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发布时间: 2024-09-25 06:49:28

1. 他最喜欢的科目是音乐用英语怎么说

His favorite subject is music.

最喜欢like best;favourite;favorite

科目subject;course;subject (in a curriculum);headings in an account book


2. 她喜欢听音乐么 用英语怎么说

Does she like music?

3. 玛丽喜欢音乐的英语词句怎么读

这句话读Mary likes music.
mu 希腊字母μ
nu 希腊字母ν
Sue 苏
blue 蓝的
glue 胶水

4. 她爱听音乐用英语怎么说

She loves listening to music.
She likes listening to music.
She likes to listen to music.
She is fond of listening to music.
She is interested in listening to music,
She enjoys listening to music
喜欢:love/like/be fond of/be interested in/enjoy后均加doing(即:动词ing形式)版权
like to do 后加do(即:动词原形)

5. jane的英文怎么写

Jane is my friend. She is 9 years old. She is tall with big eyes and blond hair. She comes from America. She speaks very good English but her Chinese is very poor. She likes music. Whenever she has time, she will listen to music. Sometimes she goes to the concerts. The first day Jane came to my class, I told her where the teachers' office was and where she could find the girls' room. At noon I showed her the way to the dining-room and we ate together. We talked a lot over the lunch. We became good friends.
珍妮是我的好朋友。她9岁,个子高高的,眼睛大大的,头发是淡黄色的。她是美国人。她英语说得特别好,但中文却很差。她喜欢音乐,一有时间就听音乐。她还常常去听音乐会。珍妮第一天来我们班时,我告诉她老师办公室怎么走,还告诉她女厕所在哪儿。 中午吃饭时,我带她去的食堂,我们一起吃的午饭。吃饭过程中我们一直在聊天。就这样我们成为了好朋友。

6. 我妹妹喜欢听音乐 用英语怎么写

My sister likes listening to music

7. 她喜欢听音乐,因为它能使她快乐(英语)

She likes listening to the music as/because it makes her happy.


8. 玛丽喜欢音乐用英语怎么说

Mary loves music.
Mary is fond of music.
Mary likes listening to music.

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