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发布时间: 2024-09-15 15:12:22

1. 你喜欢听音乐吗用英语怎么说

Do you like listening to music?


英 [ˈlɪsnɪŋ] 美 [ˈlɪsnɪŋ]




He spent his time listening to the radio...



其他说法:Do you enjoy listening to music?


英 [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] 美 [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ]


第三人称单数: enjoys 现在分词: enjoying 过去式: enjoyed 过去分词: enjoyed

2. 她爱听音乐用英语怎么说

She loves listening to music.
She likes listening to music.
She likes to listen to music.
She is fond of listening to music.
She is interested in listening to music,
She enjoys listening to music
喜欢:love/like/be fond of/be interested in/enjoy后均加doing(即:动词ing形式)版权
like to do 后加do(即:动词原形)

3. 英语我喜欢听音乐主谓宾是什么

这句话翻译过来应该是I like listening to the music.
宾语:listening to the music

4. 你喜欢听音乐吗用英语怎么说

你喜欢听音乐吗的英语写法是:Do you

like listen music

5. 用英语的十种形式翻译出他喜欢听音乐和看电视谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

He likes listening to music and watching TV. Listening to music and watching TV is his favourite. He is fond of listening to music and watching TV. He cares for listening to music and watching TV. He keens on listening to music and watching TV. He takes enjoyment in listening to music and watching TV. Listening to music and watching TV is the things he likes. He has a fancy for listening to music and watching TV. He is no enemy to listening to music and watching TV. He has a mark on listening to music and watching TV.

6. 鎴戝枩娆㈠惉闊充箰鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇 鎴戝枩娆㈠惉闊充箰鐨勮嫳璇琛ㄨ揪

1銆佺敤鈥渓ike鈥濇潵琛ㄧず锛欼 like listening to music .

2銆佺敤鈥渓ove鈥濇潵琛ㄧず锛欼 love listening to music.

3銆佺敤鈥渆njoy 鈥濋櫔鍗囨枟鏉ヨ〃绀猴細I enjoy listening to music.

4銆佺敤鈥渂e fond of鈥濇潵琛ㄧず绗戜綑锛欼 am fond of listening to music.

5銆佺敤鈥渂e keen on鈥濊姦纾ㄦ潵琛ㄧず锛欼 am keen on listening to music.

6銆佺敤鈥渁dore鈥濇潵琛ㄧず锛欼 adore listening to music.

7銆佺敤鈥渄elight in鈥濇潵琛ㄧず锛欼 delight in listening to music .

7. “我喜欢听歌”翻译成英语

I like listening to music.

8. 我爱听音乐怎么翻译用英语

我爱听音乐,就是I love music/I like music

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