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发布时间: 2024-10-04 14:33:33

『壹』 我最喜欢的一顿饭 英语作文 60词左右

Have you stated the chicken steak?It's my favorite food.It has beautiful blond colors and the amusing smell always make me eat it without control= =The "Chicken Hero" is a film about the chicken steak.
Do you like it?I want to invite you into the chicken steaks' world!
你尝过鸡排的味道么?它是我最最最喜欢的食物.它那美丽的金黄色泽以及令人愉悦的香味总是让我不受控制地吃掉它= =“鸡排英雄”就是一部关于鸡排的电影.

『贰』 我喜欢吃蛋炒饭 英语

I like eating stir-fried rice with eggs.

『叁』 我最喜欢吃的是饭,有很多。我最爱喝的的是桃子味的果汁和水用英语怎么说

你好, 高兴为你回答

我最喜欢吃的食物有很多, 我最爱喝的是水和桃子味的果汁。
There are a lot of food that I like.
或者 I like to eat a lot of food.

My favorite drink is water
and peach-flavored juice.

drink 这里做名词, 饮料, 饮品
food 食物, water水
juice 果汁, like to do sth

『肆』 我最喜欢的一顿饭 英语作文 60词左右

Have you stated the chicken steak?It's my favorite food.It has beautiful blond colors and the amusing smell always make me eat it without control= =The "Chicken Hero" is a film about the chicken steak.
Do you like it?I want to invite you into the chicken steaks' world!
你尝过鸡排的味道么?它是我最最最喜欢的食物.它那美丽的金黄色泽以及令人愉悦的香味总是让我不受控制地吃掉它= =“鸡排英雄”就是一部关于鸡排的电影.

『伍』 我喜欢跳绳和跑步.我喜欢吃的饭是,火锅.喜欢的颜色是粉色.英文带翻译

I like skipping rope and running. I like to eat rice and steamboat. My favourite colour is pink.

『陆』 我吃米饭 英语肯定陈述句怎么说

I eat rice.
I have rice.

『柒』 我午餐喜欢吃米饭怎么用英语说

翻译成:I like to eat rice for lunch.
1、“喜欢...”翻译成“like to do sth.”,因为“喜欢吃米饭”是一种习惯。
2、like doing sth.意思是“喜欢做某事”,表示的是一种“爱好”。

『捌』 我喜欢吃饭用英语怎么说



I like having meals.

I enjoy having meals.

I care for having meals.

I am fond of having meals.

I am crazy about having meals.

『玖』 我喜欢的食物是米饭和面用英语来说

如果有人问你最喜专欢吃什么,属那你可以说:I like rice and noodles best!或者是My favourite food is rice and noodles.
如果你只是自己想说:我喜欢米饭和面条,那你可以说:I love rice and noodles.或者是Rice and noodles are awesome!!(饭和面条酷毙啦!)

『拾』 我最喜欢的食物是米饭用英语怎么说

我最喜欢的食物是米饭的英语翻译:My favorite food is rice.

My favorite food is rice. I eat rice every day. Rice originated in China.

Almost all Chinese eat rice every day. It's white and small. Before you cook it, it's hard, but when you boil it in water, it's soft and delicious.

People usually eat rice with other things, such as meat, vegetables, fish and everything else, because when you eat rice with other things, it tastes even better than just rice. That's why I like rice. It's a healthy food that everyone should try.


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