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发布时间: 2024-12-14 17:42:20

1. “您稍等”,英语怎么说

just a minute

just a moment,please

please wait a moment

wait for a moment please


1. Just a moment , please .


2.Please wait a moment .


3.Just a moment , i will these lists for you


4.I ' m sorry , i don ' t understand . just a moment , please


5.Please wait for a moment while we are investigating


6.Oh , please wait , the repairman is on his way


7.Hold on , please . i ' ll go and see if he is in


8.I ' ll send them up to your room , just one moment


9.One moment , please . i ' m trying to connect you


10.miss li is on the phone . wait a minute , please



请稍候 wait a while


1. One momen , please . i ' ll see if he is here


2. Book negamaxing in progress . please wait


3. Learning in progress . please wait


2. 象棋棋谱文件的扩展名 png 是哪几个单词的缩写,谢谢

PNG = Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚 (大洋洲一岛国)
PNG = Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚 (大洋洲一岛国)
PNG = Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚 (大洋洲一岛国)

参考资料:拉到最下面几行就看的 到

3. 中国象棋术语“应将”用英语怎么说不要直接翻译,要英文术语,谢谢

我找了很多网站,都没有应将这个英文单词。。不知是不是英文没有这个专属名词,或者不常用到。我知道将军是check,应将 可能是encounter check.
长将 perpetual check
长捉 perpetual chase, perpetual pursuit
长兑 perpetual exchange offer
长杀 perpetual mating threat
长拦 perpetual blocking
长跟 perpetual follow
捉双 fork, attacking two pieces
有根 rooted, protected
无根 unrooted, unprotected
兵种 piece-kind
搏杀 combat, wrestle, sharp attacking each other
攻势 attack
反攻 counter attack
入局 mating assault
空门 undefended sector, weak sector
分先 play at par
封锁 seal off, blockade
一将一停 check & wait
一将一捉 check & chase
一将一杀 check & mating
一杀一停 mating & wait
一杀一捉 mating & chase
一捉一停 chase & wait
平稳局势 calm game, secured position
散漫局势 disorderly position, scattered position
可胜形势 winning position
子力活跃 Active pieces
子力呆滞 passive pieces
后继手段 combination moves
尚可支持 Tenable situation
对局记录 record (of game)
实用残局 practical end game
棋谱着法 text move
局势, 局面 position, siation
正着, 官着 right move, correct move
得先, 反先 gain initiative
封棋, 保留 adjourn, adjournment
后手, 被动 passive
失先, 失一先 lose initiative, lose a tempo
杀, 催杀 mate, mating threat
让一先 1-move handicap
让长先 perpetual 1-move handicap
让二先 2-move handicap
让三先 3-move handicap
让单马 1-horse handicap
让双马 2-horse handicap
闲, 停 wait
将 check
捉 chase, pursue
兑 exchange, trade
拦 block
跟 follow
进 move forwards, advance
退 move backwards, retreat
平 move sidewards, traverse

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