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发布时间: 2024-09-14 21:55:09

Ⅰ 你喜欢橘子吗不,我不喜欢。 用英语回答。

No , I don't.

Ⅱ 你喜欢旅游吗为什么用英语回答。三分钟口语。

Of course, I like to travel. Tourism is for people to seek pleasant feelings in spirit, to an unknown place, to learn new things, relax the body.
Tourism can make people broaden one's horizon, washing mood, can see a world ofbeautiful rivers and mountains of a country.
The perception of life, to understand the local customs, experience around theoddities, read 10000 books is, traveling thousands of miles is better than reading countless people! People's heart is very yearning for the beautiful things, and are called tourism place just accords with people's hearts yearning.
Travel can increase their field of vision, can meet a variety of different types of friends,can also understand the cultural practices in the travel, enjoy all kinds of wonderfulscenery ~ ~ more importantly can taste different Food ~ ~

Ⅲ “你喜欢我吗”用英语怎么说

Do you like me 或者 Do you love me. 可是Like,如果按老外的思考方式的话,应该只是朋友关系。比如说:She's a very friendly person, I like her. 这句话只是的意思只是说:她是一个非常友好的人,我挺喜欢她的(有好感,觉得她是个好人...)老外一般都不用喜欢,因为他们觉得这是朋友之间的。他们都很直接。可是我觉得你还是说 Do you have feelings for me? 这样比较含蓄(如果是这样的话,不要用feel,因为是动词。而feeling是名词)或者你可以说(如果你要表白):I love you, do you think you feel the same that I feel?/ I love you, would you like to be my girlfriend if you think you have feelings for me ?

Ⅳ “你喜欢过我吗”用英语怎么说~

have you ever loved me?

Ⅳ “你喜欢我吗”用英语怎么说


Ⅵ 你喜欢跑步吗用英语怎么写

Do you like running?

Ⅶ 你的这位朋友喜欢……吗 用英语怎么说

does your friend like ...

Ⅷ 你喜欢她吗怎么用英语说

Do you love her?

Ⅸ 你喜欢我们这里吗用英语翻译一下

DO YOU LIKE HERE?要是有语境的话好翻译点,你没给个语境。。

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