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发布时间: 2024-11-09 05:12:12

A. 不同的人喜欢不同种类的食物用英语怎摸说

different people have different taste.

different people like different foods.

B. 不同的人喜欢不同种类的食物用英语翻译

Different people like different kind of food.

C. “你喜欢什么类型的食物”和“你喜欢什么类型的食物”用英语怎么说

What kind of food do you like best?

D. 我喜欢各种各样的食物用英语怎么说

我喜欢各种各样的食物用英语说为I like all kinds of food。


喜欢like;love;prefer;enjoy;happy;elated;in love with;be fond of;be pleased with;enamoured;relish;as she pleases;keen on;care for;anything he pleases;whatever you please







E. 我们喜欢吃的食物各有不同。翻译成英语是什么

应该是"We like to eat of the thing be each to have a dissimilarity"这是金山快译上的 感觉比较别扭
The food we like to eat are different就可以内
常时间学法语 英语都快忘了 郁闷容

F. 根据以下提示写一篇英语作文:不同国家的人喜欢吃不同的个食物。中国人爱吃饺子和面条。意大利人爱吃比...

Chinese people eat mplings and noodles. Italians eat than Sha, the Japanese eat raw fish. The world-famous American fast food. People from different countries in different ways to eat, Chinese people use chopsticks, Westerners use knives and forks, in some countries people eat directly hand stuff. Chinese people like to do business or chat over dinner, and in some countries, eating can not speak. 不敢保证都对,但我尽力了。。。给顶一个呗

G. 不同的人喜欢吃不同的食物用英语咋说

Different people like to have different foods.(此处foods指种类,可加s)
或Different people like eating different foods.

H. 我非常喜欢这些食物 英语怎么说

I like these food very much.

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