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发布时间: 2024-08-25 14:01:43

『壹』 你喜欢我的眼睛的英语怎么说

You love my eyes.

英文中 like 的用法很多 在喜欢这种感觉上 多用love

『贰』 英语翻译短文

If you ask about the hottest star in South Korea this year,
you will certainly hear the name Rain. The 22-year-old singer is
你无疑会听过Rain这个名字, 这个22岁的歌手在
powerful and energetic on stage. His dances and voice are great! On
舞台上是活力活力充沛的. 他跳舞和唱歌都非常棒 在
December 18, Rain and other Korean stars, including Baby V.O.X and As
12月18日, Rain和其他的韩国明星,包括Baby ,V.O.X 在内,
One, amazed their fans at the concert "Night of Love" in Beijing. "I
love his small eyes and good build(体格)," said Hanna Kim, 12, a
其中有一个12岁的在中国学习的叫Hanna Kim的韩国
Korean girl who studies in China. "He's a nice person."
女孩说“我好喜欢他小小的眼睛和优美的体型. "他还是一个很友好的人"
Rains real name is Jung Ji H oon(郑智薰).his music teacher thinks
Rains的真名叫做郑智薰, 他的音乐老师说他
his eyes are wet and his smiles are sunny. Rain wrote lots of the
的眼睛很柔美,他的笑容很阳光. Rain在下雨天时创作了很多歌曲,
songs on his first CD ring rainy days.So his teacher gave him the
后来还把它们收录在他的第一张CD里面. 所以啊,他的老师给他改了一个名字
nanme Rain.
叫做Rain (因为雨天的单词是rain)
When he was a child , he liked to be quiet. He wasn’t good at
当他还是个小孩的时候, 他很文静, 他的学习不好
studying. So no one noticed this tall boy in class. But he surprised
所以在他们班上没有人注意到这个高高的男孩. 但是他使他的六年
his classmates in Grade Six. He danced for them all. Everone looked
级同学都吃了一惊, 因为他居然在他们面前表演跳舞。 每个人都用
at him in a different way. So he began to dance more. “ I enjoy
不同的角度看他. 所以他就一直跳下去, 他说"我很享受跳舞"
dancing .” He said. He worked hard at school, so that his father
他在学校里很努力练习, 想让他的爸爸允许他跳舞
would let him dance. He gave up rugby and put all his time into
他放弃了橄榄球运动, 他吧所有时间都放在跳舞上.
dancing. When his mother died four years ago, he held the sadness in
4年前当她的妈妈去世了, 但他忍住伤痛,
and kept on practicing day and night.
Now Rain has won awards with his music. His CDs have sold millions
现在Rain应经赢得了在音乐上的荣誉, 他的CD销量已经超过数百万张
and he acted in TV shows. Rain doesn’t want to sing forever,
,他也在电视节目上担任主角. Rain 也不想永远都唱歌
either . His dream is do a different job. “When I stop singing, I’
他的梦想是做一份与众不同的工作. 他说:"当我不在唱歌的时候,"
d like to design clothes. Being a designer is my childhood dream,”
我想要去设计衣服, 做一个设计师是我童年时的梦想啊.
he said.

好辛苦翻译完了, 全是我自己翻译的,希望采纳。

『叁』 我喜欢你的笑容喜欢你的眼睛用英语怎么说

I love your smile,love your eyes...

『肆』 我喜欢我眼睛.因为它见过你.英语

I like my eyes, because it had seen you

『伍』 它有大大的眼睛,小小的鼻子和嘴巴。小猫的颜色是黄白色的。我非常喜欢它!用英语怎么说

It has big eyes, a small nose and a mouth. The kitten's color is yellowish white, I love it very much!

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