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发布时间: 2024-09-16 06:15:55

A. 初三英语翻译:这个排球不是玛丽的。她根本不喜欢排球。

The volleyball doesn't belong to Mary. She doesn't like playing volleyball at all.

B. 用英语怎么说他喜欢蓝球足球和排球等

He likes basketball, football and volleyball and so on.
[hiː] [laɪk] [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl] , [ˈfʊtbɔːl] [ənd; (ə)n; ænd] [ˈvɒlɪbɔːl] [ənd; (ə)n; ænd] [səʊ] [ɒn] .
[hi] [laɪk] [ˈbæskɪtbɔl] , [ˈfʊtbɔl] [əndˌ ənˌænd] [ˈvɑlɪbɔl] [əndˌ ənˌænd] [so] [ɑn] .

C. 英语翻译 他喜欢打篮球但不喜欢打排球

he likes playing basketball,but doesn't like playing volleyball.

D. 我不喜欢排球,因为它很无聊用英语怎么说

I don’t like volleyball as it is boring.
( however, I don’t think so).

E. 他没有排球啊,还有,他不打排球的英语怎么说急呀

他没有排球:He doesn't have a volleyball.
他不打排球:He doesn't play volleyball,as well.

F. 我和朋友打排球,这对她来说很容易,她不喜欢打篮球,因为这对她来说很困难英语

I play basketball with friend. She doesn't like to play basketball. Because it is difficult for her

G. “他不打排球,那听上去很难”用英语怎么说

He doesn't play volleyball, that sounds very difficult.

H. 他们两个都不喜欢打排球英文

Both of them don't like playing volleyball
他们两个用both of them
不喜欢用don't like
如果是一个空就是both of them aren't playing volleyball


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