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发布时间: 2024-09-21 15:37:21

❶ “他和我都对音乐感兴趣”有英语怎么说 麻烦说一下

both .. and.. 不是就近原则 (not only .. but also ..是就近原则),版both .. and.. 直接用复数形式的动词


Both he and I are interested in music.
Not only he but also I am interested in music.

❷ 他喜欢听音乐。翻译成英文,是用动名词还是用不定式。He likes listening to music .还是He likes to l...

He likes listening to music 因为用-ing的动名词表示状态,而用to do强调动作。

❸ 浠栧归煶涔愭劅鍏磋叮鐨勮嫳鏂

浠栧归煶涔愭劅鍏磋叮鐨勮嫳鏂囷細He is interested in music銆


1銆佽瘝鎬 Pronoun锛堜唬璇嶏級


3銆佽嫳鏂囬噴涔夛細He, referring to a male person.



1銆両nterested锛歴howing curiosity or concern; eager to learn or know more about something.锛堟劅鍏磋叮鐨勶紝琛ㄧ幇鍑哄规煇浜嬪ソ濂囨垨鍏冲績鐨勶紱娓存湜瀛︿範鎴栦簡瑙f洿澶氱殑銆傦級

2銆両ntrigued锛歨aving a strong desire to know or learn more about something; captivated by something.锛堢潃杩风殑锛屽规煇浜嬫复鏈涗簡瑙f垨瀛︿範鐨勶紱琚鏌愪簨鍚稿紩鐨勩傦級

3銆丗ascinated锛歜eing greatly attracted to or intrigued by something; captivated by it.锛堢潃杩风殑锛屽规煇浜嬫繁鍙楀惛寮曟垨鎰熷埌濂藉囷紱琚瀹冨惛寮曚綇鐨勩傦級

4銆丄bsorbed锛歝ompletely focused on or engaged in something; lost in thought or interest.锛堝叏绁炶疮娉ㄧ殑锛屽畬鍏ㄤ笓娉ㄤ簬鎴栧弬涓庢煇浜嬶紱闄峰叆鎬濊冩垨鍏磋叮涓銆傦級

5銆丒nthralled锛歝ompletely captivated or fascinated by something; unable to look away from it.锛堝叆杩风殑锛屽畬鍏ㄨ鏌愪簨鍚稿紩浣忔垨鐫杩风殑锛涙棤娉曠Щ寮鐩鍏夌殑銆傦級

❹ 用英语的十种形式翻译出他喜欢听音乐和看电视谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

He likes listening to music and watching TV. Listening to music and watching TV is his favourite. He is fond of listening to music and watching TV. He cares for listening to music and watching TV. He keens on listening to music and watching TV. He takes enjoyment in listening to music and watching TV. Listening to music and watching TV is the things he likes. He has a fancy for listening to music and watching TV. He is no enemy to listening to music and watching TV. He has a mark on listening to music and watching TV.

❺ 英语翻译,“他过去喜欢乡村音乐现在则喜欢爵士乐”拜托了各位 谢谢

He used to like country music, but now he prefers Jazz.

❻ “从我很小的时候开始,我就喜欢音乐“用英语怎么说。

I liked music when I was very young.

❼ 用英语怎么说他总是沉迷于听那些流行音乐

翻译:He is always obsessed with listening to pop music.
或者:He always loses himself in listening to pop music.


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