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发布时间: 2024-09-20 17:59:41

㈠ 我喜欢乡村的更新鲜的空气及更绿的树.英语句型怎么写

I like more fresh air and more green trees in the countryside.

㈡ 但我还是最喜欢海南,因为那里空气清新,天空非常的蓝,景色 非常的漂亮。英语怎么读

But I still most like Hainan, where the air is fresh, the sky is blue, the scenery is very beautiful.

㈢ 我喜欢去森林吸收新鲜空气英语

I like to go to the forest to absorb the fresh air.

㈣ 我喜欢住在乡下 作文 英语

I like living in the countryside Hello,everyone!I am so glad to introce my hobby. I like living in the countryside. Why? Because there is fresh air there.There is also big yard there and it`s very spacious and quiet. I don`t like to live in the city because of the bad air and there is a little space to play, there isn`t big yard there. So I like to live in the countryside. There is very beautiful.How about yours?

㈤ 我喜欢乡村,因为乡聪的空气好,晚上能看见星星,翻译成英语,谢谢!!速度,急!!!!!!!

I love countryside because the air is fresh and the stars can be seen there at night.

㈥ 鎬ワ紒锛侊紒甯蹇欑炕璇戜笅锛屼笉瑕佺敤缈昏瘧杞浠剁殑鐨勶紝璋㈣阿锛傛垜鏈鍠滄㈢殑鍩庡競鏄涓変簹锛屽洜涓洪偅閲岀┖姘旀竻鏂扮幆澧冪編锛

My favourite city is Sanya because of the clean and fresh environment.

㈦ 我喜欢住在农村,因为那里的空气要比城里的清新用英语说(要用到that)

I enjoy living in the countryside, because the air there is more fresh than that of cities.

㈧ 我从小喜欢新鲜的空气 英语

I have liked fresh air since I was young .

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