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发布时间: 2024-09-10 12:13:12

A. 你最喜欢他们中的哪一个用英语怎么说

which one of them do you prefer?

B. 我很喜欢那五个主持人,尤其是谢娜和何俊,我觉得他们给我们带来了很多快乐,这个节目也有有趣,英语翻译

你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:
I like the five host, especially uproot shayna and ranyon, I think they brought us a lot of happiness, this program also have fun.
望采纳 谢谢

C. 英语翻译.1.他们两个都不喜欢物理()of them()()

  1. None of them likes physics.

  2. Although we worked hard, none of sutents in our class was tired.

  3. I saw nothing because of sandstorms. I can't see anything because of sandstorms.

  4. Did you see my purse anyway?

D. 老师对我们很友好,我很喜欢他们。用英语怎么写,

The teachers are very kind/frendly to us and I like them very much.

E. 我非常喜欢他们。用英语怎么说

I like them very much .

F. “他们我全都喜欢”和“各有千秋” 英语怎么说

他们我全都喜欢:i like them all.
各有千秋版:权Each has its own advantage。
Each has its own merits.
Each one has its own day.

G. 我们俩个,他们俩个,用英语怎么说

我们两个 - Both of us
他们两个- Both of them

H. 我实在太喜欢他们了英语怎么说

I really like them very much.

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