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发布时间: 2024-09-28 09:45:13

① 老虎喜欢吃什么用英语

what does tiger like to eat?

② 老虎喜欢吃什么用英文

what do tigers like to eat?老虎喜欢吃什么

Tigers like eating rabbits.老虎喜欢吃兔子~

③ 老虎吃肉大象吃草的英语句子

老虎来吃肉大象吃草自 Tigers eat meat and elephants eat grass
老虎吃肉大象吃草 Tigers eat meat and elephants eat grass
老虎吃肉大象吃草 Tigers eat meat and elephants eat grass

④ 老虎喜欢吃肉 的英文意思是什么

tiger likes to eating meat.

⑤ 用英文写出奶牛、老虎、狗爱吃的东西


⑥ 那只老虎在吃肉 (英语) 和 熊猫生活在森林里(英语)

the tiger is eating meat.
the panda live in the forest.

⑦ 那只老虎在吃肉吗用英语怎么说

Is the tiger eatting meat??

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