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发布时间: 2024-10-19 00:36:08

① 用英语怎么写我喜欢数学课语文课英语课品德课和微机课

I like Maths, Chinese, English, Mortality and IT lessons.

② 我最喜欢语文,因为语文独特,有历史 有故事的英语

I like Chinese best,because it is unique and historical,and it has stories.

③ 喜欢语文和英语的英文

like Chinese and English

④ 我叫某某某今年某某某岁来自邵阳我喜欢英语和语文很高兴认识你们谢谢用英语怎

I am xxx, xx years old this year. I come from Shaoyang, Hunan province. I like English and Chinese. I am very glad to know you all.

⑤ 他喜欢语文和英语,但是她不喜欢数学怎么用英语翻译

He likes Chinese and English, but she doesn't like maths

⑥ 翻译:我喜欢英语、语文还有数学和体育

I like English, Chinese,_and good at math and PE.

⑦ 我现在上七年级,每周上学五天,喜欢英语和语文

We go to school 5 days a week.We fly kites on Sunday morning and study English Sunday night.
I like reading

⑧ 我喜欢语文也喜欢英语用英语怎么写

1. I enjoy studying Chinese literature, and I am also fond of learning English.
2. Both Chinese and English languages captivate my interest and hold a special place in my heart.
3. The beauty of the Chinese language, with its rich history and cultural depth, appeals to me.
4. Similarly, the precision and expressiveness of English draw me in and make me appreciate its nuances.
5. I find joy in both the structure and the creativity that each language offers.

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