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发布时间: 2024-10-06 08:57:19

1. 我最喜欢的服装和颜色 英语作文

My Clothes
I have more clothes.I like them very much.They are a T-shirt ,a jacket ,a shirt and a pair of shorts.The T-shirt is my favorite.I also like the pair of shorts.My favorite color is bule.So my clothes are bule.



2. 我最喜欢的衣服是短裤怎么翻译

My favorite clothes are shorts


3. I like those pants.这句解释为:我喜欢那条裤子。既然是“那条”,为什么不用“th

英语中,凡是成对出现的事物都需要用复数形式,另如 shoes (鞋子), shorts (短裤), socks (袜子), scissors (剪刀), pliers (老虎钳), forceps (镊子), 诸如这类复数名词, 如果用单数的 that 限定, 前后矛盾, 因此只能用复数的 those。

4. 鎴戞湁涓浠跺ぇ涓鐐圭殑鐭琚栧拰涓鏉′笉澶т笉灏忕殑鐭瑁ゃ傚畠浠閮芥槸钃濊壊銆傛槸鎴戞渶鍠滄㈢殑銆傜敤鑻辫鎬庝箞璇

璇戞枃锛欼 have a big point of short sleeve and a little short sleeved, they are blue锛宨s my most love. 瀹 you can do it.[10-02]:Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.


2012 Kingsoft Corp 浜琁CP璇100054鍙

5. 我喜欢蓝色牛仔裤和粉色短裤用英文怎么

I like blue jeans and pink shorts.

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