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发布时间: 2024-10-27 20:28:50

A. 我们班很多同学都很喜欢英语,但我不是太喜欢它. 用英语怎么翻译

您好,翻译为 Many classmates likes english in our class but i don't .like it

B. 他的老师和同学们都很喜欢他。用英语

His teachers and classmates all like him very much.

C. “同学”用英语怎么翻译

在英语中,"同学"可以翻译为 "classmate" 或 "schoolmate"。当凳纤老同学们聚在一起时,那份亲切的氛围尤为浓厚,可以表达为 "The meeting of the old classmates was extremely cordial." 无论是计划拜访昔日的同窗 ("I'm going to call on one of my former classmates"),还是偶然间遇到 ("run into an old schoolmate"),"classmate" 都是合适的词汇。学生之间通常关系融洽 ("ученики ладят друг с другом"),即使是多年不见,彼此仍然是校友 ("As a matter of fact, we are schoolmates")。在学习选择上,学生们可能会选修日语作为选修课程 ("Most of the students of our class take Japanese as an elective course"),并且保持着长久的同班关系 ("We have been classmates all along")。当课堂讨论热烈进行时,老师会适时出现 ("The students were in the midst of a lively discussion when the teacher came in")。在教育场景中,老师可能会谈粗顷称呼学生为 "boys and girls (by teacher)" 或 "classmates (schoolmates) (by student)",强调他们的身份。我们彼此间的关系明确 ("We are schoolmates"),也常见于帮助同学完成任务 ("I helped my classmate scan the pictures"),或是关注彼此的成绩 ("He's jealous of his classmates' good grades")。新老师的到来往往引发积极的反馈 ("Students' feedback about the new teacher is very positive"),而在校园生活中,恶作剧也是同学间的一种互动 ("He often plays pranks on his classmates"),但必须含陆提醒的是,不要与同学发生冲突 ("Don't fight with your schoolmates")。最后,关于考试成功的秘诀,学生们可能会探讨 ("What tricks do classmates employ for a successful exam performance?")。

D. “他经常帮助同学学习英语,同学们和老师都喜欢他”。翻译成英文。

He often helps his classmates with / learn English .
His teachers and classmates all like him very much .

分析 help sb with / do sth 固定用法:帮助某人做某事


E. 英语翻译:他和同学们的关系十分融洽( get along with)

He is getting along very well with his classmates.

F. “他经常帮助同学学习英语,同学们和老师都喜欢他”。翻译成英文。

这句话翻译成英文是He often helps his classmates to learn English, and the students and teachers like him very much.

G. 同学们大家好英语怎么说


All the students are good


  • 同学classmate;schoolmate;schoolfellow;condisciple

  • 大家好hello everyone;hello everybody

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