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发布时间: 2024-09-29 10:43:43

Ⅰ 谈一谈,外国人怎么看待中国的古装电视剧呢


现在听到那三国演义水浒传的主题歌曲都有一种怀念过去的感觉。好汉歌什么的。 好吧,再说一点就是:怎么那么多会飞来飞去的人。人家功夫都太厉害了。到中国以后发现大多数人都不会飞,超级失望。总之,我超喜欢看这种中国历史的电视剧。养了十几年的爱好呀。我写出来的观点,请不要误解为一种贬低中国电视。我只是想把外国人的一些体验描述出来而已。中国能够每年出那么大量的精致的电视剧,比欧美强得太多了。

Ⅱ 请英语大师gujianhan的翻译下《中国旗袍》你不能吹吗

As Chinese traditional qipao left in a modern life. Due to the qipao has distinct characteristics, which has high value. Strong ethnic characteristics. Nationalism reflected in the national spirit, is the national consciousness, national quality in the deep structure of the cultural connotation. With extremely strong national dress is full of colour, clothing, han culture, is the crystallization of the national costume culture, is the present western blends. From the image on the western dress know Chinese. It as a representative of Oriental female image, called the excellent proct, not too! Today, the Chinese dress, the color, the material, the act the role ofing, its connotation and its flavor is for thousands of years, the Chinese dress quintessence of traditional idea, is the last. Chinese people prefer red. Seems indrawn disposition and fervent color, contradictions, but not in a complementary and full. And soft and fierce, namely originally the confrontation between. However, no, not a static, No, don't tell. Therefore, the Chinese dress choose red and the other is gorgeous color, but a strong ethnic characteristics. Qipao decorations, flowers, set the margin of the essence, the originality, clothing and other traditional costume not appeared. Disc is spent old "China" from a primitive society, the neolithic already appeared knot, is a kind of folk crafts. Delay spread, it is condensed the ancestors' wisdom and creative potential. Disc is spent by Chinese knot craft means, to prepare for the theme, in the nature of a small area of chipau buckle, seiko reengineering. This is the Chinese understanding, this is China's ethnic arts, this is the essence of Chinese nation. The pen that make the finishing point to appear in China manufacturing garment, is China's national style. Jin, satin, crease, silk is China's proction of silk fabrics, in these silk knitting, mostly are the symbol of good luck. The materials, mainly from the dress material of the domestic proction of choice, therefore, is not finished garments picturesque traditional culture, but also reflects the depth of the national spirit.

Modern cheongsam, waist, openings, compound with popular trend, the fusion feature of western fashion, both to need, and activity for utility.

Modern has carved out with heavy and complicated, trend "contracted". In order to adapt to the needs of modern life, it is the aesthetic result.

Of course, it also has its drawbacks: qipao is long, to sit and walk without big handicap, but extremely suitable work bend.
Modern curve, the proportion of men to human cheongsam swagger, for human body is not beautiful person, to avoid short.
Qipao openings, by short (21) (60 cm long, though objective cm) for the convenience of activities, but only to meet certain environment, for larger movement and a wider range of activities, apparently doesn't fit.
So, today, PuJiMian. Only after improvement, make its weakness, only for the feasibility and variable limitations may make cheongsam bloom, strengthen mental vigor, towards a new era.

Ⅲ 百度的大哥大姐~~~帮我翻译下作文吧~~~不要中式英文,要那种英文说出来的。中译英的话是翻译不通顺的额!

I am a costume couch potato, has been heard mostly in the Hengdian TV movie costume taken on the reputation HengDian really long admired, did not think that this actually went to school organization HengDian autumn outing. That day, sitting on nearly three-hour drive to the Hengdian far to see location imitation of the ancient city walls, the walls red, mottled green glazed tiles, both have tremendous sense of style. We came to the most famous king City. outside, nearly ten meter high wall, a red lacquered iron gate open, as if waiting for you to enter. Into the gate, at first glance, the basic pattern of the Forbidden City in Beijing is no different, first of the house, then is the Inner Temple, first emperor and officials towards a place, then is within the Palace. All the palace is square, and a variety of buildings are symmetrical, the tour guide said it was a good Feng Shui the ancient view that to do so. We went to the Song dynasty "painting" of the street. This neat brick house short on both sides, all kinds of shops, and shops are filled with Song of the sale of the signs. we a bunch of young people coming neighborhood really bygone times, repeated the scene when the prosperity of the DPRK. read these to come inside. Inside the buildings are houses. Central Square is the same as the place. There are darts side, fire a gun, shooting target game, a hot air balloon experience sitting off the project, as well as rowing, cycling more than, oh! There are wonderful performances yet. Gifted actors actors performing better than less, they disguised as pirates, maritime police and so on. That show is very realistic, but also with a humorous twist to it. Prompting the audience laughed and applauded. I and several students riding a bicycle in that many people strolling, enjoying the breeze that feeling is also very good. Unconsciously, but also to the development of the time, we have to set it to the next place. Although very happy to play inside, but looks like a star that will see it. But why not? Hey, have fun anyway, is the most important ride, and I said to myself: Hengdian movie, I really do not want to leave you. Help me to translate the next! ! ! ! Or they can easily write a small essay on the English Tourism

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