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发布时间: 2024-09-22 11:58:37

『壹』 谁能给我一篇关于自己喜欢的职业的英语作文

There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. But different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This is because everyone has his own interest.

As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly for three reasons. First, I want to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar. Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for reflection, research and writing. Secondly, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lesson, to stimulate myself and my students. And I can have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, I want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will grow and change with them too.

But teaching is no easy job at all. I must study cleverly to obtain more knowledge. And, at the same time, I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an architect of man's soul.



『贰』 英语作文My favorite job 要求:1.你最喜欢的工作是什么

I want to be a teacher because I think they are great. If I become a teacher,I will work hard to teach my students. I will work with the children. I love children very much,so I will be happy every day. I will also be able to work outside sometimes. but I will work hard every day,sometimes I will be tired. I can also get more job from my job. I think I will be a good teacher

『叁』 介绍你喜欢的一种工作,为什么,怎样做好它 用英语

The job I like best
In the past three years of my college life I have never ceased to think what kind of work I shall take up upon graation. Although my ideas are not consistent, I have decided on a college teacher as my life-long career.
A variety of reasons have led me to choose this occupation over other more lucrative ones. First, teaching is learning. To make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world the very thing I enjoy in my life. Second, teaching means freedom and independence. As a teacher, I’ free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions, a privilege not everyone can have, even those with highly-paid positions. Finally, I like teaching because it offers certain peace of mind. No more rushing to catch a morning bus, no more anxiety to please a boss, no more worries about your paycheck which is steady, if not handsome.
Nothing, not even a big salary, can equal for the opportunity to continue learning,
The satisfaction of being your own boss,
and a gentle peace of life.

In the past three years of my college life I have never ceased to think what kind of work I shall take up upon graation. Although my ideas are not consistent, I have decided on a college teacher as my life-long career.
A variety of reasons have led me to choose this occupation over other more lucrative ones. First, teaching is learning. To make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world the very thing I enjoy in my life. Second, teaching means freedom and independence. As a teacher, I'm free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions, a privilege not everyone can have, even those with highly-paid positions. Finally, I like teaching because it offers certain peace of mind. No more rushing to catch a morning bus, no more anxiety to please a boss,

『肆』 英语翻译 你喜欢什么样的工作还有 你为什么喜欢着工作

What do you like to work?And why do you like to work

『伍』 你喜欢什么样的工作英语怎么说

what kinds of jobs do you like.

『陆』 我喜欢我的专业,并且想从事相关工作英语


I love my major,and want to work on relavant work

求一个英语翻译: 我喜欢我的专业并且我爱厨师这个工作。

I like my major and love the job as a cook.


I like / am fond of / enjoy the major (which/that) I have chosen.
I like my chosen major.


I like my job.Reason:
1.It is very interesting.
2.It took me three hours to do it everyday.
3.It belongs to no matter where.




翻译:Because I know English, I am able to do the job I like.


在众多的学科中,语文像一颗闪亮的星星,在我的心中给我留下美好的印象。因为我喜欢方块字的样子、感觉和味道。我看到“笑”,心里会很开心;看到“哭”,心里会很难过;看到“恶”心里会不自觉得厌恶;总做大之,我会随着字的样子,心情起伏不定。当我看小说的时候,会融入书的世界里,一起与主人公欢笑、落泪,这就是文字带给我的力量。 从牙牙学语开始,语文就给我一种启迪。上学后,只要一上语文课,我就会两眼睁大、耳朵捕捉老师发出的每一个音律,认真的上好每一堂课。因为沉迷于语文,我与她页游很多故事。记得有一次,语文老师出差了,语文课都被换成了其他科目,可是一打响上课铃,我却又傻乎乎的拿出了语文课本,放在桌子上,端端正正的坐好,当刘老师走进和唯教室的时候,我一下子就晕了,连忙问同桌:“这节不是语文课吗?”周围同学一听都哈哈大笑,说到:“哈哈,段老师出差了!你怎么是个语文迷啊!?”我恍然大悟,不好意思的笑了笑。 语文就像一片盛满知识的汪洋大海,那么丰富,那么五彩斑斓。里边有古诗词歌赋、现诗歌美文……每一样都令我爱不释手,尤其是写作。每到假期,我都会坚持天天写日记。终于功夫不负有心人,我自己的一些作品得到老师的认可和肯定。当段老师看到了我的成果时,脸上也洋溢着挥之不去的笑容。鼓励化为了写作的动力,从此以后,我对语文更加热爱。虽然没有在大的书刊发表过作品,但是老师的鼓励和家人朋友的肯定已经值得我的付出和努力了, 兴趣变成实践,实践变成成功,成功又化为学习的动力。在我为成功铺垫的每一秒都是在享受语文带给我的快乐、带给我的财富。语言中的文学,文字中的奥秘,都令我迷恋的如痴如醉,让我回味无穷。因此我更愿意长大后做一名无私奉献、默默无闻、伟大的语文老师,沉浸在这令我陶醉的大海中!语文,我偏偏喜欢你! 如有帮助,请采纳。谢谢







『柒』 英语作文一、开始喜欢/喜欢的工作......作为一个志愿者 二、下:为什么你可以做这个工作 :我很外向/好/善

The Work I like
I like to be a volunteer. I want to do this because I’m easygoing and can get along well with others. I’m hard-working, polite and patient. When I receive a task, I will try my best to make a best plan first and then make every effort to do it well. As a result of this, I have got much experience.
I once went to help a 70-year-old man in my village. I cleaned the windows, washed clothes and did some cleaning for him. I once helped in a kindergarten. I sang some songs for them while playing the piano. I also told some interesting stories for the children. When I was in high school, I once went to a primary school. I played games with the pupils. I had sports and played basketball with them. I helped them study maths, Chinese and English. I also helped with their homework.
So if I can be a volunteer, I will try my best to do it much better. I like to be a volunteer. I can find pleasure in helping and gain some social experience as well. I think this can help me get ready for a better future.

『捌』 求“我喜欢从事什么类型的工作” 英语作文,急~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 120个英文,谢谢!

Among various occupations, being a doctor is always the one that attracts most deeply. Since my childhood in countryside, I have been around my grandpa, an amateur doctor, watching him cure different patients. So profoundly appealed by grandpa's magic skills, I felt it is an honor to relieve pain and help others to defuse illness. Plenty of partients thanked my grandpa to an extent of admiration. Even I recieved some benefits like candies from these grateful people. Currently, after several years, I'm still firmly holding the same belief and determined to become a doctor just like my grandpa, who can really contribute to society and improve others' well-being in a way that is both direct and rewarding.


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