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发布时间: 2024-10-22 16:36:43

Ⅰ 健康食物和饮料的单词


Carrot 胡萝卜
Radish 小胡萝卜
Tomato 蕃茄
Parsnip 欧洲萝卜
long napa(suey choy) 大白菜
Cabbage 卷心菜
Potato 马铃薯
russet potato褐色土豆
Sweet potato红薯(红苕)
Celery 芹菜
Celery stalk芹菜梗
Lotus root莲藕
Cauliflower 白花菜
Broccoli 绿花菜
Spring onions(scallion 或green onion)葱
Mushroom 洋菇
Chives Flower韭菜花
Red cabbage 紫色包心菜
acorn squash小青南瓜
Watercress 西洋菜豆瓣菜
Baby corn 玉米尖
Sweet corn 玉米
Bitter melon苦瓜
Onion 洋葱
lima bean 青豆
Brussels sprout 球芽甘蓝(小包菜)
Garlic 大蒜
Ginger(root) 姜
Scallion(green onion) 葱
Mustard & cress 芥菜苗
Escarole 菊苣, 茅菜
Chilly 辣椒
Green Pepper 青椒
Red pepper 红椒
Yellow pepper 黄椒
Coriander 香菜
String bean(green bean)四季豆
lima bean青豆
Bean sprout 绿豆芽
Iceberg 透明包菜
Lettuce 生菜
Swede or Turnip 芜菁
Okra 秋葵
Taro 大芋头
Eddo 小芋头
yam山药, 洋芋
【 食 物 类 及 调 料 的 英 文 词 汇】 Ac
&;食品论坛 -- 关注食品安全,探讨食品技术,汇聚行业英才,推动行业发展。 EA`v
干豆腐dry bean-curd RbjP^
冻豆腐bean curd(frozen) bhS10
豆浆bean milk W!a
豆腐花beancurd jelly VlA
春卷fried spring rolls B]5B
柿饼Dried persimmon g@+
抻面hand-pulled noodles cDjPU>
沙琪玛Caramel Treats W
腐乳pickled bean curd Q\oy$@
臭豆腐strong smell bean curd ?M~
凉皮cold noodle jt"
麻花fried dough twist sMLI9J
馄饨Wonton <&To.
烧卖shao-mai u

mineral water 矿泉水
orange juice 桔子原汁
orangeade, orange squash 桔子水
lemon juice 柠檬原汁
lemonade 柠檬水
soda water 苏打水
coke, coca cola 可口可乐
pepsi cola 百事可乐
sprite 雪碧
milk shake 奶昔
milk tea 奶茶
fruit punch 果汁喷趣酒(清凉饮料)

cappuccino 卡布其诺( 咖啡混以或加上煮过的牛奶或奶油的浓咖啡)
coffee latte 拿铁咖啡
black coffee 黑咖啡
white coffee 牛奶咖啡
coffee with cream and sugar 加奶加糖的咖啡
plain coffee 纯咖啡
Blue Mountain 蓝山咖啡
mocha 摩卡
Viennese coffee 维也纳咖啡
Irish coffee 爱尔兰咖啡
decaffeinated coffee 无咖啡因的咖啡
Mesdames coffee 贵夫人咖啡
espresso coffee 意大利特浓

light beer 淡啤酒
draught beer 扎啤
rice wine 黄酒
appetizer 餐前葡萄酒
Martini 马提尼酒(一种由杜松子酒或伏特加酒和苦艾酒混合而成的鸡尾酒)
gin 姜酒;金酒(一种无色的烈性酒,由蒸馏的或再蒸馏的裸麦或其它粮谷加入杜松子或香料制成的,如大茴香、芷茴香子或白芷根作佐料)
Gordon's gin 哥顿金酒(英伦国饮)
rum 郎姆酒
Bacardi 巴卡第(一种古巴郎姆酒)
vodka 伏特加
Smirnoff 皇冠伏特加
whisky 威士忌
brandy 白兰地酒
Calvados 苹果白兰地酒
Bailey's 百利甜酒
Budweiser 百威啤酒
Foster's 福士啤酒
Beck's 贝克啤酒
Carlsbery 嘉士伯啤酒
Guinness 健力士啤酒
claret 红葡萄酒(法国波尔多地区生产的干红葡萄酒)
cider 苹果酒
champagne 香槟酒
liqueur 白酒,烧酒
bloody Mary 血玛丽(一种通常用伏特加、蕃茄汁和调味料制成的鸡尾酒)
Tequila Sunrise 龙舌兰日出
gin tonic 金汤力(用金酒和汤力调制成的鸡尾酒)
Pink Lady 红粉佳人(一种鸡尾酒,由杜松子酒、白兰地、柠檬汁或石榴汁、鸡蛋蛋白和石灰水带碎冰摇匀并过滤后形成)Gibson吉布森鸡尾酒
screwdriver 伏特加橙汁鸡蛋酒
amaretto sour 杏仁酸酒
margarita 玛格丽塔鸡尾酒;一种用龙舌兰酒、桔香酒和柠檬或莱母汁混合而制成的鸡尾酒
egg nog 蛋酒
whisky sour 威士忌酸酒
gimlet 琴蕾;一种由伏特加和杜松子酒制成的鸡尾酒,加入柠檬汁使之甜些,有时加入苏打水并饰以一片柠檬
grasshopper 绿色蚱蜢;一种由薄荷甜酒、可可香草甜酒和冰淇淋组成的鸡尾酒
kir Royal 皇家基尔(基尔酒一种用无味白葡萄酒和黑茶藨子甜酒调制的饮料)

Ⅱ 制作英语小报的素材



1.Happy New Year!

2.Best wishes for the coming year!

3.Good luck in the year ahead!

4.I hope your year is successful!

5.I want to wish you longevity and good health!


1.I hope you have a very happy and healthy New Year!

2.Hope all your dreams will come true in this New Year!

3.I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year!

4.Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year!

5.I would like to wish you a joyous New Year, a bright future and much happiness!

Ⅲ 英语作文:How to live a healthy and active life

Sports and Health
1. 要有健全的头脑,2. 就应有健全的身体。
3. 要想身体好,4. 体育锻炼是最好的方法。
5. 我要积极参加体育锻炼,6. 有个好体魄。
A healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. As is known, to have a sound mind, we must first have a sound body. This is of vital importance. Only by keeping ourselves healthy and strong can we feel energetic and vigorous in studying and working and live a happy life.
To keep ourselves fit, physical exercise is the best way. In taking part in out-door sports, we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air. The beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed, which is essential to our health. Besides, sports stimulate the circulation of blood and help to excrete the wastes in the body. Sports can also work up our appetite and activate our digestion. As a result, we can become strong-bodied.
I always take an active part in physical exercise and enjoy good health. I seldom get sick but feel vigorous even if I work a whole daylong. I shall keep up doing physical exercise so as to live longer and do more for the country.


Ⅳ 关于“压岁钱和新年”的英语单词有哪些

Best wishes for the year to come!

Good luck in the year ahead!

May you come into a good fortune!

Live long and proper!

May many fortunes find their way to you!

I want to wish you longevity and health!

Take good care of yourself in the year ahead.

Wishing you many future successes.

On this special day I send you New Years greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together.

I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.

May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!

Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year.

Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.

With best wishes for a happy New Year!

I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.

With the compliments of the season.

May the seasons joy fill you all the year round.

Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year.

Please accept my seasons greetings.

To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will always be with you.

Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.

May the joy and happiness around you today and always.

Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health.

Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.

Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.

With very best wishes for your happiness in the New Year.

Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.

May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace.

Wishing you happiness ring the holidays and throughout the New Year.

A happy New Year to you.

Seasons greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!

I give you endless brand-new good wishes. Please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.

Good luck and great success in the coming New Year.

On the occasion of the New Year, may my wife and I extend to you and yours our warmest greetings, wishing you a happy New Year, your career greater success and your family happiness.

May everything beautiful and best be condensed into this card. I sincerely wish you happiness, cheerfulness and success.

Ⅳ 求希望英语的单词,如颜色、形状、天气等等,至少8方面,不少于30个单词

抢饭碗 steal my job
吆喝 vendor's cries
健康、健壮 as sound as a bell
套餐 set course
糯米面 sticky rice powder
烤肉 barbecue (五分熟 rare, 七分熟 medium, 全熟 well-done)
肥肠 pig's intestines
红烧 braise in soy sauce (红烧肉 braise in soy sauce)
红地毯 red carpet
节假日、大日子 red-letter days
毛血旺 ck blood cake
配菜 side dishes
露馅儿 spill the beans
口感嫩 It tastes tender
麻婆豆腐 bean Tofu
肉臊子 diced meat
花椒粉 Sichuanese pepper corn
淋漓尽致 incisively and vividly
归心似箭 homeward bound
调料酱、蘸料 condiment sauce
涮羊肉 boiled mutton
莳萝 dill
欧芹 parsley
迷迭香 rosemary
百里香 thyme
罗勒 basil
薄荷 mint
1.14 生存之战(三)

apex predator:顶级杀手

fearsome predator:可怕的猎手

push to limit:推向极限



ambush strategy:埋伏战术

fast foot:到了嘴边的食物

novice:新手 初学者

bear down 逼近 急速前进


surprisingly quick 惊人速度

huge canine 巨大的犬齿

sluggish 行动迟缓的

lazy bite 随便咬上几口

gulp down 大口吞吃

tear off 撕掉 扯掉

big means boss 强者为先

1.15 生存之战(四)

hazardous 致命的

fringe benefit 额外的收获

swollen 肿胀 膨胀

strained ecosystem 紧张的生态系统

get into position 摆好阵势

stalemate 僵局 困境

a matter of time 时间问题

chain reaction 连锁反应

embattled 心烦意乱的 四面楚歌的

a dangerous adversary 危险的敌手

confrontation 对峙

suicide 自取灭亡 自暴自弃

satety device 安全措施

deadly summer 死亡夏日

1.16 生存之战(五)

refugee 难民

stalk 偷偷走进

hurl some logs 投掷火棒

sprinter 短跑者

the success depends on 成功与否取决于

prey 猎物 牺牲者

warthog 疣猪

paralyse 使瘫痪

stab 刺戳

tusk 长牙

vengeful 复仇的

sneak 偷偷地走 潜行

scoot 溜走

secret weapon 秘密武器

attack and retreat 攻击和退却

submissive 温顺的
lucky dog 幸运儿 tame 温顺 loyal 忠诚 braue 勇敢 dog-days 三伏天 doggy bag 狗食袋 hearing dog 导盲犬 finshing touch 点睛之笔 working dog工作狗 Every dog has his days凡人皆有得意之日 4: 鸡chicken 吉祥的auspricious 易受攻击的oulnerable 打鸣cook a dole doo 平凡的ordinary 准时punctual 有攻击性的aggressive 斗鸡cockfighting 自由freedom 2: 铁人三项triathlon 发现find 颜色color 吊环rings 脚feet 撑杆跳vault 香波shampoo 1号的: 猴子monkey 猕猴macque 珍稀动物rare animals 苗条slim 灵巧的dexterous 顽皮的mischevous 泉水spring 温泉hot spring 盐水salt spring 绳子rope 红薯sweet potato 演员actor 抢劫rob 31: 黑马dark horse 白马王子prince charming 骄傲high horse 善于奔跑runs a lot 聪明smart 害群之马black sheep 温顺meek 鼠 mouse(老鼠) vistaliy(生命力强) disgusting(令人厌恶的) alert(机灵敏捷的) 短语:as timid as a mouse 胆小如鼠 rat race 牛 as stubborn as a mule 虎 tiger cup ferocious威猛的 兔 graceful娇柔娴静 agile潇洒敏捷 龙 loong(中国的龙) dragon(西方的龙) atrocity凶恶 adaptability吉祥 driven spirit奋发图强的 adaptability善于变化的 蛇 cold blood animal冷血动物 lucky auspicious and God幸运吉祥和神的象征 longevity长寿的象征意义 seek love and happiness追求爱情和幸福的象征意义 John's hehavior showed him to be a snake 31: 黑马dark horse 白马王子prince charming 骄傲high horse 善于奔跑runs a lot 聪明smart 害群之马black sheep 温顺meek 鼠 mouse(老鼠) vistaliy(生命力强) disgusting(令人厌恶的) alert(机灵敏捷的) 短语:as timid as a mouse 胆小如鼠 rat race 牛 as stubborn as a mule 虎 tiger cup ferocious威猛的 兔 graceful娇柔娴静 agile潇洒敏捷 龙 loong(中国的龙) dragon(西方的龙) atrocity凶恶 adaptability吉祥 driven spirit奋发图强的 adaptability善于变化的 蛇 回答人的补充 2009-07-12 18:30
蛇 cold blood animal冷血动物 lucky auspicious and God幸运吉祥和神的象征 longevity长寿的象征意义 seek love and happiness追求爱情和幸福的象征意义 John's hehavior showed him to be a snake adventure冒险 beloved深爱的 challenge挑战 causionsly谨慎地 distinguish区别 expect期待(expectation) favour帮助 go on继续 harmony和谐 incredible难以置信的 jeopardous危险的 keep up spirits打起精神 life or death choice生死抉择 memory记忆 follow one's nose跟着感觉走 Once bitten twice shy.Once bitten twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳. penny-pinching一毛不拔的 quest寻找 rare新鲜的 savory(汤)鲜美的 tingle in the mouth辣乎乎的 ultimate最终的 vulnerable脆弱的 find a way out找到出路 X未知的 yawning gap天壤之别 zigzag"之"字形的side dish 配菜 casserole 砂锅 to have your hands full 忙的不可开交 手忙脚乱 spring fresh 清新 清爽 crystal clear 清澈 及其明白 Hong Kong 香港 shooting fish in a barrel 很容易办到 prawn 虾 vivacious 鲜活的 jump from the frying pan into the fire跳出油锅 又进火坑 Despot crab 霸王蟹 starch 淀粉 season 调味
canine 犬齿
saliva 口水 唾液

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