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发布时间: 2024-10-17 03:23:34

㈠ 我喜欢水果,但我不喜欢香蕉。用英语怎么说


㈡ 我喜欢水的英语怎么写作文

1. 写一篇关于“水”的英语作文


Water is recognized as the source of life. However, this source is in trouble and we are faced with the problem of water pollution.

Polluted water carries poisonous chemicals to rivers and seas, poisoning animals and infecting our drinking water. Water is mainly polluted by instrial wastes.

For example, water ing from the paper----making factories will pollute the clean water near the factories.

The quality of water directly influences our health, and water resources are limited on earth. So, effective measures should be taken immediately to secure our life.水





2. 描写水的英语作文

Since the ancient times, fish have been living in the water, so fish and water has always been a good friend.

Spring girl wearing green clothes came quietly, head fish are floating on the sea surface, watching the spring for the "movie." There is a *** all fish to speak of: "How beautiful ah!" The fish have all said: "yes ah!"

After listening to their conversation stream, very angry and said: "Well, since you view it like to land up ah! My house you can not tolerate the" eyed. "In this way, they are the busy noisy.

The next day, the fish have a good clean up their own "baggage", ready to start it! When led poisonivy ready to say "start", the seaweed they have to persuade: "Do not go, ah, you are the fish, is the water of the animals, if the land up, it would mean the loss of life ah!" But fish in the door not only did not listen to advice, but also scolded those who were ignorant of seagrass. River could not help but feel anger at last, stern voice said: "Do not control them, let them go by!"

To the land, the state of the door at first the fish is also very good, but the fish are very thirsty, his voice all *** oke, and all of a sudden, almost dying fish and the river it? At the time of the terrible quiet ring the day is not to mention. River began to regret it.

One day, a kindly old lady came to the riverside walk and saw a lot of "fish", but not yet dead, on the one hand and put them back into a river. However, back to the river, and only 10 others have died. No dead fish were very sad, but also be aware of her own errors, where the river ran an apology. Stream it? Apologize to them.

Since then, the river and fish on and bee inseparable friends.

3. 英语口头作文:我最喜欢的水





4. 关于水英语的作文

Water has a regulatory role on the climate. The water vapor in the atmosphere to block the Earth's radiation levels 60 percent to protect the Earth will not be cooling. Marine and terrestrial water in the summer and the accumulation of heat-absorbing, so that the temperature is not too high; in the winter can slowly release heat, so that the temperature not too low. Marine and surface evaporation of water to form a cloud in the sky, the clouds of water through the precipitation turned to rain down, then turned into snow in the winter. Drop in on the surface of the water to seep into underground water formation; out in formation from the water to form a spring, through a stream, river into the sea. A water cycle. Rain and snow precipitation, and other activities form an important climate. In the temperate monsoon climate, the monsoon brought abundant moisture to form a distinct wet and dry autumn. In addition, in nature, e to different climatic conditions, water will be to hail, fog, dew and frost, and other emerging patterns and effects of climate and human activities. 71% of the Earth's surface covered by water from the air, the earth was a blue pla. Water erosion of rock soil, river erosion, sediment transport, and create a plain, changes in surface patterns. Earth surface water constitute the hydrosphere, including the oceans, rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers, snow and groundwater in the atmosphere and water. As the water into the ocean with a certain amount of salt, together with the accumulation of annual evaporation and the role of the sea and ocean water is salt water, can not be directly consumed. Some of the lake water is saline with. The world's largest body of water in the Pacific. Great Lakes of North America is the largest freshwater system. Eurasia on the Caspian Sea is the largest salater lake. Shui volume of the earth about 1 360 000 000 cubic kilometers. Marine accounted for 1 320 000 000 cubic kilometers (or 97.2%); glaciers and ice caps account for 25 000 000 cubic kilometers (or 1.8%); groundwater accounts for 13 000 000 cubic kilometers (or 0.9%); lakes, inland Sea, river and fresh water accounts for 250 000 cubic kilometers (or 0.02%); water vapor in the atmosphere at any known time has a market share of 13 000 cubic kilometers (or .001 percent). Life on Earth was first emerging in the water. Water is the life of all an important part of the body. In the body of water accounted for 70%; and jellyfish in the water is 98%. Life in the water with a large number of aquatic vegetation, and other aquatic ani *** s. Water is concive to chemical reactions in the body, the body also has played in the transport of biological material. The water temperature to maintain the stability of the ani *** plays an important role 水对气候具有调节作用。



形成一个水循环。 雨雪等降水活动对气候形成重要的影响。

在温带季风性气候中,季风带来了丰富的水气,形成明显的干湿两季。 此外,在自然界中,由于不同的气候条件,水还会以冰雹、雾、露水、霜等形态出现并影响气候和人类的活动。





地球上水的体积大约有 1 360 000 000 立方公里。海洋占了1 320 000 000立方公里(或97.2%);冰川和冰盖占了25 000 000立方公里(或1.8%);地下水占了13 000 000立方公里(或者0.9%);湖泊、内陆海,和河里的淡水占了250 000 立方公里(或0.02%);大气中的水蒸气在任何已知的时候都占了13 000立方公里(或0.001%)。



水有利于体内化学反应的进行,在生物体内还起到运输物质的作用。 水对于维持生物体温度的稳定起很大作用。

5. 跪求一篇关于水的英语作文(初一水平)

Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. All animals and plants need water. Man also needs water.

Water is found atmosteverywhere. Even in the driest part of the world there is some water in the air.

As we all have found out, water may be a solid, or a liquid or a gas.When it isa solid, it may be as hard as brick, When itis a liquid, you can pour it out of a container. When it is a gas, you cannot see or feel it.

Although about 70 percent of the earth's surface is covered with water,there are many places in the world still running out of water. So we should make good use of water on earth.

6. 水的用处,英语作文怎么写

Water is the source of life.Where there is water there is life,it can even change desert into green land.Man can't live without water.We use water to washthings ,to water plants,to drink and so on.Even more factory needs a great *** ount of water.Thus ,water is so important that we should not waste it.。

7. 帮忙写篇关于水的英语作文,150字左右,谢谢

As we know water is made up of our life,we could not leave without water.No water will no we. Water is needed more and more,because our instry and agriculture proce developed fast.Somewhere water are scare,and some rivers are no water in them.But just little water is polluted,more waste water did not handled and discharge into river. Around us there are a lot of students don't pay attention to save water,for example: after they washing their face and rinsing the mouth,they don't turn off the water tap .Let the water flowing day and night. What a pity! Expect the tings I just mention,there are more and more in our life.So now I hope our students take care of wate.And the same time we need do things to prevent water pollute as we can do .That's what I want to say.Why not do it right now,e。

8. 《我们要怎么爱惜水》英语作文

Conserving Water Resource

Water is indispensable to our life and the development of national economy. It is often described as the source of all living things and the lifeblood of agriculture and instry. Without it, nothing could grow and out world would bee a terrible desert.

The world we live in is now faced with a severe shortage of fresh water. According to some official figures, more than 1,700 million people in the world don't have enough clear water to drink and over 25 thousand people die of water related diseases daily.

So, all of us should actively b save water. It's our obligation for the benefit of the future generations.

9. 有关水的英语作文

Water is very important for life. Erery day we use water to dring and to wash. Plants need water to grow. Animals need water to live. No living things can live if there's no water. But now more and more water is polluted. We must stop some people or some factories form wasting water or making water dirty。

㈢ 我喜欢蔬菜,但是我不喜欢水果。 用英语怎么说


㈣ 我不喜欢喝水但我每天必须喝水英语

I don't like drinking water but I have to do it every day.

㈤ 至于早饭,我喜欢吃水果,但我不喜欢吃蔬菜用英语怎么说

“至于早饭,我喜欢吃水果,但我不喜欢吃蔬菜”翻译成英文是:“As for breakfast, I like to eat fruits, but I don't like vegetables.”




  • 单词发音:英[iːt]美[iːt]


  • v.吃;吃饭;喝


v. (动词)

  • eat的基本意思是“吃”,指人或动物把食物放在口里咀嚼并吞咽进去的过程,引申可表示一种类似咀嚼动作的缓慢、逐渐的消耗、损坏过程,即“蛀,腐蚀,侵蚀”等。

  • eat可用作及物动词或不及物动词; 用作及物动词时跟名词或代词作宾语。作“吃”解时其宾语可以为食物,也可为a meal, one's breakfast等词。

  • eat用作不及物动词时,意思是“吃饭,吃起来有…味道”,当以食物作主语时主动形式可表示被动意义,常有状语修饰。

  • eat有时可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语,这时该形容词常表示eat的结果,或者是when引起的从句的紧缩形式,可用于被动结构。

  • eat偶尔也可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。这时主语多为表示食物的名词。

  • eat可用于现在完成时,也可用于现在完成进行时,用于现在完成时必须带宾语,而用于现在完成进行时可不带宾语。

  • eat作“进餐”解时,在美国比在英国用得普遍。


  • eat a hole咬一个洞

  • eat an apple吃苹果

  • eat bread吃面包

  • eat dirt忍气吞声,低声下气,含垢忍辱

  • eat egg吃鸡蛋

  • eat fish吃鱼

  • eat fruit吃水果

  • eat meat吃肉

  • eat one's words收回前言,认错道歉

  • eat porridge喝粥

  • eat post蛀柱子

  • eat soup喝汤


eat, consume, devour, ingest, swallow这几个词的共同意思是“吃”。其区别在于:

  • eat最常用,指放入口中经过咀嚼再吞咽下去的过程,对人或物都适用,引申指缓慢地逐渐腐蚀或消磨过程;

  • consume指吃完全部食物或喝光所有饮料,引申指消耗光所有的物质、金钱等;

  • devour强调狼吞虎咽地吃,引申指吞灭或毁灭;

  • ingest是生理学用语,指咽下或吸收的过程;

  • swallow指不经过充分咀嚼就囫囵吞入肚中,强调匆忙。


  • IeatlotslessthanIusedto.


  • Icouldjusteatalittlesomething.


  • .


  • She'.


  • .


  • Wouldyoulikesomethingtoeat?


  • You'.


  • He'.


  • First,!


  • .


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