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发布时间: 2024-10-19 00:11:04

Ⅰ 英语口语小对话

我这里有三个主题: 1.jobs

A:Kay,do you like your job?


B:Why not? Teachig is a lot fun . I can meet different people and talk to them.It is a good learning experience for me too.为什么不?教书很有趣。我可以遇见不同的人并且和他们聊天。这对我来说也是个很好的学习机会。

A:What did you learn through teaching?那你都学到了什么?

B:I learned how to talk to people.You know, if you really want to be someone,you need to learn to get on well with people,You can’t just walk in the classroom with a long face.You may scare students away.怎样同人们讲话。你知道,如果你想成为个人物的话,你需要学会和人们相处融洽。你不可以板着脸进教室。会把学生吓跑的。

A:Do you feel bored sometimes? I mean you have to do it over and over again.And you meet the same people every day?你不烦吗?我是说你得一便便的教,每天还得见同样的人。

B:Not at all. I know there may be some slow students,But you need to find different ways to help them,to cheer them up.That’s what a teacher is all about.一点也不。我知道有些学生会学得很慢。可是你得找出不同的法子帮助他们,鼓励他们。作老师是这样的。

A:What do you usually do in your first class?你第一节可通常做什么?

B:Well the first class is really important.You need to impress those students,make them like you.You should know what to say and how to say it.Basically,I think of teaching as selling.A salesman sells his procts,while I sell English and myself.第一节课很重要。你得给学生们留下深刻印象。你得知道说什么和该怎么说。我觉得老师就象销售。只不过他们卖产品,我卖英语和我自己。

A:Were there many ambarrassing moments in your class?上课是有没有什么尴尬的情况出现?

B:There were.Like my first class in Modern English was a total mess. I almost blew it.I was like frozen there and didn’t even know where to put my hands.But I was learning really quickly. I got used to it after a break.有啊。象我的第一节课就是一团糟。我几乎给搞砸了,我就象冻在那一样,甚至连手都不知到该放哪。还好我学得快,过了课间休息后我就适应过来了。

A:You’re a good teacher,huh?你是个好老师,对吧?

B:At least I think so.至少我这么想。

Ⅱ 有哪些比「我爱你」更戳心的表白








Ⅲ 我喜欢我的教室用英语改为一般疑问句

你喜欢你的教室吗?其实我不想给你打英文,因为你没打。Do you like your classroom?

Ⅳ 英语作文我喜欢我的校园。

My School
My school is near a small lake. It is very beautiful. I like my school very much.


We have a high teaching building and it is big and clean. Our classroom is on the fifth floor. The computer rooms are on the third floor. We have computer classes there. We have a big library on the second floor. There are many books in it. I like reading books there. We also have music room and art rooms in the building.


There is a big playground behind the teaching building. After class, we often play basketball there.


The teachers in my school are very kind. The students are very polite and smart. I am happy in my school.


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