songs and even take pictures in class.
Mobile phones will have many different shapes. Mobile phones can control TV, lights, computers and even space rockets.
B. 1.李明的哥哥送给他一部很漂亮的手机,手机里还有很多游戏。2.李明很喜欢这部手机,很想把它带到学校去。
Li Ming's brother gave him a very beautiful phones, there are a lot of fun games, such as: the fruit ninja, Tom cat.
Li Ming is like the mobile phone want to take it to school, but his parents wouldn't let the mobile phone to school, or shall confiscate his cell phone.
And I think? And the mobile phone to class students will be good or bad. To the class, it will have a lot of students also want to take phone to class, and do not get down to your studies. And the benefits do, a mobile phone to class can relax, can listen to music class, also facilitate contact parents, this is my opinion.
C. 手机的好处英语作文怎么写
Benefits of mobile phones
Mobile phone is an indispensable communication tool in our life, which has brought us a lot of benefits and convenience.
First, mobile phones facilitate the connection between people and are very convenient to use;
Second, know the world and local news without going out;
Third, the payment is more convenient. People don't need to bring cash. They can pay as long as they use the software to scan. It is faster and can avoid the trouble caused by too much cash and make our shopping more convenient;
Fourth, it is also more important. We can use mobile phones to query knowledge and learn, which greatly improves our learning efficiency.
The above are the advantages of mobile phones. We should make good use of the convenience of mobile phones and don't inlge in playing with mobile phones.
Benefits of mobile phones
Mobile phone is.......... which has brought us a lot of benefits and convenience.
Fourth,it is also more important.......................
The above are the advantages of mobile phones. We should make good use of the convenience of mobile phones and don't inlge in playing with mobile phones.
D. 鎴戝枩娆浠栫敤鑻辫鎬庝箞璇
1銆佹垜鍠滄浣犵敤鑻辫鏄疘 like youlike涓璇婚煶鑻 la#618k锛岀編 la#618k浜屾剰鎬漰rep 鍍廲onj 濡傚悓adv 澶ф傚拰 涓鏍穉dj 鐩镐技鐨勫悓鏍风殑v 鍠滄㈡兂鎰挎剰n 绫讳技鐨勪汉鎴栫墿锛涙垜闈炲父鍠滄㈠拰浠栫帺I like to play with him very much 鍠滄锛屽姩璇 like锛屽枩娆㈠枩鐖卞枩鍠滃ソ鐖 love锛岀埍锛 鍠滄锛 鎭嬶紝 鎭嬬埍锛 鍠滅埍锛 鍠滃ソ be fond of 鍠滃ソ锛 鍠滄锛 鍠滐紝 鍠滅埍锛 鐖卞ソ锛 鐤 be keen on 鐖憋紱涓鎴戝枩娆浣犵敤鑻辫鐨勭炕璇戞槸I like you浜岄煶鏍囪嫳 a#618 la#618k ju缇 a#618 la#618k j#601鑻辫璄nglish鏄鍗版ц绯绘棩鑰虫浖璇鏃忎笅鐨勮瑷锛岀敱26涓瀛楁瘝缁勫悎鑰屾垚锛岃嫳鏂囧瓧姣嶆笂婧愪簬锛1鎴戦潪甯稿枩娆㈠ス 缈昏瘧I love her very much2璇嶅吀I love her very much3渚嬪彞She helps me a lot濂瑰府鍔╂垜寰堝氾紝鎴戦潪甯稿枩娆㈠ス锛4n鍠滃ソ鐖卞ソ绫讳技鐨勪汉鎴栫墿灏ゆ寚琚瑙嗕负鍜屾煇浜烘垨鏌愪簨鐗╀竴鏍峰ソ鐨勭嶇被锛岀被鍨 5adj绫讳技鐨勭浉浼肩殑 6adv闈炴e紡鍙h锛屾濊冭翠笅鍙ヨ瘽瑙i噴鎴栦妇渚嬫椂鐢ㄥぇ姒傦紝鍙鑳介潪姝e紡鍙h鎴戣达紝浠栬达紝濂硅撮潪姝e紡锛泀uot鎴戦潪甯稿枩娆浠杚uotquotI loved him very much濡傛灉浣犺ゅ彲鎴戠殑鍥炵瓟锛屾暚璇峰強鏃堕噰绾筹紝~濡傛灉浣犺ゅ彲鎴戠殑鍥炵瓟锛岃峰強鏃剁偣鍑婚噰绾充负婊℃剰鍥炵瓟鎸夐挳 ~~鎵嬫満鎻愰棶鐨勬湅鍙嬪湪瀹㈡埛绔鍙充笂瑙掕瘎浠风偣婊℃剰鍗冲彲~浣犵殑閲囩撼鏄鎴戝墠杩涚殑鍔ㄥ姏 ~銆
2銆両 like him very much锛佹垜寰堝枩娆浠栵紱I like there鈥檚 all绗2涓涓嶄細浜 灏辩煡閬撴槸He has a pair of 閰掔獫瀵逛笉璧峰搱锛汭 fancy him锛宼oo~銆
3銆佹垜鍠滄浠栫敤鑻辫缈昏瘧鏄疘 like him锛岃佷笅鍥撅紱I like her very much鍙よ嫳璇鍙椾綆鍦版棩鑰虫浖璇褰卞搷寰堝ぇ锛屾瘮濡傚姩璇嶏紝鍩烘湰璇嶆眹锛屽彂闊筹紝澶嶅悎璇嶇粨鏋勶紝褰㈡佸彉鍖栧緢澶嶆潅锛屼絾鏄涓庣幇浠g殑鏍囧噯寰疯杩樻槸鏈夊緢澶х殑鍖哄埆鐜颁唬鑻辫骞堕潪璧锋簮鎴栨紨鍙樿嚜缃楁浖璇鏃忎害鎴栨槸娉曡锛屼絾鏄鏁颁竾鐜颁唬鑻辫璇嶆眹锛涜嫳璇寰堢畝鍗曞張鐩寸櫧锛屾垜鍠滄㈠ス锛滻 like her鍙樻垚闂鍙ュ姞涓 why锛漌hy I like her鍏跺疄鑻辫娌℃湁浜鸿繖鏍疯达紝澶氭暟璁睮 am wondering why I like her銆
4銆乲prep 鍍忓傚悓 conj 濂藉儚 n 鐖卞ソ鍚屾牱鐨勪汉鎴栫墿 adj 鍚屾牱鐨勭浉浼肩殑 vt 鍠滄㈡兂鎰挎剰 vi 鍠滄㈠笇鏈 adv 鍙鑳 鏇村氶噴涔 缃戠粶鐭璇璍ike 鍠滄锛屼技鐨勶紝濂藉儚 I like 鎴戝枩娆锛屾垜鍍忥紝鎴戝ソ璞★紱绛 鍠滄㈠彲浠ョ敤like锛 be fond of绛夋潵琛ㄧず鎴戦潪甯稿枩娆㈠ス灏卞彲浠ヨ碔 like her very much鎴栬匢 am deeply fond of her甯屾湜鑳藉熷府鍔╁埌浣犮