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发布时间: 2024-10-16 16:57:02

A. 石油钻井专业英语

一. 钻井设备 (Drilling Equipment):

Drawworks 钻井绞车
Rotary Table 转盘
Bushing 补心
Top Drive System (TDS) 顶驱
Swivel 水龙头
Crown Block 天车
Traveling Block 游车
Hook 大钩
Derrick 井架
Pipe Spinning Wrench 钻杆气动扳手
Ezy-Torq 液压猫头
Elmagco Brake 涡磁刹车
Pipe handling Equipment 钻杆移动设备
Iron roughneck 铁钻工
Pipe Racking System 钻杆排放系统
Drill String 钻柱
Drilling Sub 钻井短节
Fishing Tool 打捞工具
Power Tong 动力大钳
Air Winch (air tugger) 气动绞车
Crown-O-Matic (Crown Saver) 防碰天车

二. 泥浆系统 (Mud System)

Mud Pump 泥浆泵
Shale shaker 振动筛
Mud Cleaner 泥浆清洁器
Desilter 除泥器
Desander 除砂器
Degasser 除气器
Centrifuge 离心机
Mud Agitator 泥浆搅拌器
Mud Mixing System 泥浆混合系统
Centrifugal Pump 离心泵
Standpipe Manifold 立管管汇
Rotary Hose 水龙带
Bulk Air System and Tank 吹灰系统和灰罐

三. 井控设备 (Well Control Equipment):

Ram Type Preventor 闸板防喷器
Annular Type Preventor 万能防喷器
BOP Stack 防喷器组
Gate Valve 闸阀
Choke and Kill Manifold 阻流压井管汇
Remotely Operated Panel 远程控制面板
Choke Control Panel 阻流控制面板
BOP Handling Equipment 防喷器搬运设备
Diverter 转喷器

四. 海事系统 (Marine System)

Ballast System 压载系统
Bilge System 污水系统
Vent 通风口, 通气口
Air Supply Fan 供气扇
Mooring System 锚泊系统
Communication Equipment 通讯系统
Jacking System 升降系统
Skidding System 井架滑移系统
Windlass 锚机
Anchor 锚
Pendant 短索
Buoy 浮标
Lifting and Handling Equipment 起吊和搬运设备

五. 机房 (Engine Room)

Diesel Engine 柴油机
Emergency Generator 应急发电机
Water Maker (desalinization unit) 造淡机
Air Compressor 空气压缩机
Boiler 锅炉
Air-conditioning System 空调系统
Sea Water Service Pump 海水供给系统
Piping System 管汇系统
Generator 发电机
Transformer 变压器
DC Motor 直流马达
AC Motor 交流马达

六. 安全设备 (Safety Equipment)

Fire Control System 消防控制系统
Fire Detection System 火情探测系统
CO2 System 二氧化碳系统
Fixed Fire Extinguishing System 固定消防系统
Portable Extinguisher 移动灭火器
Fire-Fight Equipment 消防设备
Foam System 泡沫系统
Lifeboat 救生艇
(Inflatable) Life Raft (气涨式)救生筏
Davit 吊艇架
Escape Routes 逃生路线
Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器
Life Buoy 救生圈
Gas Detection System 气体探测系统
Helicopter Facility 直升机设施
Sick-Bay (Hospital) 医务室
Pollution Control 防污控制

七. 其他 ( Others)

Cementing Unit 固井装置
Well Testing Equipment 试油设备
Mud Logging Unit 泥浆录井房
Wire Logging Unit 电测装置
ROV 潜水器
Meter 米
Foot 英尺
Inch 英寸
Supply Boat (supply vessel) 供应船
Standby boat 值班船
Day (night) Shift 白(夜)班
Crew Change 倒班
Crew 船员, 队员, 井队
Position 岗位
Draft (draught) 吃水
Air Gap 空气间隙, 气隙
Penetration (桩腿插桩)入泥
Evacuation 撤离
Rig (Drilling rig) 钻机, 钻井船

B. 石油钻井一些专业术语英语及缩写是什么


bottom hole assembly 井下钻具组合
maintain the angle 稳斜
rigid packed hole assembly 刚性满眼钻具组合
penlum drill-assembly 钟摆钻具组合
straighten the hole 纠斜
tapered drill-assembly 塔式钻具组合
stabilizer 扶正器
anti-deviation control and deviation building up 防斜,稳斜,增斜
reasonable 合理的
The reasonable length of the bottom hole assembly depends on the weight on bit. Normally , the maximum weight on bit is roughly equal to 70% of the total weight of the bottom hole assembly.
Up to standard 达到标准
Packed-hole stabilizer = full hole stabilizer 满眼扶正器
Down hole complicated condition 井下复杂情况
Drifting drilling assembly 通井钻具组合
Drilling jar 随钻震击器
Heavy wall drill pipe 加重钻杆
Shock absorber 减震器
To rece the excessive impact on a drilling bit so as to prolong the life of the bit
Fishing assembly 打捞钻具组合
Make-up sub ,safety sub ,drilling jar ,drill collar and accelerator 对口接头,安全接头,随钻震击器,钻铤,加速器
Slip socket 卡瓦打捞筒
At the bottom of the drill-string assembly
The 150 m drill pipe shall be used when the deviation angle is between 0°∽35°,the 250∽300 m heavy drill pipe be used between 35°∽80°,and the 300∽400 m heavy drill pipe be used at 80°and above.
Power drilling assembly 井下动力钻具组合
It consists of drilling bit , power drilling tool ,bent sub ,non-magnetic drill collar ,six drill collars and twelve heavy wall drill pipe 动力钻具,弯接头,无磁钻铤
S135 means that the tensile strength is 135psi.
Safety slip 安全卡瓦
Fingerboard 指梁
Small hoist 小气葫芦
Neutral point 中和点
Once every three months for continuous operation
Mud non- corrosive ring 泥浆腐蚀环
Hydraulic power station 液压箱
Scraper 刮泥器
Automatic trip-in devices 自动灌浆器
Sensor 传感器
Trip tank = meter tank 计量罐
Slug the drill pipe 打入重浆
Pump stroke 泵冲
Mud saver 防喷盒
Doghouse 偏房
Dies , jaws ,hydraulic tong 钳牙,钳头,液压大钳
Lifting sub 提升短节
18 degrees shoulder elevator 18度斜坡吊卡
cock 旋塞
rope 兜绳 monkey board 二层台
hammer and adjustable wrench 榔头和活动扳手
escape equipment 逃生装置
derrick 井架
crown-o-matic 防碰天车
adjust 调整
gear’s position 挡位
reaming bit and bit breaker 划眼钻头以及钻头盒
foreman’s warehouse 大班房
steel roller 钢卷尺
tape 皮尺
lay down the drill string 甩钻具
after the cementing operation
dope 铅油
it is better to apply it with the sealing film 密封膜
mmy trip 短起下
torque indicator 扭矩表
chain tong 链钳
pipe tong 管钳
four jet bit 四水眼喷射钻头
diamond bit 金钢石钻头
bit sub 钻头接头
It is a bell sub ,convenient for fishing 钟式接头
Reaming bit
Six pulse nozzles 6个脉冲水眼
Shock absorber 减震器
Retrievable-sleeve stabilizer 可换滑套式扶正器
Drilling jar shake up and down 随钻震击器上下震击
Under tensile condition
Coring tools coring bit coring barrel
Measurement while the drilling 随钻测斜仪
Cross-over sub 配合接头
The same type of thread
Are the last joints of the drill pipes stands or single joints ?
Kelly saver sub 方保接头

C. 烦闷的 厌倦的 英文怎么说

烦闷英文译文就是Bored ,厌倦英文译文就是Dreary ,希望能给你带来的帮助。

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