1. 机械专业常用的英语词汇
机床 machine tool
金属工艺学 technology of metals
刀具 cutter
摩擦 friction
联结 link
传动 drive/transmission
轴 shaft
弹性 elasticity
金属切削 metal cutting
频率特性 frequency characteristic
误差 error
响应 response
定位 allocation
机床夹具 jig
动力学 dynamic
运动学 kinematic
静力学 static
分析力学 analyse mechanics
拉伸 pulling
压缩 hitting
剪切 shear
扭转 twist
弯曲应力 bending stress
强度 intensity
三相交流电 three-phase AC
磁路 magnetic circles
变压器 transformer
异步电动机 asynchronous motor
几何形状 geometrical
精度 precision
正弦形的 sinusoid
交流电路 AC circuit
机械加工余量 machining allowance
变形力 deforming force
变形 deformation
应力 stress
硬度 rigidity
热处理 heat treatment
退火 anneal
正火 normalizing
脱碳 decarburization
渗碳 carburization
电路 circuit
半导体元件 semiconctor element
反馈 feedback
发生器 generator
直流电源 DC electrical source
门电路 gate circuit
逻辑代数 logic algebra
外圆磨削 external grinding
内圆磨削 internal grinding
平面磨削 plane grinding
变速箱 gearbox
离合器 clutch
绞孔 fraising
绞刀 reamer
螺纹加工 thread processing
螺钉 screw
铣削 mill
铣刀 milling cutter
功率 power
工件 workpiece
齿轮加工 gear mechining
齿轮 gear
主运动 main movement
主运动方向 direction of main movement
进给方向 direction of feed
进给运动 feed movement
合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed
合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting
合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting
切削深度 cutting depth
前刀面 rake face
刀尖 nose of tool
前角 rake angle
后角 clearance angle
龙门刨削 planing
主轴 spindle
主轴箱 headstock
卡盘 chuck
加工中心 machining center
车刀 lathe tool
车床 lathe
钻削 镗削 bore
拉孔 broaching
装配 assembling
铸造 found
流体动力学 fluid dynamics
流体力学 fluid mechanics
加工 machining
液压 hydraulic pressure
切线 tangent
机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration
气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure
稳定性 stability
介质 medium
液压驱动泵 fluid clutch
液压泵 hydraulic pump
阀门 valve
失效 invalidation
强度 intensity
载荷 load
应力 stress
安全系数 safty factor
可靠性 reliability
螺纹 thread
螺旋 helix
键 spline
销 pin
滚动轴承 rolling bearing
滑动轴承 sliding bearing
弹簧 spring
制动器 arrester brake
十字结联轴节 crosshead
联轴器 coupling
链 chain
皮带 strap
精加工 finish machining
粗加工 rough machining
变速箱体 gearbox casing
腐蚀 rust
氧化 oxidation
磨损 wear
耐用度 rability
随机信号 random signal
离散信号 discrete signal
超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor
集成电路 integrate circuit
挡板 orifice plate
残余应力 resial stress
套筒 sleeve
扭力 torsion
冷加工 cold machining
电动机 electromotor
汽缸 cylinder
过盈配合 interference fit
热加工 hotwork
摄像头 CCD camera
倒角 rounding chamfer
优化设计 optimal design
工业造型设计 instrial moulding design
有限元 finite element
滚齿 hobbing
插齿 gear shaping
伺服电机 actuating motor
铣床 milling machine
钻床 drill machine
镗床 boring machine
步进电机 stepper motor
丝杠 screw rod
导轨 lead rail
组件 subassembly
可编程序逻辑控制器 Programmable Logic Controller PLC
电火花加工 electric spark machining
电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting
相图 phase diagram
热处理 heat treatment
固态相变 solid state phase changes
有色金属 nonferrous metal
陶瓷 ceramics
合成纤维 synthetic fibre
电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion
车架 automotive chassis
悬架 suspension
转向器 redirector
变速器 speed changer
基准 benchmark
数学模型 mathematical model
画法几何 descriptive geometry
机械制图 Mechanical drawing
投影 projection
视图 view
剖视图 profile chart
标准件 standard component
零件图 part drawing
装配图 assembly drawing
尺寸标注 size marking
技术要求 technical requirements
刚度 rigidity
内力 internal force
位移 displacement
截面 section
疲劳极限 fatigue limit
断裂 fracture
塑性变形 plastic distortion
脆性材料 brittleness material
刚度准则 rigidity criterion
垫圈 washer
垫片 spacer
直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear
斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear
直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear
运动简图 kinematic sketch
齿轮齿条 pinion and rack
蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear
虚约束 passive constraint
曲柄 crank
摇杆 racker
凸轮 cams
共轭曲线 conjugate curve
范成法 generation method
定义域 definitional domain
值域 range
导数微分 differential coefficient
求导 derivation
定积分 definite integral
不定积分 indefinite integral
曲率 curvature
偏微分 partial differential
毛坯 rough
游标卡尺 slide caliper
千分尺 micrometer calipers
攻丝 tap
二阶行列式 second order determinant
逆矩阵 inverse matrix
线性方程组 linear equations
概率 probability
随机变量 random variable
排列组合 permutation and combination
气体状态方程 equation of state of gas
动能 kinetic energy
势能 potential energy
机械能守恒 conservation of mechanical energy
动量 momentum
桁架 truss
轴线 axes
余子式 cofactor
逻辑电路 logic circuit
触发器 flip-flop
脉冲波形 pulse shape
数模 digital analogy
液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism
机械零件 mechanical parts
淬火冷却 quench
淬火 hardening
回火 tempering
调质 hardening and tempering
磨粒 abrasive grain
结合剂 bonding agent
砂轮 grinding wheel
工程技术人员 engineer
气动夹紧 pneuma lock
孔加工 spot facing machining
车间 workshop
板料冲压 sheet metal parts
磨床 grinder
2. 急需与钳工相关的英文词汇。。谢谢
金属切削 metal cutting
机床 machine tool
金属工艺学 technology of metals
刀具 cutter
摩擦 friction
联结 link
传动 drive/transmission
轴 shaft
弹性 elasticity
频率特性 frequency characteristic
误差 error
响应 response
定位 allocation
机床夹具 jig
动力学 dynamic
运动学 kinematic
静力学 static
拉伸 pulling
压缩 hitting
剪切 shear
扭转 twist
弯曲应力 bending stress
强度 intensity
三相交流电 three-phase AC
磁路 magnetic circles
变压器 transformer
异步电动机 asynchronous motor
几何形状 geometrical
精度 precision
正弦形的 sinusoid
交流电路 AC circuit
机械加工余量 machining allowance
变形力 deforming force
变形 deformation
应力 stress
硬度 rigidity
热处理 heat treatment
退火 anneal
正火 normalizing
脱碳 decarburization
电路 circuit
半导体元件 semiconctor element
反馈 feedback
发生器 generator
直流电源 DC electrical source
门电路 gate circuit
逻辑代数 logic algebra
外圆磨削 external grinding
内圆磨削 internal grinding
平面磨削 plane grinding
变速箱 gearbox
离合器 clutch
绞孔 fraising
绞刀 reamer
螺纹加工 thread processing
螺钉 screw
铣削 mill
铣刀 milling cutter
功率 power
工件 workpiece
齿轮加工 gear mechining
齿轮 gear
主运动 main movement
主运动方向 direction of main movement
进给方向 direction of feed
进给运动 feed movement
合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed
合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting
合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting
切削深度 cutting depth
前刀面 rake face
刀尖 nose of tool
前角 rake angle
后角 clearance angle
龙门刨削 planing
主轴 spindle
主轴箱 headstock
卡盘 chuck
加工中心 machining center
车刀 lathe tool
车床 lathe
钻削 镗削 bore
车削 turning
磨床 grinder
基准 benchmark
钳工 locksmith
锻 forge
压模 stamping
焊 weld
拉床 broaching machine
拉孔 broaching
装配 assembling
铸造 found
流体动力学 fluid dynamics
流体力学 fluid mechanics
加工 machining
液压 hydraulic pressure
切线 tangent
机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration
气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure
稳定性 stability
介质 medium
液压驱动泵 fluid clutch
液压泵 hydraulic pump
阀门 valve
失效 invalidation
强度 intensity
载荷 load
应力 stress
安全系数 safty factor
可靠性 reliability
螺纹 thread
螺旋 helix
键 spline
销 pin
滚动轴承 rolling bearing
滑动轴承 sliding bearing
弹簧 spring
制动器 arrester brake
十字结联轴节 crosshead
联轴器 coupling
链 chain
皮带 strap
精加工 finish machining
粗加工 rough machining
变速箱体 gearbox casing
腐蚀 rust
氧化 oxidation
磨损 wear
耐用度 rability
随机信号 random signal
离散信号 discrete signal
超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor
集成电路 integrate circuit
挡板 orifice plate
残余应力 resial stress
套筒 sleeve
扭力 torsion
冷加工 cold machining
电动机 electromotor
汽缸 cylinder
过盈配合 interference fit
热加工 hotwork
摄像头 CCD camera
倒角 rounding chamfer
优化设计 optimal design
工业造型设计 instrial moulding design
有限元 finite element
滚齿 hobbing
插齿 gear shaping
伺服电机 actuating motor
铣床 milling machine
钻床 drill machine
镗床 boring machine
步进电机 stepper motor
丝杠 screw rod
导轨 lead rail
组件 subassembly
可编程序逻辑控制器 Programmable Logic Controller PLC
电火花加工 electric spark machining
电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting
相图 phase diagram
热处理 heat treatment
固态相变 solid state phase changes
有色金属 nonferrous metal
陶瓷 ceramics
合成纤维 synthetic fibre
电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion
车架 automotive chassis
悬架 suspension
转向器 redirector
变速器 speed changer
板料冲压 sheet metal parts
孔加工 spot facing machining
车间 workshop
工程技术人员 engineer
气动夹紧 pneuma lock
数学模型 mathematical model
画法几何 descriptive geometry
机械制图 Mechanical drawing
投影 projection
视图 view
剖视图 profile chart
标准件 standard component
零件图 part drawing
装配图 assembly drawing
尺寸标注 size marking
技术要求 technical requirements
刚度 rigidity
内力 internal force
位移 displacement
截面 section
疲劳极限 fatigue limit
断裂 fracture
塑性变形 plastic distortion
脆性材料 brittleness material
刚度准则 rigidity criterion
垫圈 washer
垫片 spacer
直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear
斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear
直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear
运动简图 kinematic sketch
齿轮齿条 pinion and rack
蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear
虚约束 passive constraint
曲柄 crank
摇杆 racker
凸轮 cams
共轭曲线 conjugate curve
范成法 generation method
定义域 definitional domain
值域 range
导数\\微分 differential coefficient
求导 derivation
定积分 definite integral
不定积分 indefinite integral
曲率 curvature
偏微分 partial differential
毛坯 rough
游标卡尺 slide caliper
千分尺 micrometer calipers
攻丝 tap
二阶行列式 second order determinant
逆矩阵 inverse matrix
线性方程组 linear equations
概率 probability
随机变量 random variable
排列组合 permutation and combination
气体状态方程 equation of state of gas
动能 kinetic energy
势能 potential energy
机械能守恒 conservation of mechanical energy
动量 momentum
桁架 truss
轴线 axes
余子式 cofactor
逻辑电路 logic circuit
触发器 flip-flop
脉冲波形 pulse shape
数模 digital analogy
液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism
机械零件 mechanical parts
淬火冷却 quench
淬火 hardening
回火 tempering
调质 hardening and tempering
磨粒 abrasive grain
结合剂 bonding agent
砂轮 grinding wheel
3. 转机械英语翻译
Spindle orientation dog seat installation主轴定位卡爪位置安装
Spindle shaft fix the 10x8x25 double round key, then install the orientation dog seat (block), then fix the setting screw. 主轴固定10x8x25双向圆键,然后安装定位卡爪座(定位块),再固定定位螺钉。
Drawbar installment连接杆安装
1. Smear the grease on the Spring Disc. 涂油脂在弹簧盘上。
2. Collet (normally is 4-petal) fixes on the drawbar 套筒(正常情况是4片)固定在连接杆上。
3. Put 3 pcs (as one team) of Spring Disc to the bottom of drawbar and the concave face down (outside), then use the 3 pcs as one set, and the each set (3 pcs) back to back and face to face put the Spring disc to the drawbar. The total is 114 pcs (normally 114 pcs, but some of spindle is different).将3个为一组,凹面向下(向外),每组弹簧圆盘背对背或面对面紧挨着放到连接杆底部。
4. After finished the drawbar spring disc alignment then fix the spring disc stopper, and turn in let the spring disc total length to the standard length (114pcs about 277mm), then the drawbar top fix the M16x1.5 nut. 连接杆弹簧圆盘调整成一直线,然后固定弹簧圆盘的止动块,使之总长为标准长度(114个约277mm),再在连接杆顶部固定M16x1.5的螺母。
Spindle's tension force (pull/push force) & Runout inspection and test 主轴张力(拉/推力)、跳动检验以及试验
1. Put in the drawbar to the spindle shaft center hole. 将连接杆放在主轴中心孔。
3. Put the spindle on tension force platform, and test the spindle tension force with tension meter (guage) and the tension force about 1000±100kgs.将主轴放在张力平台上,用张力计测试主轴张力,张力约在1000±100kgs
4. If the tension force too large or too small that can adjust the drawbar's length. (FV1200/1500 BT-50 the tension force is 1500kgs ± 100kgs) 如果张力太大或太小,可调节连接杆的长度。
5. Finish above job then fix the nut.完成以下工作,固定螺母。
6. Clamp the 300mm test bar and measure the 300mm place (end) the spindle test bar runout, the runout variation could not exceeding 0.01mm. 夹紧300mm的测试杆,测量主轴测试杆300mm的跳动,跳动量不应超过0.01mm.
Spindle sleeve and front cover assembly 主轴套筒和前端盖装配
1. Refer to the above calibrated distance (value) and Grinding the front cover for the spindle bearings' preload. The preload value is 0.03mm. 根据以上测定距离(值),磨前端盖用于主轴轴承的预载。预载值为0.03mm。
2. Put in the spindle sleeve and fix the front cover, then finish the installation. 放入主轴套筒,固定前端盖,完成安装。
Spindle Dynamic balance 主轴动平衡
1. According the Dynamic balance machine operational manual operates the balance machine for adjust the balance. 根据操作手册操作动平衡机器调节平衡。
Spindle temperature warm up test 主轴温升试验
1. After spindle balance adjustment then put on the running test platform for doing the temperature warm up test.
完 成主轴调节后,放在运行测试台上做温升试验。
4. 英语翻译
SM26-CNC Automatic Measuring and Loading / Unloading Grinder:
This machine tool, being adaptable to grind rubber rolls, sponge rolls, and spindle workpieces, is a al-spindle linkage numerical control (NC) machine tool, which means that the wheel tooth feed to X axis while the table vertically travel to Z axis, and NC linkage between X axis and Z axis can be driven by an AC servo motor and ball screws. It is equipped with FANUC~0i T serials grinder special-purpose system, and the NC interpolation of grinding wheel dressing ensures the consistency of grinding state.
*The main spindle system adopts hydro dynamic-static hybrid bearings, the tailstock spindle of the adopts sleeve-typed structure, and the AC frequency conversion of the headstock can realize infinitely variable speed transmission in a range.
* The nachine tool is equipped with automatic online measurement system(axial position and cylindrical turning) proced by Italy Marpross Company, which realizes closed-loop control of processing and measuring.
* The nachine tool adopts fully enclosed-safety work space (with the top side of the machine tool open), and the control panel and the manipulative table are set at the right side of the machine tool being in accordance with the requirement of human-machine engineering.
* The nachine tool can complete the automatic grinding cycle of the workpiece with one setup, and the whole grinding course can be controlled by CNC, displayed by CRT. It has the functions of menu-style programming, wheel overload protection, chuck forbidden protection. The online measurement can realize the automatic conversion of the grinding cycle and wheel dressing cycle according to the program.
The functions and features of SM25 Rubber Roll NC Grinder:
The machine is adaptable to grind the rubber rolls of printers and spinners, whose automatic loading/unloading can realize mass proction and OWMM (one worker, multiple machine). It can realize random setup of the processing parameters demanded in the touch display and automatic micro-feed. From a view of service, accuracy, and effeciency, it can wholy replace the exported machine.
1. The device adopts human-computer interface, AC servo motor, CRT display, invert and PLC (Programmable logic controller), thus its operation is extremly safety.
2. Its grinder spindle adopts hydro dynamic-static hybrid bearings according the design concept of long-term maintainance-free. It is equipped with independent close-cycled lubrication and cooling system, which belongs to liquid-floated spindle for the spindle is in suspnded state either in static state or in dynamic state, thus reaches the effectiveness of high accuracy, stable, high speed, non-vibration.
3. The reciprocating structure and the wheel stand of the manipulative table adopt German lineary cross-rolling guide without maintainance in its whole life, and the reciprocation servo motor drives stepless speed control to ensure its precise and sensitive reciprocation.
4. The headstock motor adopts AC frequency conversion, which can realize stepless speed control.
5. The grinding adopts pneumatic retainer controlling extremly precise sizes and surfacial roughness, and the tailstock sleeve has pneumatic-strictive function, which can automatically and precisely hold the core of the rubber roll.
6. It is equipped with a al-flat manipulative table, which is very convenient for the regulation of the grinding taper of the rubber roll. 7. It adopts a special wheel made of large pores stone material and extrapositioned wind & st collecting device dependently, which keeps a fine running environment and high-quality workpieces.
5. 求助机械及加工工艺类英语单词
金属切削 metal cutting
机床 machine tool
金属工艺学 technology of metals
刀具 cutter
摩擦 friction
联结 link
传动 drive/transmission
轴 shaft
弹性 elasticity
频率特性 frequency characteristic
误差 error
响应 response
定位 allocation
机床夹具 jig
动力学 dynamic
运动学 kinematic
静力学 static
分析力学 analyse mechanics
拉伸 pulling
压缩 hitting
剪切 shear
扭转 twist
弯曲应力 bending stress
强度 intensity
三相交流电 three-phase AC
磁路 magnetic circles
变压器 transformer
异步电动机 asynchronous motor
几何形状 geometrical
精度 precision
正弦形的 sinusoid
交流电路 AC circuit
机械加工余量 machining allowance
变形力 deforming force
变形 deformation
应力 stress
硬度 rigidity
热处理 heat treatment
退火 anneal
正火 normalizing
脱碳 decarburization
渗碳 carburization
电路 circuit
半导体元件 semiconctor element
反馈 feedback
发生器 generator
直流电源 DC electrical source
门电路 gate circuit
逻辑代数 logic algebra
外圆磨削 external grinding
内圆磨削 internal grinding
平面磨削 plane grinding
变速箱 gearbox
离合器 clutch
绞孔 fraising
绞刀 reamer
螺纹加工 thread processing
螺钉 screw
铣削 mill
铣刀 milling cutter
功率 power
工件 workpiece
齿轮加工 gear mechining
齿轮 gear
主运动 main movement
主运动方向 direction of main movement
进给方向 direction of feed
进给运动 feed movement
合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed
合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting
合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting
切削深度 cutting depth
前刀面 rake face
刀尖 nose of tool
前角 rake angle
后角 clearance angle
龙门刨削 planing
主轴 spindle
主轴箱 headstock
卡盘 chuck
加工中心 machining center
车刀 lathe tool
车床 lathe
钻削 镗削 bore
车削 turning
磨床 grinder
基准 benchmark
钳工 locksmith
锻 forge
压模 stamping
焊 weld
拉床 broaching machine
拉孔 broaching
装配 assembling
铸造 found
流体动力学 fluid dynamics
流体力学 fluid mechanics
加工 machining
液压 hydraulic pressure
切线 tangent
机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration
气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure
稳定性 stability
介质 medium
液压驱动泵 fluid clutch
液压泵 hydraulic pump
阀门 valve
失效 invalidation
强度 intensity
载荷 load
应力 stress
安全系数 safty fact
可靠性 reliability
螺纹 thread
螺旋 helix
键 spline
销 pin
滚动轴承 rolling bearing
滑动轴承 sliding bearing
弹簧 spring
制动器 arrester brake
十字结联轴节 crosshead
联轴器 coupling
链 chain
皮带 strap
精加工 finish machining
粗加工 rough machining
变速箱体 gearbox casing
腐蚀 rust
氧化 oxidation
磨损 wear
耐用度 rability
随机信号 random signal
离散信号 discrete signal
超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor
集成电路 integrate circuit
挡板 orifice plate
残余应力 resial stress
套筒 sleeve
扭力 torsion
冷加工 cold machining
电动机 electromotor
汽缸 cylinder
过盈配合 interference fit
热加工 hotwork
摄像头 CCD camera
倒角 rounding chamfer
优化设计 optimal design
工业造型设计 instrial moulding design
有限元 finite element
滚齿 hobbing
插齿 gear shaping
伺服电机 actuating motor
铣床 milling machine
钻床 drill machine
镗床 boring machine
步进电机 stepper motor
丝杠 screw rod
导轨 lead rail
组件 subassembly
可编程序逻辑控制器 Programmable Logic Controller PLC
电火花加工 electric spark machining
电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting
相图 phase diagram
热处理 heat treatment
固态相变 solid state phase changes
有色金属 nonferrous metal
陶瓷 ceramics
合成纤维 synthetic fibre
电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion
车架 automotive chassis
悬架 suspension
转向器 redirector
变速器 speed changer
板料冲压 sheet metal parts
孔加工 spot facing machining
车间 workshop
工程技术人员 engineer
气动夹紧 pneuma lock
数学模型 mathematical model
画法几何 descriptive geometry
机械制图 Mechanical drawing
投影 projection
视图 view
剖视图 profile chart
标准件 standard component
零件图 part drawing
装配图 assembly drawing
尺寸标注 size marking
技术要求 technical requirements
刚度 rigidity
内力 internal force
位移 displacement
截面 section
疲劳极限 fatigue limit
断裂 fracture
塑性变形 plastic distortion
脆性材料 brittleness material
刚度准则 rigidity criterion
垫圈 washer
垫片 spacer
直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear
斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear
直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear
运动简图 kinematic sketch
齿轮齿条 pinion and rack
蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear
虚约束 passive constraint
曲柄 crank
摇杆 racker
凸轮 cams
共轭曲线 conjugate curve
范成法 generation method
定义域 definitional domain
值域 range
导数\\微分 differential coefficient
求导 derivation
定积分 definite integral
不定积分 indefinite integral
曲率 curvature
偏微分 partial differential
毛坯 rough
游标卡尺 slide caliper
千分尺 micrometer calipers
攻丝 tap
二阶行列式 second order determinant
逆矩阵 inverse matrix
线性方程组 linear equations
概率 probability
随机变量 random variable
排列组合 permutation and combination
气体状态方程 equation of state of gas
动能 kinetic energy
势能 potential energy
机械能守恒 conservation of mechanical energy
动量 momentum
桁架 truss
轴线 axes
余子式 cofactor
逻辑电路 logic circuit
触发器 flip-flop
脉冲波形 pulse shape
数模 digital analogy
液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism
机械零件 mechanical parts
淬火冷却 quench
淬火 hardening
回火 tempering
调质 hardening and tempering
磨粒 abrasive grain
结合剂 bonding agent
砂轮 grinding wheel
6. 机械行业的英文专业术语
第 -1- 页 共 8 页 机械专业英语词汇(大全) 机械专业英语词汇(大全) 金属切削 metal cutting 机床 machine tool 金属工艺学 technology of metals 刀具 cutter 摩擦 friction 联结 link 传动 drive/transmission 轴 shaft 弹性 elasticity 频率特性 frequency characteristic 误差 error 响应 response 定位 allocation 机床夹具 jig 动力学 dynamic 运动学 kinematic 静力学 static 分析力学 analyse mechanics 拉伸 pulling 压缩 hitting 剪切 shear 扭转 twist 弯曲应力 bending stress 强度 intensity 三相交流电 three-phase AC 磁路 magnetic circles 变压器 transformer 异步电动机 asynchronous motor 几何形状 geometrical 英语词汇 -1- 第 -2- 页 共 8 页 精度 precision 正弦形的 sinusoid 交流电路 AC circuit 机械加工余量 machining allowance 变形力 deforming force 变形 deformation 应力 stress 硬度 rigidity 热处理 heat treatment 退火 anneal 正火 normalizing 脱碳 decarburization 渗碳 carburization 电路 circuit 半导体元件 semiconctor element 反馈 feedback 发生器 generator 直流电源 DC electrical source 门电路 gate circuit 逻辑代数 logic algebra 外圆磨削 external grinding 内圆磨削 internal grinding 平面磨削 plane grinding 变速箱 gearbox 离合器 clutch 铰孔 fraising 铰刀 reamer 螺纹加工 thread processing 螺钉 screw 铣削 mill 铣刀 milling cutter 功率 power 英语词汇 -2- 第 -3- 页 共 8 页 工件 workpiece 齿轮加工 gear mechining 齿轮 gear 主运动 main movement 主运动方向 direction of main movement 进给方向 direction of feed 进给运动 feed movement 合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed 合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting 合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度 cutting depth 前刀面 rake face 刀尖 nose of tool 前角 rake angle 后角 clearance angle 龙门刨削 planing 主轴 spindle 主轴箱 headstock 卡盘 chuck 加工中心 machining center 车刀 lathe tool 车床 lathe 钻削 镗削 bore 车削 turning 磨床 grinder 基准 benchmark 钳工 locksmith 锻 forge 压模 stamping 焊 weld 拉床 broaching machine 拉孔 broaching 英语词汇 -3- 第 -4- 页 共 8 页 装配 assembling 铸造 found 流体动力学 fluid dynamics 流体力学 fluid mechanics 加工 machining 液压 hydraulic pressure 切线 tangent 机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure 稳定性 stability 介质 medium 液压驱动泵 fluid clutch 液压泵 hydraulic pump 阀门 valve 失效 invalidation 强度 intensity 载荷 load 应力 stress 安全系数 safty factor 可靠性 reliability 螺纹 thread 螺旋 helix 键 spline 销 pin 滚动轴承 rolling bearing 滑动轴承 sliding bearing 弹簧 spring 制动器 arrester brake 十字结联轴节 crosshead 联轴器 coupling 链 chain 皮带 strap 英语词汇 -4- 第 -5- 页 共 8 页 精加工 finish machining 粗加工 rough machining 变速箱体 gearbox casing 腐蚀 rust 氧化 oxidation 磨损 wear 耐用度 rability 随机信号 random signal 离散信号 discrete signal 超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor 集成电路 integrate circuit 挡板 orifice plate 残余应力 resial stress 套筒 sleeve 扭力 torsion 冷加工 cold machining 电动机 electromotor 汽缸 cylinder 过盈配合 interference fit 热加工 hotwork 摄像头 CCD camera 倒角 rounding chamfer 优化设计 optimal design 工业造型设计 instrial moulding design 有限元 finite element 滚齿 hobbing 插齿 gear shaping 伺服电机 actuating motor 铣床 milling machine 钻床 drill machine 镗床 boring machine 步进电机 stepper motor 英语词汇 -5- 第 -6- 页 共 8 页 丝杠 screw rod 导轨 lead rail 组件 subassembly 可编程序逻辑控制器 Programmable Logic Controller PLC 电火花加工 electric spark machining 电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting 相图 phase diagram 热处理 heat treatment 固态相变 solid state phase changes 有色金属 nonferrous metal 陶瓷 ceramics 合成纤维 synthetic fibre 电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion 车架 automotive chassis 悬架 suspension 转向器 redirector 变速器 speed changer 板料冲压 sheet metal parts 孔加工 spot facing machining 车间 workshop 工程技术人员 engineer 气动夹紧 pneuma lock 数学模型 mathematical model 画法几何 descriptive geometry 机械制图 Mechanical drawing 投影 projection 视图 view 剖视图 profile chart 标准件 standard component 零件图 part drawing 装配图 assembly drawing 尺寸标注 size marking 英语词汇 -6- 第 -7- 页 共 8 页 技术要求 technical requirements 刚度 rigidity 内力 internal force 位移 displacement 截面 section 疲劳极限 fatigue limit 断裂 fracture 塑性变形 plastic distortion 脆性材料 brittleness material 刚度准则 rigidity criterion 垫圈 washer 垫片 spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear 运动简图 kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条 pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear 虚约束 passive constraint 曲柄 crank 摇杆 racker 凸轮 cams 共轭曲线 conjugate curve 范成法 generation method 定义域 definitional domain 值域 range 导数\\微分 differential coefficient 求导 derivation 定积分 definite integral 不定积分 indefinite integral 曲率 curvature 偏微分 partial differential 英语词汇 -7- 第 -8- 页 共 8 页 毛坯 rough 游标卡尺 slide caliper 千分尺 micrometer calipers 攻丝 tap 二阶行列式 second order determinant 逆矩阵 inverse matrix 线性方程组 linear equations 概率 probability 随机变量 random variable 排列组合 permutation and combination 气体状态方程 equation of state of gas 动能 kinetic energy 势能 potential energy 机械能守恒 conservation of mechanical energy 动量 momentum 桁架 truss 轴线 axes 余子式 cofactor 逻辑电路 logic circuit 触发器 flip-flop 脉冲波形 pulse shape 数模 digital analogy 液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism 机械零件 mechanical parts 淬火冷却 quench 淬火 hardening 回火 tempering 调质 hardening and tempering 磨粒 abrasive grain 结合剂 bonding agent 砂轮 grinding wheel 英语词汇 -8-
7. 最详尽的轴承术语(中英文互译)
slewing ring bearing (slewving bearing)回转支承轴承即转盘轴承
1. adapter bearing带固接套的轴承
2. adjustable bearing可调轴承
3. adjustable cone colter bearing圆犁刀的可调式锥形轴承
4. aerostatic bearing空气静力轴承
5. agate bearing玛瑙轴承
6. air journal bearing气体轴承
7. air lubricated thrust bearing空气润滑止推轴承
8. aligning bearing(直线)对位轴承
9. alkaline-friction bearing抗磨轴承
10. allowable bearing容许支承力
11. all-rubber type bearing全胶式轴承。全橡胶轴承
12. aluminum base bearing铝基合金轴承
13. aluminum-tin bearing铝锡合金轴承
14. angular ball bearing径向止推滚珠轴承
15. angular contact ball bearing角面接触滚珠轴承,向心止推滚珠轴承
16. angular contact journal bearing角面接触轴颈轴承
17. annular ball bearing向心球轴承,径向滚珠轴承
18. annular contact thrust ball bearing推力向心球轴承
19. antenna bearing(电磁)天线方位
20. antifriction thrust bearing减磨推力轴承,减磨止推轴承
21. antithrust bearing止推轴承
22. asymmetrical roller bearing非对称滚子轴承
23. axial bearing支撑轴承,止推轴承
24. axial thrust bearing轴向推力轴承
25. axle box bearing轴箱轴承
26. azimuth bearing方位
27. babbit metal (cast) bearing(铸造)巴氏合金轴承
28. babbit-lined bearing巴氏合金衬套轴承,衬巴氏合金的轴承
29. back bearing反象限角,后轴承,反方位(炮)
30. back-to-back plex bearing成对双联轴承(外圈宽端面相对)
31. ball bearing滚珠轴承
32. ball collar thrust bearing滚珠环止推轴承,滚珠环推力轴承
33. ball journal bearing球颈轴承
34. ball thrust bearing止推滚珠轴承
35. barrel bearing圆筒轴承
36. base bearing主轴承,底轴承,基轴承
37. bellbearing钟杆推力轴承,小钟杆平球架,炉钟杠杆
38. bevel pinion front bearing小锥齿轮前[后]轴承
39. big-end bearing大端轴承
40. blade bearing刃型支承
41. block bearing支承轴承,止推轴承
42. boring bar bearing镗杆轴承
43. box bearing空转轴承
44. bracket bearing托架轴承
45. bushing bearing衬套轴承
46. cageless rolling bearing无保持架轴承
47. camshaft bearing凸轮轴轴承
48. center bearing下心盘,下心盘支承面;中心支承
49. centring spring rod bearing调准簧杆轴承
50. ceramic bearing陶瓷轴承
51. check bearing检验方位,检验轴承
52. circular unidirectional thrust bearing环状单向推力轴承
53. closed-type bearing密闭形轴承
54. clutch release bearing离合器分离轴承
55. collar (thrust) bearing环形止推轴承
56. combination bearing组合轴承
57. commutator side bearing整流子侧支座
58. composite bearing多层轴瓦,复合轴承
59. compressed air bearing压缩空气轴承,压气轴承
60. concentric adjustable bearing同心调整轴承
61. conical bearing圆锥轴承
62. corrugated bearing梳状轴承,槽形轴承
63. countershaft gear bearing副轴齿轮轴承
64. crank(ed) bearing曲轴轴承,曲柄轴承,连杆轴承
65. cross head holt bearing十字头销轴承
66. cross head pin bearing十字头销轴承
67. cryogenic bearing低温轴承
68. cup-and-cone bearing对开径向上止推轴承
69. cutter bearing滚刀轴承
70. declutch shaft bearing离合器操纵轴承,分离轴轴承
71. diamond bearing金刚石轴承
72. die cast bearing模铸轴承
73. differential drive pinion cage bearing差速器主小齿轮轴承罩
74. differential side bearing差速器壳轴承
75. disk bearing圆盘轴承
76. disk harrow bearing圆盘耙轴承
77. distributor upper bearing配电器上轴承
78. double bearing双列轴承
79. double shield bearing双(护)罩轴承
80. double thrust bearing双止推轴承
81. double-row angular contact ball bearing双列向心推力球轴承
82. double-row ball journal bearing双列径向滚珠轴承
83. double-row radial ball bearing双列向心球轴承
84. double-row radial spherical roller bearing双列向心鼓面滚子轴承
85. double-row self-aligning spherical roller
86. bearing双列向心球面滚子轴承(自动调心型)
87. drag link bearing拉杆支座
88. drive end bearing主动端轴承,驱动端轴承
89. drive pinion cone bearing主动小齿轮锥形轴承
90. drive shaft bearing主动轴轴承
91. drop-hanger bearing悬挂轴承
92. drum roller bearing鼓形滚柱轴承
93. dry bearing干轴承
94. plex bearing双轴承
95. plex ball bearing成对双联向心推力球轴承
96. dynamo bearing发电机轴承
97. elastically yielding bearing弹性退让轴承
98. elliptical bearing椭圆形轴承
99. enclosed tubular bearing密封套管轴承(属于油浴润滑式轴承)
100. end journal bearing端枢轴承
101. end shield bearing机油滤清器内盖头轴承
102. end thrust bearing止推轴承
103. end-mounted bearing(耙组)两端安装的轴承
104. engine thrust ball bearing止推滚珠轴承
105. established line bearing非标准轴承
106. expansion bearing活动支承,温度)伸胀支承
107. expansive end bearing of bridge活动桥支座
108. fabric bearing夹布胶木轴承
109. fan end thrust ball bearing风扇端止推滚球轴承
110. fan shaft bearing风扇轴轴承
111. Ferro porit bearing渗硫铁系含油轴承
112. filling slot type bearing填槽式轴承
113. film bearing油膜轴承
114. film lubrication bearing油膜轴承,液体摩擦轴承
115. fixed-type bearing固定轴承
116. flange bearing带法兰盘轴承
117. flanged cup bearing外环凸缘轴承
118. flexible bearing挠性轴承
119. floating bush bearing浮动衬套轴承
120. flood-lubricated bearing液体摩擦轴承,油膜轴承
121. fluid bearing液压轴承
122. fluid-film bearing流体膜轴承
123. footstep bearing立轴承
124. fore bearing前轴承
125. fork bearing叉轴承
126. forward bearing前象限角
127. four-row tapered roller bearing四列圆锥滚柱轴承
128. free end bearing活动支承,自由支承
129. friction bearing滑动轴承
130. friction thrust bearing摩擦止推轴承
131. front main bearing前主轴承
132. fulcrum bearing支承
133. full-journal bearing全围式滑动轴承full-molded type rubber bearing整体模制式橡胶轴承
134. gas-lubricated bearing气体润滑轴承
135. gear shaft roller bearing齿轮轴滚柱轴承
136. globe bearing球面轴承
137. graphite bearing石墨板(离合器分离的),石墨轴承
138. graphite-containing bearing含石墨的轴承
139. graphited oilless bearing石墨润滑的无油轴承
140. gravity side bearing重力复原旁承
141. grid bearing坐标(网)方位
142. grinding wheel bearing砂轮轴承
143. groove ball bearing带沟球轴承
144. guardbearing动力输出轴的)护罩轴承
145. gudgeon pin bearing活塞销轴承,耳轴销轴承
146. guide bearing导向轴承,导引轴承,定向轴承,导引方位角
147. guide spindle bearing导轴轴承
148. gunmetal bearing炮铜轴承
149. half-and-haif bearing半轴承无盖轴承
150. hanging bearing吊挂轴承
151. hardwood bearing硬木轴承
152. head bearing止端轴承
153. heavy-ty bearing重载轴承
154. hydrodynamic journal bearing液体动压轴承,油膜轴承
155. hydrostatic bearing静压轴承
156. idler shaft bearing空转轴轴承
157. inclined bearing(倾)斜轴承,斜支承
158. inner bearing内轴承
159. intermediate bearing中间轴承
160. jack shaft bearing曲柄轴轴承
161. jewelled bearing宝石轴承
162. Jordan bearing推力套筒轴承
163. journal bearing经向轴承
164. kick-starter bearing冲式起动器的曲柄轴承
165. kingpin bearing凸轮止推回转轴承,止推销轴承,止推枢轴承,中心(转向节)轴承
166. knife-edge bearing刃形支承,刃支承,刀口承
167. knuckle bearing铰式支座,球形支座,关节轴承
168. labyrinth bearing迷宫轴承,曲径式密封轴承
169. laminated bearing夹布胶木轴承,层压轴承
170. leading -screw bearing传动螺杆轴承
171. lignumvitae bearing层压胶木轴承
172. locating bearing止推轴承,定位轴承
173. lock nut bearing锁紧螺帽座
174. longitudinal wall hanger bearing墙托架轴承
175. long-path bearing远距离方位
176. lower bearing下轴承
177. lower half bearing轴承下瓦
178. lubed-for-life bearing永久润滑轴承(即橡胶轴承)
179. lubri-seal bearing阻油环轴承
180. magnetic bearing磁向位,磁方位
181. magnetic thrust bearing磁性推力轴承
182. main bearing主轴承
183. main rod bearing主杆轴承
184. mainshaft bearing主轴轴承
185. maintenance-free bearing自润滑轴承
186. mechanical bearing轴承(总称)
187. midship shaft bearing中间轴轴承
188. miniature bearing微型轴承,超小型轴承
189. molded-fabric bearing(设计)模制纤维轴承
190. motor support bearing电动机支承轴承
191. movable bearing活动支承
192. multi-roll bearing滚针轴承
193. multirow bearing多列轴承
194. multipart bearing弓形轴承,扇形轴承
195. multiple-groove bearing多油槽轴承
196. neck bearing中间轴承
197. needle bearing滚针轴承
198. needle(type) roller bearing滚针轴承
199. noise-free bearing低噪声轴承
200. nonfilling slot type bearing无滚珠槽的滚动轴承
201. non-locating bearing浮动轴承,不定位轴承
202. non-porous bearing无孔轴承
203. oil film bearing油膜轴承
204. oil flooded bearing油膜轴承,液体摩擦轴承
205. oil-bath type bearing油浴润滑式轴承
206. oilless bearing不加油轴承自动润滑轴承石墨润滑轴承,含油轴承
207. oil-retaining bearing含油轴承
208. open spindle bearing开式锭子轴承
209. oscillating bearing关节轴承
210. oscillating journal bearing摆动轴径轴承
211. outboard bearing外置轴承
212. parallel bearing滑动轴承
213. parallel-roller bearing平行滚柱轴承
214. partial bearing半轴承
215. partial journal bearing半围轴承(轴瓦在180°范围内包围着轴颈的滑动轴承)
216. pedestal bearing支承轴承
217. penlum bearing钟摆轴承
218. pin rocker bearing铰接支座,圆柱枢轴摆动轴承
219. pinion bearing小齿轮轴承
220. piston pin bearing活塞销轴承
221. pivot bearing枢轴承,摆动支座,中心(轴尖)支承,立式止推轴承
222. plain-and -ball bearing滑动与滚动组合轴承
223. plane bearing平面轴承
224. plummer block bearing架座,止推轴承
225. pneumatic bearing空气轴承
226. pocket bearing油盘轴承
227. porous bearing多孔轴承
228. powdiron bearing多孔铁轴承,粉未铁轴承
229. power take-off lever bearing动力输出轴轴承
230. preloaded bearing预紧轴承
231. prelubricated bearing预(加)润滑[油密封]轴承,一次润滑轴承
232. pressure-feed air bearing静压空气轴承
233. pressure-loaded bearing承压轴承
234. proper bearing紧密接触轴承
235. pump bearing泵轴承
236. quill bearing滚针轴承
237. radial journal bearing径向轴承,支持轴承,轴颈轴承
238. radial spherical roller bearing径向球形滚柱轴承
239. radial-thrust bearing径向止推轴承
240. rail bearing轨枕,轨承,轨底支承面
241. rear bearing后轴承(车床)
242. rigid type bearing刚性支承点,刚性支承面非自位滚动轴承
243. rim bearing轮缘座,环承
244. ring-oiled sleeve bearing油环润滑式滑动轴承;油环式滑动轴承
245. rocker bearing桥架)摇轴支座; (桁架)伸缩支座
246. rod bearing杆轴承
247. roller bearing滚柱轴承
248. roller step bearing滚柱止推轴承
249. rolling-contact bearing滚动接触轴承
250. rotating journal bearing转动轴颈轴承
251. round bearing转动件轴承
252. rubber bearing橡胶轴承
253. sealed roller bearing密封式滚子轴承
254. sector gear bearing扇形齿轮轴承
255. segmental bearing弓形轴承,弧形轴承,分片互轴承,轴瓦块轴承
256. self-acting air bearing动压空气轴承
257. self-aligning bearing球面轴承,自位轴承
258. self-setting bearing多向调整轴承
259. shafting bearing轴承
260. shell bearing轴承壳
261. shifting bearing活动支座
262. shock absorber bearing减震器座
263. side rod bearing边杆轴承
264. single plate ball bearing单垫片滚珠轴承
265. single row angular contact ball bearing单列向心推力球轴承
266. single row cylindrical roller bearing单列短圆柱滚子轴承
267. single shield bearing单罩轴承
268. single thrust bearing单向推力轴承,单向止推轴承
269. single-row bearing单列轴承
270. single-row separable ball bearing分离型向心推力球轴承
271. single-row tapered roller bearing单列圆锥滚子轴承
272. sintered metal bearing烧结金属轴承
273. sleeve bearing套筒轴承,滑动轴承
274. slewing bearing旋转枢轴轴承
275. slide bearing滑动轴承
276. sliding double bearing滑动复式轴承
277. snap-ring bearing开口环轴承
278. snap-ring ball bearing(在负荷端)带止动垫圈的滚珠轴承
279. solid journal bearing整体轴颈轴承
280. solid roller bearing实心滚子轴承,整体滚柱轴承
281. special guide bearing特种导承
282. spherical bearing球面轴承,球形支座,球面支承
283. spherical roller thrust bearing推力球面滚子轴承
284. spigot bearing导向轴承,套筒轴承,小载荷轴承,轻载轴承,插口轴承
285. spindle bolt bearing心轴螺栓轴承
286. spiral roller bearing螺旋(式)滚子轴承
287. spot contact bearing滚珠轴承
288. spring plank bearing摇枕吊轴
289. sprocket shaft bearing链轮轴轴承
290. square-bore ball bearing方(轴)孔滚珠轴承
291. squeeze film bearing(挤)压(油)膜轴承
292. starter main shaft bearing起动机主轴轴承
293. steady bearing支撑轴承(防止长轴摆动)
294. steep angle bearing大锥角滚柱轴承
295. steering gear worm thrust bearing转向蜗杆止推轴承
296. steering knuckle thrust bearing转向关节主动轴承
297. steering worm bearing转向蜗杆轴承
298. steering worm sector bearing转向器扇形蜗轮轴承
299. step bearing立式止推轴承,踏板轴承,阶式止推轴承
300. straight roller bearing普通滚柱轴承
301. stuffing box bearing填料压盖轴承,密封轴承
302. suspension bearing吊轴承
303. swing bearing摆动支座,摆锤支座
304. swivel bearing旋转轴承
305. taper-bore cylindrical-roller bearing 锥孔圆柱滚子轴承
306. taper-roller bearing锥形滚柱轴承
307. textolite bearing夹布胶木轴承
308. thermo-expansion compensation angular ball bearing热胀补偿向心球轴承
309. thrust bearing推力轴承,止推轴承推力座
310. tin-copper-graphite bearing青铜石墨轴承
311. tip bearing枢轴承,枢支座
312. toe bearing立式止推轴承
313. top bearing上盖(顶盖)轴承
314. Torrington needle bearing(无内座圈的)冲压外座圈滚针轴承
315. torsion bearing抠转轴承
316. transverse bearing径向轴承
317. truck side bearing(机车的)下旁承,底板,镶板,闸瓦托
318. trunnion bearing耳轴承
319. tumbler bearing铰式支座,摆动支座(轴承)
320. two-direction self-aligning ball thrust
321. bearing双球面止推滚珠轴承,自调止推滚珠轴承
322. two-piece bearing对开轴承,拼合轴承,可调轴承
323. two-point bearing二点交叉定位
324. uncoupling lever shaft bearing互钩开关杆轴承
325. universal-joint cross bearing万向接头轴承
326. universal-joint needle bearing万向节针式轴承
327. upper bearing上轴承,上轴瓦
328. upper center crankshaft bearing曲轴主轴承上中轴瓦
329. water lubricated bearing水润滑轴承
330. water pump shaft bearing水泵轴轴承
331. water-sealed bearing防水轴承
332. weight-carrying roller bearing径向滚柱轴承
333. wheel bearing轮轴轴承
334. wick-lubricated bearing油渑润滑轴承
335. winch worm shaft bearing绞车蜗杆轴承
336. wire race ball bearing钢丝滚道球轴承
337. wooden bearing木制轴承
338. worm bearing蜗杆轴承
339. worm shaft roller conical bearing蜗杆锥棍轴承
340. worm thrust bearing蜗杆止推轴承
341. wrist-pin bearing十字头销衬套,活塞销衬套
1. 滚动轴承 rolling bearing
2. 单列轴承 single row bearing
3. 双列轴承 double row bearing
4. 多列轴承 multi-row bearing
5. 满装滚动体轴承 full complement bearing
6. 角接触轴承 angular contact bearing
7. 调心轴承 self-aligning bearing
8. 可分离的轴承 separable bearing
9. 不可分离轴承 non-separable bearing
10. 英制轴承 inch bearing
11. 开型轴承 open bearing
12. 密封圈轴承 sealed bearing
13. 防尘盖轴承 shielded bearing
14. 闭型轴承 capped bearing
15. 予润滑轴承 prelubricated bearing
16. 仪器精密轴承 instrument precision bearing
17. 组配轴承 matched bearing
1. 向心轴承 radial bearing
主要用于承受径向负荷的滚动轴承,其公称接触角在0°到45°之间,基本零件为内圈、外圈和带或不带 保持架的滚动体。
2. 径向接触轴承 radial contact bearing
3. 角接触向心轴承 angular contact radial bearing
4. 外球面轴承 insert bearing
5. 锥孔轴承 tapered bore bearing
6. 凸缘轴承 flanged bearing
7. 滚轮(滚动)轴承 track roller (rolling bearing)
8. 挡圈型滚轮(滚动)轴承 yoke type track roller (rolling bearing)
9. 万能组配轴承 universal matching bearing
1. 推力轴承 thrust bearing
2. 轴向接触轴承 axial contact bearing
3. 角接触推力轴承 angular contact thrust bearing
4. 单向推力轴承 single direction thrust bearing
5. 双向推力轴承 double-direction thrust bearing
6. 双列双向推力轴承 double row double-direction thrust bearing
7. 直线(运动)轴承 linear(motion)bearing
1. 球轴承 ball bearing
2. 向心球轴承 radial ball bearing
3. 深沟球轴承 deep groove ball bearing
4. 装填槽球轴承 filling slot ball bearing
5. 锁口球轴承 counterbored ball bearing
6. 三点接触球轴承 three point comtact ball bearing
7. 四点接触球轴承 four point contact ball bearing
8. 推力球轴承 thrust ball bearing
9. 单列双向推力球轴承 single row double-directino thrust ball bearing
10. 双排单向推力球轴承 doubel row single-direction thrust ball bearing
1. 滚子轴承 roller bearing
2. 向心滚子轴承 radial roller bearing
3. 圆柱滚子轴承 cylindrical roller bearing
4. 圆锥滚子轴承 tapered roller bearing
5. 滚针轴承 needle roller bearing
6. 冲压外圈滚针轴承 drawn cup needle roller bearing
7. (凸)球面滚子轴承 convex roller bearing
8. 凹面滚子轴承 concave roller bearing
9. 球面滚子轴承 spherical roller bearing