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发布时间: 2024-09-10 08:33:05

『壹』 我喜欢跳绳英语怎么写

I like jump rope (绝对精准,求好评)

『贰』 我最喜欢的运动是跳绳用英语怎么说

My favorite sport is jumping rope。

这是一个简单的主谓宾陈述句,主语 favorite sport,其中favorite是用来修饰sport的,谓语是is,宾语是jumping rope。


读音:英 ['feɪvərɪt] 、美 ['fevərɪt]

词性及词义: adj. (同类中)最受喜爱的(等于 favourite) n. 受喜爱的人(或事物);(比赛或竞赛中)最有希望的获胜者;收藏夹 v. 把……添加到收藏夹

造句:She is one of my favorite teachers.

2、jumping rope




play basketball 打篮球 ,play volleyball 打排球

play table tennis 打乒乓球 ,play handball 打手球

play golf 打高尔夫球 ,play baseball 打棒球

play football踢足球,play tennis打网球


go swimming 游泳, go hiking远足

go running 跑步 ,go diving潜水

『叁』 我喜欢跳绳写一篇英语作文。不少于50单词,小学的,不要太好和太复杂。快快快快,在线等,家庭作业

(1)My favourite sport is rope skipping.
Rope skipping is a good sport. learning jump rope method is very simple. Rope skipping can prevent stomach problems, weight loss, help sleep. Rope skipping can also train people jumping, speed, balance, enrance and explosiveness. The same time develop accuracy, flexibility, coordination, and the indomitable will and spirit of making progress.
So, i think rope skipping is a good sport.
(2)XX Hello! I am from China, I am a Chinese, I was a student, I - year-old, I have a class I was ... ... my family of 5 indivials, me, Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Grandma, I have no sister, but I a brother and sister I love playing basketball, Bing Pangqiu, football, etc., but I do not like skipping, etc. I have a friend called ... ... he also came from China, we often together to play basketball, entertainment, and he and I Like love. So they have a common language.


『肆』 大家好,我叫黄羽菲,今年十岁,我喜欢跳绳和滑冰,我不喜欢打篮球。用英语怎么说

Hello, my name is Huang Yu. Fei, ten years old, I like rope skipping and skating. I don't like playing basketball

『伍』 请问我喜欢跳绳用英语怎么说

I like rope skipping.
I like rope skipping.

『陆』 我喜欢跳跳绳用英语怎么说

i like skipping

『柒』 把我喜欢吃米饭.我喜欢红色,我喜欢跳绳.我妈妈爱运动。我爸爸爱玩手机。翻译成英语

I like eating rice. I like red, I like skipping. My father likes playing mobile phone.

『捌』 我喜欢跳绳的英文

l like rope skipping

『玖』 我喜欢跳绳,因为它可以让我长高的英语怎么说

I like to jump rope, because it can make me grow taller

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