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发布时间: 2024-09-22 12:36:43

㈠ 88、英语小故事(英汉对照)“看海和出海”

A man who had never seen the sea came to the beach, where was shrouded(覆盖的) in fog. It was cold.


“Ah!” he thought, “I don't like the sea, but fortunately I am not a sailor, for being a sailor is too dangerous.” On the coast he met a sailor, so they began to talk. “How can you love the sea? It is cold and filled with fog.”

“啊!”他想,“我不喜欢大海,幸亏我不是水手,当水手太危险了。” 在海岸上他碰到一名水手,他们聊了起来。“你怎么会喜欢大海呢?大海这么冰冷,还雾气重重的。”

“It is not always cold and foggy, and sometimes it is bright and beautiful, but no matter what weather, I love the sea,” said the sailor. “When a sailor loves his work, he does not consider any danger, so everyone in our family loves the sea,” said the sailor.

“大海并不总是这么冷冰冰、雾蒙蒙的,有时候它也会是明亮而美丽的。不管什么天气,我都爱大海。”水手说。 “如果水手真的热爱本职工作的话,他不会顾忌什么危险的,所以我们家每个人都爱大海。”

“Where is your father now?” asked the man. “He died in the sea.” “And your grandfather?” “Died in the Atlantic Ocean.” “Your brother — ” “He was devoured(吞食) by a crocodile(鳄鱼) when he was swimming in a river of India.”

水手说。 “你父亲现在在哪儿?”这个人问。 “他就葬身大海。” “那你爷爷呢?” “魂断太平洋。” “你哥哥——” “他在印度的一条河里游泳时喂了鳄鱼。”

“So,” the man said, “If I were you, I would never go to sea.” “Will you tell me where your father died?” “Ah, he breathed his last on the bed,” the man said. “And your grandfather?” “Also died on the bed.”

“这么说来,”这个人说,“我要是你,我就坚决不出海。” “你能告诉我你父亲怎么死的吗?” “啊,他是在床上咽的气。”这个人说。 “那你爷爷呢?” “也是在床上走的。”

“In this way, if I were you,” said the sailor, “I will never go to bed.”


㈡ 我喜欢看海用英语怎么说

I like seeing the sea.


㈢ 因为我喜欢看海用英语怎么说

Because I like to see the sea

㈣ 我喜欢看海的英文

我喜欢看海的英文是:I like to watch the sea。




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