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发布时间: 2024-10-11 12:04:53

⑴ 英语介绍北京(五个单词)


As the capital of the People's Republic of China, Beijing is located in northern China, close to Tianjin Municipality and partially surrounded by Hebei Province.


The city covers an area of more than 16,410 square kilometers (6336 square miles) and has a population of 14.93 million people.


Beijing is a city with four distinct seasons. Its best is late spring and autumn.


But autumn is taken as the golden tourist season of the year since there is sometimes in the spring of recent years, a yellow wind. We suggest tourists visit Beijing ring the months of May, September, and October when people can enjoy bright sunshine and blue skies.


An abundance of international class performances are presented in May. If you like winter, you will have other chances to appreciate another landscape of Beijing. After skiing in Beihai and viewing the snowy sights on West Hill, enjoying the steaming hotpot is the best choice, which is really the fun of tour in Beijing.


Please keep warm and remember to bring your down garments and sweaters when you visit Beijing in the winter.


How can one city boast so many phenomenal places? Beijing's long and illustrious history started some 500,000 years ago.


It is here that the ancestors of modern Homo sapiens, Peking men, lived in caves.


Records show that Beijing has been an inhabited city for more than three thousand years and has enred invasions by warlords and foreign powers, devastating fires, the rise and fall of powerful imperial dynasties and has emerged each time as a strong and vibrant city.


For more than 800 years, Beijing was a capital city - from the Yuan Dynasty (1271 - 1368) to the Ming (1368 - 1644) and Qing (1644 - 1911) dynasties.


Thirty-four emperors have lived and ruled the nation in Beijing and it has been an important trading city from its earliest days.


⑵ 北京的英语单词怎么写

北京:Beijing; Peking,地名一般按音译,城市的英文都是我们中文的拼音;



Beijing is the political and cultural centre of China.


It was agreed that another round of preliminary talks would be held in Peking


The busiest shopping district in Beijing is around Wangfujing Street.


We carried out a survey of the living conditions in Beijing.


The American visitors arrived in Beijing yesterday afternoon.

⑶ 一篇50单词写北京的英语作文翻译


Beijing is the capital of our country. It is a very beautiful city. Countless tourists come to Beijing every year. In Beijing, you can eat a lot of delicious food. The classic food representative is Beijing roast ck.

Beijing roast ck is very delicious. People who have eaten Beijing roast ck will praise it. There are many places to play. Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, the great wall and other places are very lively.



⑷ 北京、上海、伦敦的英语单词分别是什么

Beijing, Shanghai, London

⑸ 首都的英语单词

中华人民共和国 People's Republic of China 北京 Beijing
韩国 Republic of Korea 首尔(汉城) Seoul
日本 Japan 东京 Tokyo
菲律宾 Republic of the Philippines 马尼拉 Manila
印度尼西亚 Republic of Indonesia 雅加达 Jakarta
新加坡 Republic of Singapore 新加坡 Singapore
泰国 Kingdom of Thailand 曼谷 Bangkok
马来西亚 Malaysia 吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur
缅甸 Union of Myanmar 仰光 Yangon
印度 Republic of India 新德里 New Delhi
马尔代夫 Republic of Maldives 马累 Male
巴基斯坦 Islamic Republic of Pakistan 伊斯兰堡 Islamabad
卡塔尔 State of Qatarc 多哈 Doha
阿拉伯联合酋长国 United Arab Emirates 阿布扎比 Abu Dhabi
巴勒斯坦 State of Palestine 耶路撒冷 Jerusalem
以色列 State of Israel 耶路撒冷 Jerusalem
瑞典 Kingdom of Sweden 斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm
俄罗斯 Russian Federation 莫斯科 Moscow
波兰 Republic of Poland 华沙 Warsaw
德国 Federal Republic of Germany 柏林 Berlin
英国 United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 伦敦 London
爱尔兰 Ireland 都柏林 Dublin
荷兰 Kingdom of the Netherlands 阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
法国 French Republic 巴黎 Paris
比利时 Kingdom of Belgium 布鲁塞尔 Brussels
奥地利 Republic of Austria 维也纳 Vienna
西班牙 Kingdom of Spain 马德里 Madrid
葡萄牙 Portuguese Republic 里斯本 Lisbon
意大利 Italian Republic 罗马 Rome
保加利亚 Republic of Bulgaria 索非亚 Sofia
希腊 Hellenic Republic 雅典 Athens
埃及 Arab Republic of Egypt 开罗 Cairo

⑹ 英语单词的地名,如北京……是不是b和j要大写

  1. 不用不用,你想的太复杂了。

  2. 只要B大写,其他不要的呀!

  3. 城市名都这样书写:Beijing……

  4. 注意哦,当中是不可以空格的,

  5. 必须要连在一起!!!!

  • 望采纳!!!

⑺ 北京的英语单词

Peking 英[pi:ˈkiŋ,ˈpi:ˈkiŋ] 美[ˈpiˈkɪŋ, ˈpe-]
n. 北京的旧称,现在称Beijing;
[例句]It was agreed that another round of preliminary talks would be held in Peking

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