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发布时间: 2024-10-04 22:13:33

⑴ 英语翻译 我喜欢的人

The person i love
The person i love in my heart, I have not seen him, don't know what does he look like, more do not know what he called the name

Words, but I think he must be very handsome, is that the sunshine big boy, he is a self-motivated, there is

Sense of responsibility, have good humor cells of youth, he doesn't like to smoke, and rarely drink. He likes playing basket

Ball, love fitness, listening to music, watching movies, etc. We have many similar hobbies, but he is not me

Boyfriend. He's very proud, from time to time there may be some paranoid. Sometimes it is very mature,

Sometimes very childish, but it seems to me lovely. I like him, don't know you

Deep down, the man like what look like?

⑵ 最喜欢的人用英文怎么表示

某个人最喜欢的人,就是the person sb. like most。
如我最喜欢的人,就是the person I like most。
如果要表达那个人是男的/女的,就说the boy/girl sb like most

⑶ 鎴戝枩娆浣犵殑鑻辫鎬庝箞璇达紵

鈥滄垜鍠滄浣犫濈殑鑻辫璇讳綔鈥淚 like you鈥濓紝璇︾粏鐨勮В鏋愬備笅銆


"I like you"鐨勮嫳寮忚婚煶锛歔aɪ laɪk juː]

"I like you"鐨勭編寮忚婚煶锛歔aɪ laɪk ju]


"I like you"鏄涓涓琛ㄨ揪鍠滄㈡垨瀵规煇浜烘湁濂芥劅鐨勫彞瀛愩


"I like you"甯哥敤浜庤〃杈句釜浜哄逛粬浜虹殑鍠滄㈡垨濂芥劅锛屽彲浠ョ敤浜庡弸濂姐佷翰瀵嗐佹氮婕绛夊叧绯讳腑銆


- 绗涓変汉绉板崟鏁帮細He/She likes you

- 杩囧幓寮忥細I liked you

- 杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝锛欼 have liked you


- "Why do I like you so much?" - "涓轰粈涔堟垜杩欎箞鍠滄浣狅紵"

- "I really, really like you." - "鎴戠湡鐨勫緢鍠滄浣犮"

- "Do you like me too?" - "浣犱篃鍠滄㈡垜鍚楋紵"

- "I've liked you since the moment we met." - "鑷浠庢垜浠绗涓娆¤侀潰鎴戝氨鍠滄浣犱簡銆"

- "You make me smile. That's why I like you." - "浣犺╂垜寮蹇冿紝鎵浠ユ垜鍠滄浣犮"


"I like you"鏄涓涓绠娲佺洿鎺ョ殑琛ㄨ揪鏂瑰紡锛岃〃绀轰釜浜哄逛粬浜虹殑鍠滄㈡垨濂芥劅銆


1. I like you because you're kind and funny.锛堟垜鍠滄浣犲洜涓轰綘鍠勮壇鑰屾湁瓒c傦級

2. Do you like me? I really hope so.锛堜綘鍠滄㈡垜鍚楋紵鎴戠湡鐨勫緢甯屾湜鏄銆傦級

3. He told her, "I've liked you for a long time."锛堜粬鍛婅瘔濂癸細鈥滄垜鍠滄浣犲緢涔呬簡銆傗濓級

4. They held hands and she said, "I like you a lot."锛堜粬浠鐗电潃鎵嬶紝濂硅撮亾锛氣滄垜寰堝枩娆浣犮傗濓級

5. After the first date, he couldn't help but think, "I think I really like her."锛堢涓娆$害浼氬悗锛屼粬鎯呬笉鑷绂佸湴鎯筹細鈥滄垜瑙夊緱鎴戠湡鐨勫枩娆㈠ス銆傗濓級

⑷ “我喜欢的人”翻译成英语是什么

我喜欢的人翻译成英语是:Person I like


The Person I like Most我最喜欢的一个人 ; 英语作文

The Person I like Mos我最喜欢的一个人


1、Usually I am ordinary , only to face the person i like, I was warm, humorous, sometimes even puckish.


2、In front of the person is the person I like, and he loved person is me. I cannot describe the moment of joy, I stand on tiptoe around Ji Chenyu 's neck.




person的基本意思是相对于animal或thing而言的“人”。用来表示具有某种个性或特性的人时,是可数名词,其复数形式为people; 也可指已知的或非特指的人; 还可指少量的人或具体人数,主要作法律用语,此时其复数形式为persons。

person作“容貌,身体”解时,一般用单数形式; person还可作“合适人选”解。person还有“家伙”的意思,含有贬义或不尊重之义。在语法术语中, person作“人称”解。

a young person的意思是“一个年轻妇女”,多半指轻佻的女人。“一个年轻男人”则说a young man。

⑸ 英语。我喜欢的人。

The person I like is my elder sister who is highly disciplined, hard-working, and full of vigor and fighting spirits.
因为是自己的姐姐,最后不要用love, 用like较妥。另外,dashing在英文带点“狂妄”的意思,所以没用在此句的翻译。
While she was at middle school, she did not get good grades. Then, she suddenly realized that she cound not continue to do poorly in school. For her future, she began to work very hard, getting up early in the morning to memorize words, practice listening comprehension and spoken ability. Later, she told me a moral story, that is, the rainbow would not appear until after a windy rain.

⑹ 我看不上你,我有喜欢的人。用英语怎么说

I am out of your league. I have my special someone.

⑺ 我喜欢人用英语怎么说

I like people

⑻ 我喜欢的人英文怎么写

the person i like,当然你可以不要那么死板,口语可以说honey,dear,就是亲爱的意思,书面的用前者,口语用后者

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