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发布时间: 2024-09-16 16:21:38

Ⅰ 我喜欢水果沙拉甜点怎么说英语

I like fruit salad dessert.

Ⅱ 我喜欢吃水果沙拉的英文

我喜欢吃水果沙拉的英文是:I like fruit salad.
I would like potato soup, some mush and a fruit salad.


fruit salad的例句:

Let's make fruit salad together.


I'd like some fruit salad.


Shall we make fruit salad?


Why not make fruit salad?


This fruit salad looks good.


Ⅲ 水果沙拉的英语是fruit salad吗如果是,为什么fruit不加s 求解答 快啊啊 作业

fruit salad。fruit是集合名词,是各种水果的总称。

fruit 读法 英 [fruːt] 美 [fruːt]

n. 水果;(植物的)果实;成果,结果,后果;(自然的)产物,物产;<古>子孙,后代

v. (使)结果实


1、fresh fruit salad鲜水果沙拉;水果沙拉;鲜果沙律;水果沙律

2、make fruit salad做水果沙拉;制作水果沙拉;作水果沙拉;做瓜果沙拉

3、Mixed fruit salad with cream奶油杂拌水果沙拉


1、fruit是各种水果的总称,如橘子、香蕉、葡萄、苹果、梨等都是fruit, fruit是集合名词。

2、fruit表示各种水果时可用其复数形式fruits, fruit也可指单个的橘子、香蕉等水果,但这种用法不常见。


Ⅳ 要翻译

Sally:Do you like carrots?萨莉:你喜欢吃胡萝卜吗?Tom:Yes,I do.汤姆:是的,我喜欢。I like all vegetables.我喜欢吃所有的蔬菜。Sally:How about salad?Do you like salad?萨莉:沙拉呢?你喜欢吃沙拉吗?Tom:Yes,I do.汤姆:是的,我喜欢。It's great!太棒了!Do you like vegetables?你喜欢吃蔬菜吗?Sally:No,I don't like vegetables.萨莉:不,我不喜欢吃蔬菜。Well,only salad.But I like fruit.I like bananas,oranges...嗯,只吃沙拉。但是我喜欢吃水果。我喜欢香蕉,橙子……Tom:How about apples?汤姆:苹果呢?I don't like apples!我不喜欢吃苹果!Sally:Yes,I like apples.And you know what I really like?萨莉:是的,我喜欢吃苹果。而且你知道我非常喜欢吃什么吗?Tom:What?汤姆:什么?Sally:Ice-cream!萨莉:冰淇淋!

Ⅳ 我不喜欢蔬菜沙拉但是我喜欢水果沙拉用英语怎么说


I don't like vegetable salad but I like fruit salad.

Ⅵ 英语作文:水果沙拉 字数:120

The fruit salad水果沙拉
The fruit salad is made of what you want to do.水果沙拉是由什么而做的,那是你说的算的。Looks like bananas,apples,pears,cucumbers,melons,meats,and so on.I like fruit salad very much.像是放一些香蕉,苹果,梨子,黄瓜,西瓜,肉等等。I think it's good to your health.我想它是对你的身体有益处的。Generally speaking,you can put some ice cream,some pears cut into pieces,some melons,some cucumbers,some apples,some banana.通常来说,你可以放一些冷饮,把它们都切成片,一些西瓜,一些黄瓜,一些苹果,一些香蕉。I can tell you the scale.我可以告诉你它们的比例。One apple,one pears,one cucumbers,two pieces of melons,one banana,one block of meat.一个苹果,一根黄瓜,两片西瓜,一只香蕉,一块肉。And put some salad juice into your plate.并且放一些水果沙拉在你的盘子里。And mixed it together.并且搅拌它们。You also can mix it to the ice cream,but if you weren't eat finished,you also need put it to your fridge.你也可以放一些冷饮在里面,但是如果你不要吃许多的话,你可以放一些在冰箱里。I think you can make some fruit salad,put it in the fridge,eat it two or three days.我想你可以做一些水果沙拉,放在冰箱里吃上两三天。That days you needn't go out.You can have salad it your home.The fruit salad will give you more nuturation.It will good to your health.那些天你不需要在出去了。你可以在家里吃沙拉。水果沙拉会带给你很多的营养。它将使你有一个很好的身体。

Ⅶ 英语作文:你喜欢吃水果沙拉吗

First,I need to wash these fruits .Next,I need to peel these fruits.Then I need to cut them into small pieces.I put them into a big bowl.I add some sauces into the bowl.I use a pair of chopsticks to stir them.Finally,I add some cheese in the bowl.How delicious it is!
Hello, do you like to eat friut salad? I t is very delious,and it is good for our health.Now ,let me tell you how to do it.Fist ,we need some ingradents: the milk ,an apple,an orange,a tomato, and a banana.We peel the the orange and the banana.And we wash the apple and the tomato.Then we cut them into pieces.we put them into a plate.At last, we pour the the milk into it .Wow,that's ok.Do you like it?Make it by yourself!

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