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发布时间: 2024-09-24 04:10:37

1. 你问你的朋友最喜欢的书是什么用英语怎么问

问别人最喜欢的书可以这样说,What is your favorite book?

2. 请用英语回答 你喜欢看什么书,为什么

What kind of books do you like to read?
I like reading science fiction novels because sci-fi novels genre deals deals with imaginary but more or less plausible (or at least non-supernatural) content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities and those things have always interested me. I always wonder if I can go through time travel. What will happen to me if I travel faster than the speed of light or if I become a mutant.

3. 英语口语的小对话《你喜欢什么书》


A: Cathy, would you like to go to the book store with me tomorrow?

A: 凯茜,你明天跟我去书店转转吧?

B: Fine, what are you going to buy?

B. 好的。你有什么想买的吗?

A: Well, I want to buy some novels. I heard that my favorite writer has just published a new book.

A: 嗯,我想买些小说。我听说我最喜欢的作家刚刚又出了一本新书。

B: That's great. What kind of stories do you like best?

B: 不错。你最喜欢读什么类型的故事?

A: I think I like the detective stories best. Well, what about you?

A: 我最喜欢读侦探故事。你呢?

B: I prefer to love story , such as Gone with the Wind.

B: 我更喜欢读爱情故事,比如《飘》。

A: I know that book. It's really a great book in American literary history.

A: 我知道那本书。它可是美国文学史上非常了不起的一本书。

B: You are right, it is. Have you read any books written by some young writers born in 1980s?

B: 没错。你读过那些80后作家写的书吗?

A: Do you mean the popular post-1980s literature now?

A: 你指的是现在流行的80后文学吗?

B: Yes.

B: 是的。

A: Well , I usually read their writings on the Internet.

A: 我通常情况下都是在网络上阅读他们的作品。

B: Haha, a good way to save money.

B: 哈哈,这样倒是很省钱啊。






A: Students, I am placing a weighty problem before you.

B: Professor, can you break down the problem for us, so that we can see what the primary factors are? Then we will be able to focus on what is essential in our essays.

A: I’d be happy to point out the significant factors for you, but your own ideas will be decisive factor in determining how good your essay is.

B: I am sure our essays will put forward some substantial ideas about this problem. I wouldn’t be surprised if you found some of our ideas outstanding.

A: 同学们,我现在要给你们提出一个重大的问题。

B: 教授,您能把问题给我们拆解一下,好让我们明白哪些是重要因素吗?这样我们就能在论文中集中探讨主要的方面。

A: 我很乐意给你们指出重要因素,但是你们自己的观点才是决定你们论文好坏的关键。

B: 我相信我们的论文会就这个问题提出一些有价值的观点。极有可能的是,你会发现我们的一些观点真的很棒!


weighty: 重大的;举足轻重的;权威性的。

break down: 分析,分解。

primary: 首要的;主要的;基本的。

factor: 因素,要素。

essential: 绝对必要的;非常重要的;本质的。

put forward: 提出。

significant: 值得注意的;重要的';意味深长的。

decisive: 决定性的,需要做出抉择的;关键的。

substantial: 实质的;本质的;有价值的。

拓展:学英语口语:第23课 不诚实的


A: This advertisement is really deceptive and dishonest.

B: There are laws against false advertisements; how can they do that?

A: Well that company has a record of being dishonest; I’m not surprised.

B: What deceitful businessman! Those rogues should be put out of business!

A: 这则广告具有欺骗性,不诚实。

B: 不是有法律禁止做虚假广告吗?他们怎么能这么做?

A: 哦,我不觉得有什么奇怪的,这家公司有过不诚实的前科。

B: 这些个奸商!应该把这些混蛋赶出商界。


deceptive: 骗人的,造成假象的。

dishonest: 不诚实的,不正直的,不老实的。

false: 骗人上当的,诓骗的,不忠实的,无信义的。

deceitful: 欺诈的(尤其是通过隐藏真相来达到欺骗目的);骗人的,不老实的。

rogue: 无赖,流氓,恶棍。

4. 你最喜欢的书是什么俩种英语怎么说

What's your favorite book?
What book do you like best?


5. 你喜欢哪种类型的书用英语怎么说

What kind of books do you like?

6. 你喜欢什么类型的书英语

你喜欢什么类型的书英语表达是What type of books do you like。



7. 你喜欢读什么类型的书用英文回答

1.I like read popular science books.(我喜欢读科普书.)
2.I get a lot of reasons get through the book.
3.my favorite book is Les Miserables.I like it because it's interesting.(我最喜欢的书是<悲惨世界内>.我喜欢它,是因为它很容有趣.)
或者I like Les Miserables.I like it because it's interesting.

8. 你最喜欢的书是什么。用英语怎么说

What is your favourite book?
What are your favourite books?

9. 你最喜欢哪本书英语怎么说

Which book do you like best?

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