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发布时间: 2024-10-10 15:27:16

1. 我喜欢出去走走 跟朋友们玩游戏英语怎么说

I like to go out for a walk, play games with my friends.

2. 英语老师布置的口语作业,主题是喜不喜欢玩电脑游戏

Yes, I like playing computer games. There are many reasons. Firstly, I can play with my friends and we can have many exciting cooperations.while in these cooperations ,we can understand each other better .and at the same time ,we can learn that team sprit is very important if we want to win the game. So it makes me understand only one person can't always be a hero to heal the world. Secondly, the game makes me learn how to concentrate on one thing ring a long period. In fact ,playing computer games is not an easy thing , sometimes it needs the player to make the accurate judgement of the situation. This calls for the foresight .And sometimes, it needs players to be brave ,tough, calm and efficient. All of these factors are very important for us if we want to be successful in the future.
Finally,the games push us learn to use our mind and think and get over a series of problems. We enjoythe games and meanwhile ,we learn a lot . We are not only playing games, but also prepare for the future . There are still many people hold the opposite idea. They believe that game players will be addicted to the games and waste their time on it . But not all the players are like that. I know what's the most important for me . I just play games for fun and to learn something.
I like playing computer games but I still love the real life and I believe I won't get lost in the games.

3. 我非常喜欢看电视和与朋友打游戏用英语怎么说


I like watching tv and playing games with friends very much.

4. 我喜欢和人们交谈和玩游戏英语

我喜欢和人们交谈和玩游戏英语:I like talking with people and playing games。

5. 我喜欢与人谈话,玩游戏用英语会么读

I like talking to people and playing games.

I like talking to people and playing games.

6. 鎴戝枩娆㈠拰浜轰滑浜よ皥鍜岀帺娓告垙鑻辫

鎴戝枩娆㈠拰浜轰滑浜よ皥鍜岀帺娓告垙鐨勮嫳璇鏄疘 like talking with people and playing games銆
I like鐨勪腑鏂囩炕璇戞槸鎴戝枩娆銆傚弻璇渚嬪彞銆倂t.鍠滄锛涳紙涓 would 鎴 should 杩炵敤琛ㄧず瀹㈡皵锛夋兂锛 鎯宠侊紱鍠滄㈠仛锛沺rep.锛堣〃绀哄睘鎬э級鍍; 锛堣〃绀烘柟寮忥級濡傚悓锛沘dj.鐩镐技鐨勶紱 鐩稿悓鐨勶紱 n.鐩哥被浼肩殑浜轰簨鐗╋紱鍠滃ソ锛 鐖卞ソ銆
1銆両 like to keep going. I hate to sit still. 鎴戝枩娆涓鐩存湁浜嬫儏鍋氾紝璁ㄥ帉涓鍔ㄤ笉鍔ㄥ湴鍧愮潃銆
2銆乂isited Park West. Viewed a flat锛 no. 76. Which I like. 鍘讳簡涓澶鍏鍥瑗胯矾锛岀湅浜嗕竴濂楀叕瀵擄紝76鍙凤紝鎴戝緢鍠滄銆

7. 我喜欢和人交谈以及玩游戏 用英语怎么说l like to and with poeple

I like to talk/communicate/chat with people and play games with them.

8. 我非常喜欢和他玩用英语怎么说

我非常喜欢和他玩I like to play with him very much

love,爱, 喜欢, 恋, 恋爱, 喜爱, 喜好
be fond of 喜好, 喜欢, 喜, 喜爱, 爱好, 疼
be keen on 爱, 爱好, 热中, 喜欢
玩 名词 play玩, 游戏, 戏, 戏剧, 比赛, 剧

动词play 玩, 玩耍, 游玩, 演, 玩儿, 玩弄

toy 玩, 玩弄
enjoy 享受, 享有, 欣赏, 享, 拥有, 玩
have fun玩, 玩耍
amuse 游玩, 玩耍, 娱, 玩, 敖, 惊愕
joke开玩笑, 玩, 戏, 敖
treat lightly玩, 等闲观之

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