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发布时间: 2024-09-19 14:57:56

㈠ “Tom喜欢收藏运动用品,也喜欢看电视中的体育节目,但自己不喜欢做运动”用英语怎么写

Tom likes collecting sports things,and he also likes watching sports on TV,but he doesn't like do sport.

㈡ 英语怎么说:“我不喜欢体育运动”。这里面的运动用哪个词比较合适点

I am not interested in sport.我对体育运动不感兴趣。

I don't like sporting activities.我不喜欢体育运动。

㈢ ​他过去不喜欢运动,但现在每天都去游泳 英语翻译

  1. He (didn't)(like)doing sports in the past,but now he went swimming every day.

  2. If (it)(rains)tomorrow,I will not go to the concert.

  3. If Tom (keeps)(reading)English every morning, his English (will)( be )excellent.

  4. I (来took)(源part)(in)the basketball match at school .

  5. When Linda( got )the present,she felt very excited.


㈣ 用英语说, 我们两个都不喜欢体育运动译

Neither of us likes sports.
欢迎提问,乐意解答;愿你满意, 望你采纳。

㈤ 不爱运动的,用英语怎么说

Do not love sports

㈥ 英语作文张明是一个只有14岁的男孩,体重达到了80公斤.他喜欢吃肉,不喜欢运动

Zhang Ming is a 14-year-old boy.His weight is 80 kilos.He likes eating meat and he hates doing exercises.

㈦ 译成英语:她不喜欢做运动。

都对。还可以说She doesn't like exercising. 也可以用like to do something 的形式。这没什么原因的。很正常的说法。

㈧ 除了篮球他不喜欢任何运动运动的英语单词怎么写

He likes nothing but basketball

nothing 英[ˈnʌθɪŋ] 美[ˈnʌθɪŋ]
pron. 没有东西; 没有事情; 无关紧要的东西; 毫无趣味的事;
n. 无; 无关紧要的人[事]; 零;
adv. 毫不; 决不;
[例句]I have nothing to declare.

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