1. 消防车英语怎么读
"消防车"的英文是 "fire truck"。这个单词通常用于描述一种专门用于灭火和救援的车辆。
"The fire truck rushed to the scene of the fire with flashing red lights and a siren." - 消防车急速驶向火场,闪烁着红色灯光和警报器。
"The firemen on the fire truck were wearing helmets and protective clothing." - 消防车上的消防员戴着安全帽和防护服。
"The fire truck was carrying water and fire hoses to extinguish the fire." - 消防车装有水和消防软管,用于灭火。
"The fire truck is used for putting out fires and rescuing trapped victims." - 消防车用于灭火和救援被困人员。
"The fire truck is equipped with powerful water cannons and hoses." - 消防车装有强大的水炮和软管。
"After extinguishing the fire, the fire truck remained at the scene to ensure that the fire did not reignite." - 灭火后,消防车留在现场,确保火不会重新燃烧。
"The fire truck returned to the fire station after the emergency situation was over." - 紧急情况结束后,消防车返回消防局。